
Chapter 144 - Chapter 144: Gunfight in Downtown Seoul (Part 2)

Chapter 144: Chapter 144: Gunfight in Downtown Seoul (Part 2)

I could see the SWAT team dragging the man out of the building. He looked like he was in bad shape. Then again, he did get the full force of my kick, so it wasn’t impossible for him to be out of it for a few days. He didn’t die, did he? Now that I think about it, how did he get his hands on a gun? Firearms were illegal here in Korea.

“Weirdo,” I muttered to myself, shaking my head. I then began to head back towards the meat restaurant. All this running was making me hungry again. And just then, my phone rang.

“Hey, Jia.”

– Sian, where are you?

“In your heart.”

– Quit joking around. Seriously, where are you?

I’ve never heard Jia this mad before, especially not towards me.

“I just stepped out for a second. Why?”

– A gunfight broke out nearby! It’s dangerous! Get back here!

Oh, so she was worried. Awww.

“But the gunman was caught.”

– Huh?! Really?


– How do you know?”

“Oh, I see him.”

– (....)

For a moment, Jia was speechless. Then, all of a sudden, she spoke again.

– Did you catch him?


Now, it was my turn to be speechless, but I quickly composed myself.

“Yeah, right. How would I catch him?”

And that’s when it started. A series of explosions.

Boom! Ba-boom! Boom!

I turned my head towards the source of the noise. I saw smoke rising in the distance, quickly followed by screams.

– Sian! What’s going on?

“Hey, Jia, I have to hang up for a sec. I heard some explosions. See you later.”

– Sia...


I hung up before Jia could finish the rest of her sentence. Then, I ran towards the explosion.



We’re all going to die!


The sound of people screaming, there were even people bleeding out on the streets. It looked bad.

“Oh no…”

The explosion happened in a club. The entire building was down. I could even hear people screaming inside. Some people were coming out, blood all over their bodies. They all looked young.


Other people began to scream in horror at the sight of one of the clubgoers. It truly was horrifying. One of his arms was completely gone, and there was blood coming out of the socket. He soon passed out on the street.

“Oh my god.”

I immediately ran over to him to stop the bleeding. I used the Samhwa Method, where I put all my energy into my hand and placed it against the bleeding socket.


The man began to scream again from the pain, but I kept going. That’s when it dawned on me. He just lost an arm. Would he be able to live like this? Wouldn’t it be better if he just died? Then again, that wasn’t up for me to decide so I continued. Finally, the bleeding stopped.

“Are you okay?”


In the end, the man passed out again. And in the distance, I heard another gunshot. I could even see SWAT team members running towards the noise.

“What’s going on?”

What was happening? Was Seoul under a terrorist attack? How did these people even get their hands on a gun? As well as a bomb? I’ve only heard about this stuff happening in other countries. I never thought that this could happen here in Korea.

“Let’s check it out.”

After passing him onto another kind Samaritan, I headed towards the sound of the gunshot.


The place was a one-story bar. The SWAT team and police force were all waiting outside. The culprits were inside, holding the patrons hostage.

“What the hell?”

I summoned my powers to get a good look inside the bar. There were four men carrying guns. The guests were six men and four women, and I could see people passed out and bleeding all around. They were most likely already dead.

Just then, I spotted a familiar face.

“Wait, that’s…”

It was Christine.

“What’s she doing there?”

Christine, the lesbian I met while filming Unposition Rapstar. What was she doing there? Well then, now I definitely had no choice but to get them all out.


But my mind was at a crossroads. If I wanted to get those guys, I’d have no choice but to use some of my powers. If I do that, then people will definitely find out the truth about me. That could cause an even bigger issue. With that, I decided to wear a mask. Not a real one, because they’d be hard to find at this point. I tore up my black T-shirt and tied it around my nose and mouth. I also put on my sunglasses. There.

“Now I just have to get in…”

There was no way for me to get in. There was the main entrance and the backdoor, but the culprits had already blocked them. I could get in through the upper floor, but that would mean breaking a window.

“What’s up with him?”

Looking inside, I could see one of the guys going in for Christine. All of a sudden, he grabbed Christine by the scalp and stood her up. He pushed her against the wall and began to kiss her.

“Ummf! Uuumf! Mmf!”

