
Chapter 560 - Seducing continues.... but....

Chapter 560 - Seducing continues.... but....

"Thank you" she mockingly thanked before walking towards the door.

If she predicted right, he must call her now. She is so sure because she is well aware of his jealousy levels....

In the same time, as expected, Scott hesitantly called her..

"Jean wait a minute" Scott who could not hold his growing anxiety any more than this, couldn’t help but call her.

Jean smirked again and her inner soul danced with joy. Perks of having a jealous husband....after all.

"Hmm...what?" Jean turned around and looked at him with the same sea green eyes that captivated him all over again.

Her hands are resting on her baby bump as she gently caressed it with her slender fingers...

Scott’s hands couldn’t help but itch to caress it, while his tongue became withered craving for her kiss...

He regret calling her now...

If he fails to keep up his self control, his effort to wait till their honeymoon will go into drain....

He just don’t want that to happen. And moreover if he lose his control now, he is damn sure Jean will not be able to wake up for at least two days. If that happens, how can she enjoy their wedding day without aching body and sore legs.

"Scott, why are you spacing out again? I asked you something" Jean asked as she gently caressed her upper arms with her another hand.

Scott’s eyes followed all her moments and his body started to heat up with desire...

Still controlling it, Scott cleared his throat.

"Ahem....it’s actually nothing. I just wanted to ask why you are in this dress. This is so revealing..." Scott shrugged as he asked her.

He is so sure that this is one of the dress she prepared for their honeymoon....

If she is not here to seduce him but to take her pen drive, wearing this dress is out of explanation...

It made him anxious...

Jean rolled her eyes. She already expected this question and that is the exact reason why she wore this dress....

To piss him off....

"Oh.....it’s nothing Scott" Jean chuckled and blushed a little making him narrow his eyes at her slightly reddened cheeks.

"Nothing?" he asked dominantly.....his green eye, jealousy monster surfacing up....

"Yeah.. It is nothing. We girls are having a sleepover and we are having some other girlish games to enjoy ’tonight’." Jean said and looked at Scott whose face is now so phenomenal to look at.

To piss him even more, Jean continued. "As today and tomorrow are for my bachelor’s party, we decided to have a girls night out tonight and bachelor party on tomorrow. Dress code we selected for both the days is this" Jean said as if it is nothing...

It is nothing to her and anyone, but for someone who is a king of jealousy....it is a big deal to digest. It is big thing for him because this attire is same for next day too....

She will be wearing same type of dress next day too......

Only he is allowed to look at her like this....he is not at all willing to let others see her in this revealing clothes

"How am I looking?" Jean asked as she twirled around a little, showcasing all her assets that woke up his sleeping beast.


He had enough....

As Jean is just a arm distance from him, he pulled her into his arms and took her over his right shoulder....he is gentle just enough not to hurt their baby.

He did all his research more than needed and he is now aware of what to do and what not to do.....

He is very well prepared for their honeymoon and that is the reason he wants to hold his horses for next two days...

Jean yelped at his sudden assault. She expected him to lose his control but not this much.

He quickly deposited her on the bed and towered over her. "Love, you are the one who asked for this. So, don’t complain saying that I am a beast" he smirked and then hovered on her.

His hands are about to reach her to shred her dress and it is when the door opened. Two cute little boys ran inside...

They are three to four years old and they are twins....

"Uncle Scott...." they are about to run inside and their mother hurried inside following them.

"You both should not run like this into other’s room without knocking the door...." She shouted at her sons and then looked at the couple who are on the bed.

She is Daisy’s sister in law and Scott’s eldest cousin’s wife from his maternal side....

She has two kids who are twins and unfortunately they are very naughty boys whose legs will barely take rest from running around and disturbing others.

"Oh....sorry for interrupting" she smiled apologetically and glared at her son’s who are now giggling at each other.

Before their mother could scold them they ran out of the room chasing each other.

She sighed and massaged her temples before texting her husband to follow their son’s who are now heading towards swimming area.

"Having boys that too twins is the most hectic thing ever in my life" she muttered.

Meanwhile Scott is pushed away by Jean and she hurriedly donned the overcoat which she wore while coming here.

Scott sighed and stood up before adjusting his clothes. He is very glad that his nephew’s disturbed them. If it is not because of them, he would have ripped away his wife’s dress and would be ravishing her like a hungry beast...which he don’t want to do till the next two days.

But this time it is exceptional case. If they would have disturbed him in their usual lovey dovey times, Scott would have been beyond enraged.

And the thought of having boy twins made him feel restless. What if his children disturb them just like these boys did now..

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