
Chapter 84: The End of It All

Chapter 84: The End of It All

Arman couldn’t utter a word. He quietly stared at Andre. His eyes showed extreme melancholy.

Andre couldn’t bear to look in his puppy eyes anymore. He smiled awkwardly and said, “Okay! Well, I know you are Shillong’s brother but are you mutated? I’ve heard that many mutants appeared amongst the five-color dragons recently, but I didn’t expect that such a strong one would appear among us.”

He was a bit emotional.

“Yes! That’s what Kama-sensei said.” Shillong replied.

After chatting for some time, Andre focused his gaze on the hellhound he was still carrying, and said, “Have you decided to bring this demon around with you? You know well that he came right from hell, right?”

“……….” When Cerberus saw that this bastard, Andre, had led the conversation to his side, he was shocked!

This guy must be taking revenge! Revenge for biting him before!

Damn Golden Dragon! Is this an attempt to kill me?

“…..” Shillong silently looked at him, then dropped him to the ground with one hand!

“Don’t try to be cute in front of me! Understood?”

“Hoo hoo hoo hoo~” The hellhound rolled over and nodded his head in a hurry.

“This dog’s strength isn’t bad! It’s a pity to kill it!” Shillong said, “And I have just the right way to control him!”

Shillong took out a parchment scroll from the spatial ring.

The scroll was filled with an unsettling aura.

“This is… a Devil contract?”

The hound was shocked when he saw it.

As an Abyssal creature, he was naturally familiar with the devils that dwelled in hell!

These bastards were created by the gods to steal their jobs from them!

They were equally in need of souls! And unlike the demons who brutally killed their enemies to take their souls.

The devils are good at luring humans to sign contracts with them. And once the content of the contract is completed, they can harvest the human soul.

The credibility of devils among humans is quite good. There are always desperate people looking for a devil to whom they could offer their soul.

For this reason, the abyss creatures went completely berserk!

They only rely on killing to get souls!

The devil contract has magical energy-binding nature. A devil can only sign five contracts at one time.

Hearing the words of the hellhound, Andre and Nefiro looked with amazement at Shillong!

“This is what I learned from my Kama-sensei, don’t be so surprised!” Shillong told them.

Andre: “……”

Since elder Kama willfully granted Shillong such power, so be it!  It is hereby okay for dragons to use devil contracts!

“Come on! Sign it!” Shillong said to the hellhound. The fierce light in his eyes flashed. Obviously, the consequence of not signing the contract is death.

Shiqi did not dare to think any longer. He hurriedly bit his paw and signed his name with blood.

Then, a goat-headed devil inside the parchment scroll flew into Shiqi’s chest.


He now knows very clearly the contents of the contract: he must be loyal to Shillong, while Shillong’s payment is simply to fill his stomach.

From then on, he was really Shillong’s dog …..

And the very loyal kind of dog.

Unless he can reach the peak of the legendary level, perhaps he would unlock this contract. Otherwise, he can only act as Shillong’s most loyal subordinate.

“By the way! There’s another benefit for taking in this dog! We can let him work for us for free! In any case, he is also a high-level magical beast, we could use him to make a movie for free, isn’t it great?” Shillong said.

“Eh???” Andre’s eyes flashed in greed when he heard this! ‘Yep! This is obviously a master-servant relationship.

Shillong totally does not have to pay the employee any piece of gold! With a devil hound of level 16 or 17, even if it transforms into a human, its power and speed will be above level 10!

How expensive was it to hire one of these actors! Now it’s free!

Shillong is really amazing! He’s good at business! I still need to learn more from him!

Andre instantly thought to himself.

I’ve been doing business for 20 years, and I’m still a bit short compared to Shillong.

I can’t believe I didn’t think of this!

These evil creatures, as long as can be recovered, do not need to pay a reward!

No wonder those five-colored dragons like to subdue evil creatures!

It turned out to be because of that!

There is no need for them to spend their treasure! At most, they can give a meal to make these fools grateful!


Suddenly, Andre felt that these evil creatures had become cute!

