
Chapter 179 - Have him add one more zero to the amount." (1)

Chapter 179 – “Have him add one more zero to the amount.” (1)

Fang JunRong finally learned that let it be in reality or in her dream, Li WangJin’s fate was still a stroke from Jiang YaGe.

She watched as Li ShiZe went looking for Jiang YaGe with a look of grievance after taking Li WangJin to the hospital.

Waking up, Fang JunRong noticed that she had slept for a full 9 hours. No wonder she felt so refreshed!

She would normally forget about her dreams after she had woken up but that wasn’t the case today. Today she recalled all of the details clearly and the scenes played in her head over and over again like a movie.

That was such an amazing dream. The only complaint that she had was that she wasn’t able to see the end of it. That wasn’t quite as satisfying as it could have been.

She had no idea whether her dream was prompted by what happened that day or that it was something that happened after her death in her previous life.

Whether it had truly taken place or not, the pain that she had brought with her from her previous life was starting to dissipate. She still hated those individuals but she knew clearly that the most important thing for her to do now was to live the good life that she now had ahead of her.

In the week that followed, XinYun was busied with matters of the funeral. Fang JunRong had no intention of attending the memorial even though many told her that he had already passed away and that it’d be the right thing for her to be there. She, however, had no intention of reconciling with him, even after his death.

It was said that after a person had passed away, one would almost remember the good things about them. Nevertheless, whenever she thought about Li WangJin, all she could think of when the moment that him and Li ShiZe had her locked up in the mental institution. She was not able to muster up a shred of compassion for him.

What she worried the most was actually XinYun. To her surprise, XinYun handled everything on her own. She took care of everything about the funeral with the assistance of Zhong Yi and a few assistants.

She finally returned home after the initial seven days and there was hint of dark circles under her eyes.

Fang JunRong gave her a hug and brought some fruits over. “Have some fruits?”

The fruits that she brought out for XinYun were all from the dimension. She had cut them up into small chunks after she had washed them out. These fruits even looked different than the regular ones. As though a filter had been applied, these fruits looked like they could make the cover of magazines if one was just to casually take a picture of them. She collected the seeds from the fruits. It was her intention to see if she might be able to grow them in real life and how they would taste if that worked.

“Um, I don’t really feel like anything right now…”

Li XinYun just finished saying that before a piece of apple was shoved into her mouth. Her eyes widen and she took the plate of fruits over and started eating them. One piece after another, she ate nonstop.

“This is delicious. Where did you get these from? This is the first time I have tasted something this good! They are sweet and crisp!” She felt very contented after she had devoured half a plate of them.

And, she wasn’t sure whether it was just her imagination, but she even felt less tired after having the fruit.

Fang JunRong said casually, “This is a new breed and you can’t find them on the market just yet.”

Li XinYun didn’t really get what her mother meant by that so she’d just stick with the eating for now.

Her cheeks puffed up like that of a hamster while she ate. She didn’t mention anything about the funeral but her assistants would, later on, fill Fang JunRong in on the details. As such, Fang JunRong had learned that Li ShiZe only showed up at the funeral just long enough to light his father an incense and, no longer being able to withstand the look of contempt from the other guests, took off. Never mind about helping out with the funeral.

Li WangJin’s favorite son that he had place all of his hopes in was so perfunctory even at his funeral. Had Li WangJin knew about it from the afterlife, he just might jump straight out of his coffin.

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