
Chapter 13 - The Quest For Water


"Ah you must be thirsty, have some water"

Klautz passed her a hollowed bamboo bottle with water in it. This way of storing water is popular among the ninjas.

Klautz was well aware such a day would arrive so he had stored the daily 10 Litres of water past the three days.

'Hehe, so you are finally charmed by me, huh?'

Selena thought that Klautz was trying to woo her but she couldn't be more wrong. Everything was going according to Klautz's plan.

Klautz would have passed that bottle to anyone who would have volunteered first irrespective of the person. It was just a small measure to tempt more people to join in.

Steve who was observing this scene from the sidelines nodded in appreciation. 'Free samples is it? an old trick but it is always effective'

Steve had more or less figured him out. However, one thing that he wasn't able to weed out was that the whole thing about searching for a water source was a big fat lie.

Klautz was running against time. He didn't have the time to search for freshwater especially when he himself held onto a never-ending source of water.

As to why he wanted to leave the safe point and venture into the wilderness? He had his own thoughts.

"Can I join too?"

A girl in her mid-teens came up. Her showing up wasn't taken in a good light by the audience.

Death seemed certain for them as soon as they left the protective field. They wouldn't be able to help either. It would be good if they didn't hold him back.

"I have already mentioned my terms. Whoever joins get a liter without further discussions"

Klautz words shattered everyone's expectations.

It would have made sense if Klautz picked the adults but taking the little girl along as well? They thought he was either simply joking or was going to use them as meatshields.

They didn't even think over it a second time.

They didn't bat an eye to accuse Klautz of such actions. However, they couldn't voice out their thoughts.

On one hand, they were thirsty as hell and on the other hand, they were scared of the dangers that lurked outside the walls of this place.

On a third note if they don't find a water source soon they would die anyways.

Pointing to the fact that Klautz was willing to take even a cripple outside they knew that the fate of those who followed him would be that of a meat shield.

They thought that the girl was foolish for following Klautz. However, Klautz thought otherwise.

"Anyone else?" Klautz called.

"What do you mean by exploring the surroundings?" a man who didn't belong to either side asked.

Klautz calmly replied, "For three to four hours every day, you will explore the surroundings for water and anything that might seem useful for survival. You will hunt if necessary."

"Will you tell us the location of the water source once you find it?" a paranoid man asked.

Klautz smiled.

"A price for information!" said Klautz.

Code of the Shinobi! You have to pay for information if you want any. This was what he was taught ever since he entered Hellfeim.

What they could earn at the ruins was extremely limited.

To earn something, you must be willing to accept the risks that follow.

The more risks you take; the more profits you could gain.

There was nothing you can get for free.

The people began whispering amongst themselves.

Whisper: "What should we do?"

Whisper: "For now let us send someone to his group whom we can trust. We will find out the location of the water from him"

Whisper: "Nice plan but who will volunteer"

Whisper: "Don't look at me. There is no way I am going"

The popular question arouses in everyone's mind. "WHO will BELL the CAT?"

"I will volunteer"

Surprisingly, Bill made his move. It was quite unexpected as Klautz thought he would continue his rivalry with Bruno.

"Are you sure? We're not going out to play," he replied sarcastically.

He thought of others before himself before he made his decision.

His kind normally didn't last long.

Nosy people like Bill were usually the first to die.

'But if he survives, he will grow to become a great influence.'

Miki Shirogane was like that.

Everyone acknowledged that she had the talent of a real soldier.

However, it was very rare to find someone like Shirogane.

Even if they did survive, in the abyss like Hellfeim, they will eventually have a changed personality.

Klautz was sceptical that Bill would survive.

Klautz was unaware of Bill's true intention. If no one from Bill's group volunteered they might have to wash their hands off of any discovery that Klautz might make.

However, everyone was scared to their wits and so Bill hesitantly decided to volunteer.

Bill's decision calmed everyone's hearts.

They didn't want to deal with Klautz. Following him was the last thing they wanted to do.

Moreover, Bill was most suitable for the job since he was the strongest of the lot. So Bill's survival rate was high.

However, Selena who had guessed Bill's intention thought otherwise.


Little did those fools contemplate that if something were to happen to Bill what would become of them. Bill was their last line of defence, their only hope to survive.

Putting him in a life-threatening situation could only make things worse.

If Bill were to die, there would be no one to help them since Bruno has decided to work separately.

They would be at the mercy of Steve and Klautz.

Although she didn't know anything about Klautz moral character but she did know about Steve.

If they become dependent on Steve their worst nightmare would become a reality. And she believed that Klautz and Bruno would not butt in if that were to happen.

She herself wasn't in much of a stable position but she believed that Klautz would save her.


Author's thoughts:

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