He looked at the devil dog with a strange look, and the devil dog’s legs shivered involuntarily for a while!

This guy, is he thinking of some way to frame me again?

“That’s right!” Shillong looked at Lucia and the others, frozen at their place, hundreds of meters away from them: “Your Highness and the rest of the cast, can you come here for a moment?”

He used a sound amplification spell, and his voice clearly reached Lucia and the actors’ ears.

These people hurriedly nodded and ran to Shillong’s side.

Two dozen unequipped soldiers had no griffins at their side, and their combat power was low. Some, even wounded, were carried over.

Even the princess’s left waist was slightly scratched.

Fortunately, Shillong had taken time to cast his buffing spells upon these guys in the battle before, otherwise, a lot of people would have definitely died!

He took a look at these guys, and hurriedly ran to the seriously injured people and began to heal them.

Among these guys, there was not a single priest, so they had to rely on Shillong, an arcane mage.

Arcane mages also possess several healing spells, barely to stop these seriously wounded people’s injuries from getting worse.

And so, he began to treat a few minor injuries.

Treating more than twenty people at once is very consuming magic-wise. It even took more than an hour.

If an ordinary person were to heal them, their magic power would have dried a long time ago. At the very least, only a level 15 or higher priest can afford it.

But this mana consumption was nothing but a trifle to Shillong.

After he finished the treatment, Shillong told Nefiro and Andre, who had already transformed into human form: “Do you guys need to be healed?”

“Forget it! We don’t need healing.” Andre and Nefiro refused.

Shillong’s healing spells are not particularly top-notch. One can not actually fully recover merely by being treated like this. These knights now are healed, yet, they need to rest to recuperate for a while. Not to mention that healing will also reduce a certain amount of lifespan!

This lifespan will not be too much. Seriously injured knights will lose a year or two, whereas a few days to fewer months for those who are slightly injured.

Spells of at least level 8 are needed to reduce the consumption of these life spans.

Andre and Nefiro are extremely resilient and do not want to recover from injuries at the cost of life span.

Even if a true dragons’ life span is long enough, they wouldn’t want to pay with it!

It’s as important as their treasure!

Next Shillong apologized for the incident. In his opinion, these guys suffered a completely unwarranted disaster. He offered 30 gold coins for those who were minorly injured and 60 gold coins for those who were seriously injured.

He wanted to comfort them a bit, so he paid a lot of gold this time, so much that his heart began to twitch!

He can only hold back his regret. It was the memory of his past life on the blue planet that made him feel that he had to compensate for it.

Even if he doesn’t compensate these guys, they dare not complain, but this is not what he wants, he is a good person! A good dragon!

So Shillong compensated them.

This instantly made the hearts of these guys rejoice!

There is actually such a good thing!

They were a bit wounded, but didn’t die anyway! They also got a year or two’s salary for nothing! Hell yeah!

Are dragons such generous creatures?

Who the hell wrote the Dragon Magazine? Because it literally says that they love gold the way they love life!

’I don’t believe it! These idiot writers don’t know anything about dragons!’

’Good metal dragons! I praise you!’

These griffin riders are usually compensated if they get hurt on the job, but the amount they get is very little!

Not as much as Shillong compensated them with! He even used the experience of Bluestar to benefit these guys!

This led Andre, Arman, and Nefiro to cover their chests in distress with their hands. They couldn’t even speak!

But at this time they did not dare to say much, after all, they still have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. These guys are indeed the poor people who suffered.

“By the way! There is one more thing to tell you guys!” Shillong told these people.

“Please, you can ask anything!” The young captain of the Griffin Knights, who had been looking at Shillong a little less favourably earlier, now nodded and bowed in affirmation. Having seen the other side’s true nature, he did not dare to be stiff at all in front of him.

Ask whatever you want!

No one can afford to mess with this Shillong guy!

His strength is, at the very least, legendary!

The Griffin Knights captain did not know much about the strength of legends and above, but these dragons were all legendary figures. And only the word “awesome” could describe them.

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