Christine tried to push him off, but she couldn’t win against a guy twice her size. Soon, he had her clothes ripped off as he began to drag her off somewhere. Christine tried to cry out again, but the man hit her to shut her up. The others couldn’t do anything but watch as they, too, were held at gunpoint. It was then that I knew it was up to me.

Time for a quick attack.

I sped towards one of the officers standing in the back and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around, but I was already gone, having taken his gun off his belt. The other officers immediately turned around, pointing their guns at me, but I was already standing in front of the bar. And that was the moment when I heard it.

[The hell is that!]

I don’t know who it was that was shouting into a megaphone, but he just made it that much harder for me. Thanks to him, I now had the full attention of all the culprits.

“Gee, thanks a lot.”

Well, since I was already in full view anyway, I walked into the bar through the door…with both hands up. The gunmen all stared at me, looking confused.

“Bring her over here!” Gunman 1 shouted. Gunman 2 grabbed me by the scalp and dragged me towards Gunman 1.

“Take her mask off!” Gunman 1 shouted. Gunman 2 reached out to take off my mask. It was then that I punched his side with my right fist and hit his face with my left.



Gunman 2’s head flew back as he stumbled backwards while I got Gunman 1 with a nice back kick.



Gunman 1 went down on the spot. That was almost too easy. Gunman 3, who watched all of this in shock, finally reacted to point his gun at me. I feel a bit sorry for him, but my gun was faster.


First, a bullet in his right shoulder so he couldn’t aim his gun. Then, another in his left shoulder, right thigh, and finally, the left thigh.


With a press of the release button, the bullet magazine dropped out as I switched to another. In. And click.

I aimed the gun at Gunman 2.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

I got all four limbs, then aimed at Gunman 1.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The patrons immediately ran out of the bar as the police hurried them to safety. I went over to where Gunman 4 had dragged Christine. It’s been two minutes. And during those two whole minutes, I could hear Christine screaming the whole time.

“Here, it is.”

I aimed the gun at the bathroom door and pulled the trigger.



Now that the door was unlocked, I slowly opened it. My eyes immediately fell on Christine. Her hair was all tangled up while her makeup was running down her face. Her shirt was ripped off while she only had her bra on top. Her pants were gone as well, but she still had her underwear on thankfully. I looked into Christine’s eyes. I could see the tears. She was trembling in fear and frantically shook her head. She was telling me to go. All of a sudden, a gun was aimed at her head. Then, I heard the trigger being pulled.




“What the-”

The gunman stared at me with his mouth open in shock…because I was holding the gun. Before he could pull the trigger, I ran in front of Christine and shoved the gun upwards, sending the bullet through the ceiling.

“You bastard.”

I took the gun and crushed it with my hands. The gunman cried out in shock as I sent my fist flying.


I hit him so hard that it dented his head while the following kick sent him flying backwards.


After that, I really let him have it. I used the Tagu-kwon skills that my good friend taught me back in my old world. I didn’t bother to hold back.

Pow! Pow! Pa-pow! Pow! Pow! Wham!

And for good measure, I shot him in the limbs as well.

“Fucking piece of shit.”

After another kick to the guy’s head, I spat on him. How dare he try to kill one of my friends? I broke his limbs so hard that no one would be able to fix them.

“Christine, you okay?” I asked her. Christine was bawling her eyes out. I quickly went over to her and engulfed her in a hug.

“Everything’s okay now. It’s over.”

None of these men would be able to walk or talk or do anything ever again. I couldn’t kill them, but I could still do this much. Punish them in a way the law couldn’t.

“Si…Sian…?” Christine said, looking up at me.


How did she know? I was wearing my disguise. Oh, was it my voice?

I deepened it before I answered.

“No, I’m not.”

“You are, right…? You’re Sian…”

Christine reached up towards my mask. I grabbed her hand and gently pushed it down.

“No, I’m not.”

Just then, I heard the police come into the bar. I hurried towards the nearest window and broke it to climb outside. I ran to where I knew where there were no CCTV cameras, weaving in and out of the cars to avoid their blackbox cameras. This was definitely going to show up on the news, but no one would know it was me, right? I covered my face after all. But my body…and my outfit…hmm, this could get difficult. Still, if I say that it’s not me, then they’d have to believe me. There will probably be an increase in people who believe that I’m an alien. Well then, this could get really exhausting. Just then, my phone rang. It was Jia.

“Hey, Jia.”

-Sian Lee!

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