
Chapter 140 - -54<Unluckiness-3>

By the time Arvin cleaned his eyes and was able to see Tamaria was not around anymore. While he was blind he was able to sense that when Tamaria pumped some amount of mana in the stone, her mana signature vanished from the spot. Arvin didn't know what had happened? 

He tried sensing the surrounding area to see whether Tamaria had turned invisible or she had really vanished from her spot. And to his surprise, he was not able to sense nor able to find anything that could suggest that Tamaria had turned invisible. So that could only mean that Tamaria had vanished from her spot.

Arvin had never heard or read about such a stone before. So he assumed that maybe this stone didn't belong to this floor and was likely the item from the upper floors. Previously he thought that maybe Tamaria and Velma were kids of some bigshot of the Fennec Foxes clan. But now it seemed to him that maybe they were something more than that. Because possessing a stone like that isn't something that a mere high official of the clan could do.

Arvin started thinking back. Xander told him that the fennec foxes were actually protected by the Rank-1 Magus. And he was one of the most influential figures on the 3rd floor. If Arvin starts to connect the dots and based on the strength of the guardian of the fennec fox clan he made an assumption that these girls were in fact related to that guardian. 

After all, a Rank-1 Magus is the only person that could possess something like that. And there will be no surprise that he would give his family members something like that. Arvin was glad that the guardian of the clan didn't survive in the battle between him and the representative from the Bahamut Empire. Because he would have been in big trouble if someone with that level of strength would have found out that he had killed their daughters.

Arvin then thought that he should leave Tamaria alone. After all, she was weak and pose no threat to him now. It would be a waste of time to go after her. Plus she doesn't know any of his secrets other than the fact that he killed her sister in cold blood. So it would be a wastage of time. And the most important thing of all, Tamaria while teleporting failed to pick her severed hand. That means that Arvin still had the piece of the key that he wanted. So Arvin went towards her severed hand and took out the spatial ring from it. Now that he had all the pieces he could now combine all the pieces …

Arvin was so focused on the jade pieces that he failed to realize one crucial piece of information. And that was the fact that Tamaria had seen his ax. The ax was very similar to the ax used to sever the hands of Alman on the battle on the 1st floor…

"MOTHER FUCKERS!!" Arvin screamed in frustration.

It had been two days since he killed Velma. In these two days, he made a camp in a cave on the outskirts of the mountain range. He buried the body of Velma near the cave. He looted everything valuable that he could find on her body. And of course, he took her spatial ring. Now with the spatial ring of Velma and her sister combined Arvin should have all the pieces that he would need to make the key to the sacred temple. But he was very wrong.

When Arvin came across any spatial ring in the past then all he needed was to pump some mana into the rings to open them. But these rings of both of these sisters didn't work that way. Arvin observed these rings with his mana eyes and mana sense. He did as a precaution as these rings came from a Rank-1 Magus family. He had already seen that the family members of this family could possess some powerful artifacts. So he was just being careful. And he was glad that he did that.

When Arvin observed the rings he found that these rings were covered with the intricate circuit of runes. This was an alarm for Arvin as he had never seen a ring covered with a runic circuit before. So he tried tracing back the circuit to see what it does. But the problem was the circuit was so intricate and so well drawn that became very difficult for Arvin to actually follow the circuit.

Arvin spend days understanding what was even going on the circuit. Some of the runes were just dummy runes that never joined in the circuit. Hell, they didn't even play a role in the whole circuit. But they were there. And after 15 days of constant tempering with Velma's ring, Arvin was finally able to recognize and circuit on her ring. It turns out that it had forced his way into the ring that he might have blown the ring into pieces, thus destroying everything in it.

So Arvin disabled the circuit and cracked the ring. And thus he was able to get another one of the jade pieces with a lot of supplies and money…

When Arvin moved towards Tamaria's ring, then he sensed that the circuit on the ring was completely different from the circuit that covered Velma's ring. And this was circuit too was as complicated as the first one. Seeing this Arvin regretting his decision that he killed Velma so abruptly. He should have first made her take out the jade piece and then he should have killed her. At least this would have been far easier than this.

As Arvin was already in the zone it only took him 10 days to crack open Tamaria's ring. And he had to say that he was a little bit disappointed. He thought that maybe he would be able to find some cool artifacts from these rings. But he didn't find anything interesting at all. It seemed to him that these girls only had one life-saving artifact and that was given to Tamaria. And she used it.

As Arvin cracked opened the last ring he got the last piece of the jade piece required to build the key. Arvin then took all the pieces that he had gathered and put them all together. And as he did, he saw all the pieces started shaking uncontrollably. 

The jade pieces started melting and started combining. And soon they all got combined and form what looked to be a medallion made of jade. And then last but not least the red jewel flew into the liquid medallion…

Doja city is the city situated at the eastern end of the third floor. It is one of the cities in which fennec foxes and humans live in harmony with each other. It is said this city previously belonged to fennec foxes but the ruler of the city that it would be a good idea to open it to humans. And thus that day it became the city where both the races could live in harmony.

This city didn't get involved in the conflict between all the major clans and stayed neutral. They didn't want to get involved in dirty politics and war for supremacy. But little did the people of this city knew that they may have decided not to participate in the war. But they would be drawn into the war soon…

It was a normal day for the people of Doja city. But their peaceful day was interrupted by strong winds. It was very weird when the winds suddenly started blowing. The sky became darker and the whole city started feeling some tremors. This whole ordeal lasted for just 3 minutes and no harm was done to the normal public. 

But something felt very weird about the atmosphere. And the authorities soon find the reason behind the abnormalities…

In the middle of the city, a portal had formed. The diametre of the portal was around 10 feet. No one what or why this portal was formed. But there was one thing for sure, this portal was the cause behind all those abnormalities…


Deep inside the portal that opened inside the Doja city was a forest. That forest was full of greenery. Deep inside the forest was a cave. There in that three fennec foxes were sitting. These fennec foxes were very old. They all had wrinkles all over their body. And all of them have white hair.

As the portal opened in the city, these old men felt it. They all got up simultaneously and started walking out of the cave. They didn't say a word while walking. While going out they all didn't forget to pick up their weapons that were lying beside the thrones they were sitting on. 

Without saying a word to each other these old men as soon as came out of the cave, all vanished from their spot. It was not that they all teleported somewhere.. They were just so fast that it looked like they teleported.

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