
Chapter 302

As a lower-ranked academy under the super-large mage organization Mystical Blade, the Talenry Tower had very high standards for recruiting students. Most normal academies required acolytes to be able to cast one-circle magic spells before the age of twenty, but Talenry Tower required their acolytes to be able to cast two-circle magic spells before the age of eighteen.

Although it didn’t seem like that much of a difference—there’s only a difference in two years and one circle—those two years just happened to be a critical growth period for humans. Without those two years, plus a requirement of one more circle, made it akin to the difference between the Iron rank and Bronze rank—gigantic. It typically took four or five years of growth to make up such a gap.

It could be said that any student who managed to meet Talenry Tower’s high student recruitment standards was top-level even when compared to the second or third-year students of other magic academies. However, even with such high standards for entry, there were far more applications than number of students accepted each year. Talenry Tower would only take the best of the best, and in the end, those able to enter had far surpassed the recruitment standards. They were basically all geniuses or abnormal talents.

Of course, with the Mystical Blade investing a huge amount on this academy to raise its students, it naturally reaped huge benefits as well. With such high recruitment standards and immense appeal to potential applicants, studying here had advantages far surpassing those of other magic academies.

It was only to be expected that plenty of teachers, magical ingredients, and magical books were available here. Even though there wasn’t much of a difference in this compared to other academies, there still existed a great advantage—in Talenry Tower, not only would archmages occasionally come visit and choose disciples for themselves, but there would even be top-level mages from the Mystical Blade that would come over at fixed intervals to teach classes.

Top-level mages with an Emblem of Endless Truth would come over at fixed intervals to teach classes and actual top-level content? Not only did every student try to obtain a chance to attend this once-a-month course, but even the mage teachers of the academy would look for ways to attend and listen in on this class.

This was a type of reward for the excellent students at the academy. Only the students excellent in all areas would be allowed by the mage teachers to attend this class. As a consequence, this once-a-month class taught by an archmage with an Emblem of Endless Truth was just like a monthly festival for the Talenry Tower. If the class was a good one, the discussions about it were likely to last all the way until the next month’s class.

Of course, since the archmages teaching this class all had top-level knowledge, their classes wouldn’t be low-level in content. However, the problem was that some archmages felt that it was quite troublesome to teach so they would simply come over and talk about whatever their newest research product was or summarize what he or she learned through self-reflection. Only a few geniuses among geniuses would perhaps significantly benefit from this, while the other ninety-nine percent of students, who were still only novice level, wouldn’t understand a thing.

So basically, the quality of the class and how much the listeners benefited from it didn’t depend on the lecturer’s level, nor did it depend on the power level difference between the lecturer and the listeners. It mostly depended on whether the lecturer specially prepared for this class or not, as well as whether or not the lecturer made things easier for the listeners to understand.

For me, this was quite a large amount of trouble.

The Mystical Blade ran things quite loosely to begin with, and it didn’t lack top-level archmages at all. This monthly class shouldn’t have been given to me for several years if I just waited for my turn. This was probably a certain Aloso’s way of helping me out of kindness, giving me an opportunity to let others know more about me and get along better with the other Mystical Blade members.

That was indeed a good thing for me. However, the problem was that I didn’t know what I should teach about in my class!

Although I was indeed one of the few mages who obtained the Emblem of Endless Truth in more than one magic type, and I definitely had the knowledge to back it up due to my vast experiences, I really didn’t have much I could talk about.

Give a class on ice magic? If I followed the traditional way of increasing magic research one circle at a time, I probably only counted as a three-circle Bronze mage, tops. Not to mention, my ice magic mostly resembled natural talent magic similar to magical beasts, growing instinctively and through actual combat. I could talk about my fundamental magic of ice sculpting that I obtained in the snow mountain, but the problem with that was that no ordinary human would be able to learn it even if they understood, which meant that it would be a waste to talk about.

Then should I talk about the top-level research results of ice magic that I personally came up with? No matter if it was Frigidwinter Earth or Ice Aeon, even though both of those would be considered top-level ice magic breakthroughs for the past millennium, they were concepts far too difficult for ordinary people to learn. Nor did I intend to give others the opportunity to understand my aces.

Undead magic? I could talk about that, and I was willing to teach about it as well. The problem with that was that undead magic forever had dark undertones to it. Even the Sword of Order wouldn’t dare to publicly teach such a taboo magic type in open. And if I still went ahead and taught these novices how to dissect bodies in order to assemble Abominations and zombies, perhaps everyone would be looking at me strangely in the future.

“Ahh! This is the frustration of someone like me who learned in a much different way from others. Even though I have so much knowledge, it’s so hard for me to teach it.”

But, after some consideration, I came to a decision.

