
Chapter 6: Cheating

Chapter 6: Cheating

The sound of a heavy object colliding with the ground sounded. Even the ground shook slightly.

A behemoth landed beside Shillong and Arman.

Arman angrily raised his head, but when he saw what the behemoth was, the anger in his face immediately disappeared, replaced by grievances.

He called with a cute look on his face. “Mom!”

The behemoth is Viola Soderberg, the mother of Shillong and Arman.

”Arman, what are you doing with Shillong? Why are you so angry?”

Viola asked, as an adult true dragon, her eyesight is extremely powerful. Even when she was hundreds of meters away from the ground, she still clearly saw the expression of anger of Arman’s face.

”Mom…I lost all the silver coins you gave me to Shillong…” Arman said with a look of shame on his face.

”Oh~Is that so? That’s really a pity~” Viola expressed her sympathy.

At the same time, her huge silver eyes turned to the wood cards on the ground.

She said with an interested look on her face. “Were you using these things to play before? Can you tell mom what are the rules of the game?”

Viola looked very interested in this game. She didn’t pay much attention to the fact that Arman lost.

After all, she is the one that gave those silver and gold coins to the two, and she will continue doing so until they become teenage dragons and leave the nest.

In the face of Viola’s inquiry, Shillong didn’t shy away. He directly told her how to play and the game rules.

Viola listened intently. She squinted her eyes slightly, silently looking at Shillong for a while before saying.

“Little Shillong, how did you come up with this game?”

As a silver dragon who lived more than 200 years, she has rich experience and is very familiar with everything in the human world.

Including their ways of entertainment. Shillong’s game is somewhat similar to their ways of gambling, but there are still some differences.

This kind of game can’t be created by a one-year-old dragon who lived in an isolated island since birth

”It’s too boring Mom! Every day, when I’m basking in the sun, I like to close my eyes, then think about various interesting things. I came up with this game after many days of deliberation.”

Shillong said calmly, not flinching in front of Viola’s sight.

’Is this whar a mutant dragon is capable of? Born to have an extraordinary body and an unconstrained mind?’

She thought of several famous mutant dragons on the mainland. They seem to behave very differently from normal dragons, some of their actions are truly eye-popping.

After a long silence, Viola suddenly smiled and said.

“In that case, how about I play with you?”

”Huh? Ah of course you can, but the wood cards I made are too small for you, mom, they should be very inconvenient to hold.”

The wooden cards made by Shillong are of course made according to his and Arman’s body size. For their mother who is more than 10 times their size, these cards are too small to hold

She can’t use cards that are smaller than even the tip of claws to play, right?

”That’s is not a problem,” Viola said. Her body suddenly started glowing silver, then gradually started shrinking.

Soon enough, it became even smaller than Shillong, a humanoid creature!

She completely became the elf that all males in his previous life love and yearns for.

She looked like a young woman in her twenties. A smooth, silky silver hair fluttered down her head to the middle of her back. She had pointy ears, a perfect face, and a hot body. She wore a gorgeous silver-white dress that made her look not only elegant but also majestic.

This is a woman with the perfect image that anyone can ever imagine. Whether it’s a man or woman.

Shillong looked a little sluggish.

“Mom, Is that you?”

”Of course! Baby! This is the humanoid form of your mother!”

Viola smiled sweetly.

”Remember what I told you before? Humans are the race with the most population in the entire continent. Although their strength is incomparable to true dragons, they are too numerous to count. In fact, they are the ones dominating most areas of the continent.”

”My current form is that of a humanoid creature called elves. Compared with humans, they have a much smaller population, but a much longer life span, quite close to the life span of our dragons. Their natural talents and appearance are also vastly superior to most humans. I quite like the look and temperament of the elves, so I chose an elf as my humanoid form.”

”Can I also transform into a humanoid creature in the future?” Shillong asked curiously.

”Of course!” Viola replied confidently.

’That’s great!’

Shillong felt that as long as he can take a human form, he can finally do some shameful things with young ladies.

Otherwise, the only type of creature he can do shameful things with is female dragons. Thinking about two hill-sized creatures doing shameful things in the open, it’s just too…

’Wait for a second!’

’That doesn’t seem to be bad too!’

’Doing the deed with a female dragon seems good too!’

The moment such a thought popped up in Shillong’s mind, he was shocked.

’Why do I suddenly feel that female dragons are good too?’

’My aesthetics shouldn’t have changed so quickly, right?’

’No no no, wait. Thinking back to what female dragons look like…’

Shillong suddenly recalled his mother’s dragon form.

’Those silvery scales, that elegant figure, that perfect body shape, that huge body…’

’Ah~ she’s really beautiful!’


’No! I can’t think about this anymore! Otherwise, my aesthetics will really change!’

Shillong madly shook his head, driving these terrible thoughts away from his head. Taking a deep breath, he started distributing the cards to himself and his mother.

The two dragons, mother and son, confronted each other, Arman could only watch on the side.

After playing seven or eight rounds, things were out of Shillong’s expectations. Apart from the first few rounds, he rarely won after that. He even lost 6 silver coins.

This situation caused Shillong’s brows to crease.

This is extremely abnormal!

These cards are all made by him, and he remembers about 90% of the lines behind each card.

This is why he was able to casually win against Arman.

Simply put, he has been cheating while playing cards with Arman!

From the lines behind each card, he could be said to know what card Arman had at each round.

The poor and innocent Arman never thought that his brother would cheat…

It’s just that with such a big advantage, why can Viola always win, and it’s always such an overwhelming win.

‘Something is wrong!’

Shillong squeezed the cards in his hand and stared intently at his smiling mother, and Arman cheering her on the side.

He glanced at the cards in his hand, 3, 7, and 8. Then silently added a silver coin to the bet.

Viola also glanced at her cards. Then added a silver coin.

Shillong frowned again, then directly folded his cards.

This is the second time!

It’s definitely not a coincidence!

If he remembers correctly, then Viola cards should be 5, 6, and 10.

With such a small hand, it’s impossible for her to also increase the bet so confidently. At least, a beginner shouldn’t do so.

Even if she doesn’t care about such a small amount of money. Based on her previous bets, Shillong felt that she is seriously playing this game.

Therefore, there is a problem! For two consecutive times, she followed his lead and increased the bet when her cards were slightly bigger than his. There is only one possibility.

’She also knows my cards!’

Shillong came to this conclusion. Glancing at the smiling Viola, he asked tentatively.

“Mom! You must know my cards, right?”

”Hah? Shillong, what are you talking about? How could I know your card? I can’t see them from here at all.” Viola in her elf form widened her eyes and said innocently.

”Shillong! You big moron! Don’t talk nonsense! How dare you slander mother!”

Arman, the small dragon suffering from a mother complex, immediately exploded after hearing Shillong’s words.

This bastard Shillong is slandering his beloved mother!

”No! I can feel it! Mom, you must know what my cards are! Is it magic? Since there is a kind of magic that can turn you from a dragon to a humanoid and one that let things float, then there must be one that allows you to see my cards!” Shillong said with an expression of confidence on his face.

”Oh~ my baby Shillong is so smart! You guessed it!” Viola clapped her hands joyfully. She wasn’t embarrassed at the fact of being caught cheating.

”Isn’t this cheating? How could mother cheat…” Alman looked at Viola in shock and disbelief.

”I didn’t cheat! You didn’t mention any rule about not using magic!” Viola argued.

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