
Chapter 114 - Amancio In danger of death

But he had to admit that Amancio was resistant because he survived being crushed by a giant, in the operating room he began the race against time to save his life, after locating where the broken ribs began he began his work.

The nurses did not stop carrying medical supplies in the medical room, after a few hours in the operating room, Aulo left the operating room quite tired managed to stop the internal bleeding caused by a rib and rearrange the bones.

But that is all he can do, there is no way to recover the blood lost by the bleeding only depends on Amancio if he can survive, when he was about to go to his office to bathe and sleep for a while he was interrupted.

A Mayan woman carrying a small mongrel child approached him, the woman in tears asked "Doctor my husband will get well, I had a bad feeling the day before and today an hour ago I got the notification that was in operation.

Tell me the truth doctor will be fine or my husband will end up in Coatepec serving the great Huitzilopochtli. "

Aulo looked at the woman and seriously said "I did my best to treat him but his life is in a very critical state if he can survive the night his chances of living will be greater.

It will depend on his willingness to want to live or if the god Aesculapius is willing to help him recover. "

The woman was crying because she knew that the gods rarely helped but it was then that she remembered that her husband said that the emperor was a god, was willing to help her husband no matter what he had to do.

Looking with a smile at her baby, she left the hospital for the imperial palace, thanks to her husband being the Legio of the Gamma legion, she as his wife had a carriage assigned for use in Origin Civitatem.

On the way she was nervous and worried that her husband would recover, he could only trust that Emperor Flavio could help him heal quickly, he did not want his son to grow up without a father.

When he arrived at the front of the imperial palace he asked the Praetorian guards to allow him to have an audience with the emperor.

Flavio was talking with Hellena about what they could give to Mother Tonatzin when they visited her in the world of the gods, at that time a Praetorian entered and reported that Amancio’s wife wanted an audience with him.

Hellena knew that Amancio had suffered serious injuries but did not understand why Amancio’s wife wanted to see her husband, decided to stay and listen to what she had to say to Flavio.

The Praetorian received the news that they let her in for what they allowed the entrance to the wife of Amancio, the woman kept watching the luxurious palace that was covered by immense and resistant walls.

Once she entered, she was directed to the meeting room where she could see the emperor having a coffee next to the empress, without presentation or warning the woman with a baby in her arms stood before Flavio and Hellena "Please your majesty save my husband "

Flavio and Hellena saw each other for a few seconds until Flavio coughed falsely "Please get up there is no need to bend down and less with the child in your arms."

The woman denied and with tears in her eyes and the cut voice said "I can’t do it, your majesty, I need your help to save my husband as he knows he suffered a lot from being crushed by a giant, but I know that his divine hand can cure him"

Flavio scratched his head "I can heal without problems but in the case of Amancio it is different, his body is in a serious state and he may be on the verge of death.

There is an unwritten rule among the gods not to interfere with the work of others, I can present myself where he is but I cannot guarantee that I could save him if the gods of death want his soul.

If that is the case, the only thing he could advocate is for him to decide where he wants to go, if he dies he will do it as a warrior, therefore it would not be strange if Huitzilopochtli or Ares want to stay with his soul to join him in their ranks.

The woman knew that if Mictlantecuhtli wanted to take her soul, she would not have the opportunity to see her husband again. "Whatever the emperor does or tries is fine, I prefer to keep the idea that he was tried to save but died than just let him die in bed... "

Flavio got up from his seat and went to talk to the Praetorian guards and Hellena helped the woman to stand up "In 5 minutes our carriage will be ready, I hope we are not too late."

With the carriage ready, the 4 left for the Civitatem hospital, on the way the poor woman did not stop shedding some silent tears while her baby was sleeping peacefully without understanding what happens to her father.

In the hospital Flavio entered with all his companions, they were received by the doctor Aulo who woke him from his sleep since they informed him that the emperor would come to the hospital to see his patient Legio Amancio.

The doctor Aulo explained to Flavio everything that Amancio had suffered and how his life was in a thin line that could break at any moment and with it the life of Amancio end.

When they reached the room where Amancio was resting, he asked Amancio’s wife and the doctor to wait outside while he and Hellena entered the room to personally check Amancio ...

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