“Since a traditional class won’t be meaningful, in that case, I’ll just have a non-traditional class. Hah, that’ll be perfect! There are so many things that need to be said now, anyways.”

If you looked at Talenry Tower’s classroom from the outside, it didn’t appear large at all. However, only when entering would one discover that this place was actually enchanted with spatial distortion magic. This classroom was, in actuality, a gigantic hall that could easily hold five or six hundred people. Magical lights hung down from the ceiling and illuminated the beautiful marble floor tiles, making the classroom quite beautiful. The staircase-style seats were already filled with people.

Just like always, the seats were filled ten minutes before the class was about to begin. However, what was different today was that not only were students present, there were actually many white-bearded elderly men as well as seemingly young professors of whom nobody knew the actual age. The first row was actually entirely filled with veteran mages.

The most inconceivable part was that there were even several mages with Emblems of Endless Truth among them. This was quite a rare sight.

After all, even though these top-level mages would easily be able to come listen in to the monthly archmage’s class if they wanted, they were all already top-level experts in their own fields. It was only a class by a peer, so even if such an archmage deigned to come to such a class, it would be difficult for the archmage to learn much since this was supposed to be a class targeted at novices.

And even if the archmage in question was an expert in the same area as the lecturer, it was typically considered far more effective to simply contact the person in private to exchange information and magical knowledge. That meant there wouldn’t be any favors owed.

“It would seem that this archmage Roland, whom I’ve never heard of, is someone incredible.”

Not a single acolyte capable of entering this school was an idiot. Simply by seeing all the top-level mages present, all the students realized that this archmage Roland that they had never heard of must be someone incredible. The few students who did know who Roland was from their elders or teachers looked forward even more to Roland’s teachings... of course, since Roland’s name also happened to overlap with the name of a certain demon king-like character told to scare disobedient children, all those students who knew Roland’s identity chose to stay in the farthest rows away and the seats closest to the exit.

“Oh my. I’m lucky I wasn’t preparing to simply ad-lib everything.”

The moment I entered the classroom, I, too, was shocked to see all the top-level mages here. It would seem that I underestimated the influence of my identity as “Yongye” in the mages’ minds.

As I looked around, I saw Kaid and his disciples, as well as Oslowen and Aloso. They were all people who I knew in the Mystical Blade.

“Even that old fart Angli has come? There’s even someone glaring at me? Oh, the glarer is that little girl Cher. I bet she’s learned my real identity by now. She even dares to glare at me? She’s surprisingly brave.”

Yet, when I walked up and took my place at the lecturer’s podium, all idle thoughts disappeared. After all, these were words that I wanted to tell everyone for so long already.

I picked up the magical highlighter pen on the podium and hesitated for a moment before I finally wrote some words for all to see.

“A Revolutionary Change: The New Generation Belongs to The Ordinary People.”

Where should I start talking from? Everything that happened in the Underground World? The ever-increasing Elemental Tide? The Armageddon that was about to descend upon us all? Or the Gods’ secrets?

I had experienced far too much compared to my peers that were busy hiding in their ivory towers, so much so that I didn’t even know where to begin.

That was the case even now. Although I had decided to make “revolutionary change” the topic of my class, there were too many chaotic thoughts within my mind on where to start from, so I still didn’t know how to organize my class.

“Well, since there’s too much to go over, I’ll just casually talk about it a little. I’ll simply say whatever comes to mind. If any of you have questions, feel free to raise your hands and ask. But I might not necessarily answer.”

My first words as the lecturer already caused most people to feel that I was the unreliable type of teacher.

“The Holy War is already here again. Perhaps everyone still hasn’t realized that yet, or, a better word would be is that everyone is uninterested. After all, we mages have gotten used to being observers. However, perhaps the situation is quite special this time as remaining as observers will basically be impossible.”

And now, many people were beginning to frown in displeasure at my words. Could it be that I was a war hawker? But, this was supposed to be a purely academic lecture. Talking about one’s personal political views seemed a bit ridiculous to them.

However, I laughed upon seeing this situation. After all, from a certain standpoint, the Cloud Tower mages had remained as hermits for far too long. Perhaps they didn’t know the newest situations and changes happening around the world. No, actually, perhaps they knew the latest information through their informational channels but felt that it was unrelated to them.

“What I would like to discuss isn’t the annoying topic of politics, but instead the issue of the current generation we’re facing. Everyone can tell that the Elemental Tide is increasing, which makes increasing one’s power level and conducting research much easier than before. However, this is only the beginning.”

I reached out with my finger and lit up the entire classroom with the silver power of Law. This was a divine power that represented Law, Justice, and Order, as well as the representation of a new type of power.

