
Chapter 117 - Reaching the dimension of the gods

On the other hand, Quetzalcoatl had prepared a special ring with a goldsmith from Origin Civitatem, he liked the way to ask for marriage as it was done in the 21st century, his ring was something special since he took it with Taneri.

She put some spells on her ring which allowed the wearer to always feel surrounded by nature, the goddess of the maguey was perfect for Mayahuel.

Yuma for his part said goodbye to his future wives and promised that he would bring them some toys, the whole family was ready to go to the temple of goddess Tonantzin in Yankuik Aztlan.

The road was quite calm, Flavio gave orders to the Praetorians who during their trip had to continue the construction of the temple until they will return, this is why he did not want to return with surprises and have to wait for a carriage.

When the time entered they stopped and Huitzilopochtli personally received them to take them to their part of the kingdom of the gods.

A light blinded them for only a few seconds to then return and show a fairly modern world, tall buildings and others with colonial style, some cars and people in suits walking, Hellena hugged Flavio’s arm "this was how looks the timeline of you come sweety? "

Flavio sighed "It was just that I still don’t adapt since we live with a backward technology that is more than 2000 years old.

The only happy part of all this is that we can come when we want, just we can’t bring anything from here to our dimension because it will be unusable and dusty. "

Hellena did not stop looking at the wonders while they followed Huitzilopochtli to an alms that were waiting for them, the first to climb were the children and Hellena, in the end, Flavio, Quetzalcoatl got on, Huitzilopochtli on his part got into his car.

Yuma, Felix, Erendida were surprised by a large number of objects in the limousine, meanwhile, Flavio wasted no time and decided to uncover a bottle of champagne that was in the limousine.

How a good person skipped the rules of etiquette and drank straight from the bottle, small tears came from his face because the taste was exactly as he remembered.

After taking some good drinks, he handed Hellena the bottle so she could taste it, when she tasted it she almost drowned because of the carbonated champagne was, she looked at Flavio with some doubt but tried again this time she liked the taste.

Hellena after having a good drink asked "This is called Sweety tastes very delicious."

"Being clear this wine is sparkling, it cannot be champagne but we are in the dimension of the gods where the denomination of origin is not valid.

Just keep the name of champagne honey, we can imitate its production but the problem is that we have an ice age on the way that can last a year or more depends on our luck, but I want you to now taste the delight of a cigar. "

Flavio took a cigar and carefully cut it and then lit it with a match, taking care that the cigar lit evenly and will not affect the taste, Flavio enjoyed the characteristic taste of a cigar.

During his life as an archaeologist when he could, he traveled to Cuba to buy cigars and enjoy the island, because sometimes he was in Yucatan he only took a plane at the airport that took him to Cuba where he enjoyed a well-deserved vacation.

All this changed when he met his wife Miyuki but those are memories he prefers not to touch.

Flavio taught Hellena how to smoke the cigar while Felix, Yuma, and Erendida looked at the square box that projected different images, Quetzalcoatl likes to watching television although there were only 4 channels, News, Cartoons, Adult and only for women (Fashion channel and the rest ).

The reporter on television a Gorgon woman was giving the news "Tonight the arrival of the god Flavio and his family is expected.

This super god is one of the founding fathers of the new World, his story is quite touching, accompany me to listen to it.

The god Flavio was born thanks the goddess Rhea was attacked by her violent husband Cronos who escaped from Tartar and captured her with her grandson Apollo.

The goddess in an act of selfless kindness handed an ovule to her grandson so that she could be a mother for the last time before Chronos will kill her.

Apollo escaped from Cronos’ hands and wandered through the world of mortals until he learned that the daughter of a mortal emperor Augustus would be perfect to fulfill his mother’s wish.

After conceiving the fruit of a romance Flavio was born as the fruit of that relationship, during his mortal youth, he had a daughter at age 5 is the pride for the Zeus family, he married the demigod and granddaughter of Anubis Hellena, with she has 2 twins and are waiting for another son.

His greatest achievement was to achieve the union of the three pantheons with which we are the most powerful religion in this new continent where our greatest enemy is the Cursed Forest, which will soon be crushed to allow our banner of freedom to be expanded by all faithful. "

After listening to the report, everyone looked at Flavio, Flavio felt the pressure of being observed "In my defense, they were the ones who made the report, although the reality is a little less heroic."

Before a large number of questions arose, the limousine stopped had reached its destination, it was time to meet with, mother Tonantzin and other gods Anahuac ...

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