“The power of Law is a new power of Order, and the greatest achievement of mine in the Underground World. Perhaps many people here have heard of the power of Law already, but most people are probably treating it as another power similar to the power of Holy Light. However, few know that this power is actually quite suitable for mages because this power was created by a mage to begin with.”

I caused a commotion before I even finished speaking. Although the God of Law had been a hot topic recently, the power of Law was still just getting started. Simply because the power of Law was considered a power of Order, most mages viewed it as the same type of power as Holy Light, which was far too much of a waste.

“As one of the creators of this power, I can promise you all that this is indeed a power that’s the most suitable for mages to use. Its basic foundation relies on Law Incantations and the understanding and belief that one has towards Law. Of course, other job classes will be able to make use of this power as well, but what job class can possibly compare to us mages in logical reasoning and intelligence? Besides, the power of Law has basically zero requirements for a person’s ability to control the elements or mana. It’s incredibly easy to begin learning it.”

Some things only needed to be half-said to be effective. There was a huge commotion in the classroom when I mentioned how this power of Law had basically zero requirements for element controlling ability or mana. After all, being able to sense the elements and control one’s own mana were the most basic requirements for being a mage. If those were no longer required, didn’t that mean that any young person of above average intelligence would be able to utilize the power of law?

Yep, that was precisely why I always believed that only the power of Law was capable of foundationally changing the entirety of Eich. The power of Law was perhaps the divine power with the lowest requirements. And, in order to be able to use the power of Law, its users needed to obey the teachings of the Church of Law. Not only would the users thus obey the Law themselves, they would even need to act as just and fair executors of the Law. When most crimes in the world started receiving just punishments, then certain foundational things in how this world worked would naturally be rewritten.

“That’s right. This generation belongs to ordinary people.”

As the God of Law increased in power, together with hard work by countless Law job class individuals, more and more Law Incantations will be invented. I believed that after Knights of Justice and Judgementors, there would soon be a third basic Law job class in the future—one that resembled the mage job class. By that time, becoming someone who could use magic would be far easier than it was currently, and the mages would find out that they were no longer at the top of the world.

However, this was only a beginning. Since I was intending to set a massive fire here to catch the mages’ attention, simply setting one fire would mean that the fire would easily go out. And so, I ignited several fires at once...

“Perhaps you have all heard about the successfully developed small battery known as ‘Olive’s Magic Box.’ But you all probably don’t know that the wise individual who successfully invented this technology was a young alchemist from the Northlands, a girl named Olive. She comes from the Rhodes Kingdom, which is a tiny and faraway country that most of you have never even heard about. Perhaps you even view it as a barbarian kingdom. And Olive, this northern barbarian little girl, who’s only seventeen years old, invented such a technology that’s destined to change the world!”

The facts were indisputable. Also, the easiest way to strike these proud young mages and make them less proud and arrogant would be to point at the accomplishments of someone their own age.

However, what I intended to say wasn’t merely that alone. As for Olive, even if she never accomplished anything else for the rest of her life, she was already destined to enter the history books simply by being the inventor of a small portable battery.

“I’m currently using her research results to apply for an Emblem of Endless Truth in the area of alchemy for Olive’s sake. It’s quite possible that Olive will become the youngest mage with an Emblem of Endless Truth in history.”

This caused yet another commotion for the umpteenth time. I heard stuff like “she’s not qualified” “that’s too rushed” and other such denials from the young novices. However, several older mages nodded slightly as they realized the true impact of her invention.

“Perhaps some of you have already realized how the mass production of ‘Olive Magic Boxes’ will allow mages traveling out by themselves to have a backup source of mana storage. However, none of you have probably realized that an even bigger use of the ‘Olive Magic Box’ is to allow ordinary people with zero magical talent to use magic as well!”

“That’s impossible!”

“This is the desecration of magic itself!”

“Oh, Gods of Magic! How is this possible?”

Everyone was shouting in disbelief now. Mages always prided themselves on their identities as magic users. How would they believe so easily that ordinary people could invade their rightful domain?

Still, once again, the facts would be indisputable, which was why I played a recording from a memory crystal I had prepared for this class. This was a recording of the battle in the Northlands, from when the Silver Cross squadron consisting of the Four Elemental Swordcasters appeared in battle for the first time.

They flew in unison together, they sent blades of wind together, and they sent fireballs out together as if they were doing a performance. Even the elite mages here were astonished and shaken by these magic users’ imposing manner and unity.

“Of course, they aren’t yet mature. But the beginning is always the most difficult, and even SemiGod mages started from one circle magic spells. As long as these magic users keep persisting, they’ll become more than ten times stronger in the future! That’s why I’m saying that this is a revolutionary generation, a generation that belongs to ordinary people!”

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