
Chapter 362 - I Have Never Felt Any Attraction To You

One of the towers had the divine creation!

If the husband wouldn\'t have been the one to take it, the ice cube would become something else that suited the challenger. In the middle, the tower had control over the divine inheritance and helped the challenger reach other towers.

The last tower bent to the Ice Master\'s wish and he stepped inside. There was a small fountain with cold water sprouting happily. This water possessed immense and deep vitality that could heal and rebuild any ice related thing.

He, who had many concepts, giggled like a kid who got his first toy. It was because his body contained a lot of concepts and those would often fight against each other. He had things under his control, but some mishaps were bound to happen.

In the worst case, he would use this water to heal himself. But before he could gain it, the Ice Master needed to overcome a few challenges that were left on the tower\'s top. This gave time for the husband whose game system notified him of a lot of impending dangers.


[The Ice Master has reached the middle tower.]

[The power to control over the inheritance grounds had been passed to him.]

[He has begun challenges on the right tower.]

"I am not going to become The Ice Believer, but I do have the ice resistance left by the Ice Divine... This place gives me this ice resistance, so I will make it permanent... This is how I will complete this inheritance and take the old man\'s powers to myself," Kyoya said.

"If that guy began his challenges, then we have to disturb him before he gets the next reward," Xiaoxiao responded and both Kyoya and Akaro nodded. It was time for the final battle with The Ice Master!

Kyoya looked at the middle tower, then fished out one of many spare knives he had in his inventory. He created red-golden energy that was meant to be a thread. By placing it on the knife\'s hilt, the husband got a rope straight to the middle tower.

Xiaoxiao wrapped her arms around the husband\'s torso while Akaro took the seat on his head in the cat form. All ready, the couple went up to the tower! The Ice Tower had tried to deter them, but the husband\'s blue knife shoo away this futile attempt.

He then riled himself up and entered the ice top where many people had gathered. Those were all people that were following the Ice Master for a long time and he had taken them up here while trusting them.

The husband\'s body became colder, however.

It was because of the woman\'s gaze.

It was a woman with blue eyes and eyelashes. She also had blue hair cascading down to her waist. Her pale skin and expressionless face left a deep impression on the husband who didn\'t expect such a lady to appear here.

It was as if she was molded after The Goddess.

His eyes quickly scanned her dress and probed into her to see whether there was really some connection to the divinity from above.

The husband failed and so the system did as no message appeared before his eyes. It meant that this woman didn\'t have any deep connection with him such as The Goddess Of Beauty or any other god!

She was just a beautiful woman that probably got interested in him due to his \'The Husband\' aura. It was a really potent aura that even such a woman couldn\'t refuse.

Kyoya nodded, "Hello. Since all of you are with the Ice Master, we are enemies. Let\'s have a nice fight," The husband clapped his hands and both Xiaoxiao and Akaro entered their fighting mode with flames erupting out of their bodies.

He also brandished his knife, but the woman asked, "Who are you?"

"I am... The Husband," He replied with a grin, looking at the fire goddess and his lovely Xiaoxiao.

Both of them didn\'t have much reaction, though. The Tsundere didn\'t even care about the random woman and Xiaoxiao knew what the husband wanted to see! She would later smugly smite at him.

As there was not much reaction from his loved ones, Kyoya shrugged and prepared to jump first. He would take care of the people around him while Xiaoxiao and Akaro would go to the Ice Beauty with their flames splashing around.

The husband didn\'t feel like going at her after she asked him nicely.

"Why do I feel attracted to you?" The Ice Beauty asked again, just before the husband started off. He smiled bitterly and replied to her while seeing all other people\'s incredulous eyes popping off.

"The husband is an answer to your every question. I just have that beaming around me," Kyoya was inwardly surprised that a woman from the 60th floor would get charmed by him, but he had been growing in strength so much that it wasn\'t really that weird.

Akaro then whispered, "This woman has frozen everyone else."

Looking around, the husband could see all other believers and their stretched eyes nearly falling off from their eye sockets. Was this woman so emotionless that her words brought so much shock to them?

Or was she pursued by the Ice Master and so her words made them feel like there would be some dangerous battle soon?

The husband felt like it was yet another battle that he would end differently...

"I have never felt any emotions... Now, I feel something within my chest... I thought I was just a toy, but it seems like I am... alive too," The Ice Beauty\'s speech continued and both Xiaoxiao and Kyoya began to feel bad for this woman.

Even if you weren\'t human, but an existence born out of \'raw power\', calling yourself a toy was just too much. It was wrong and Kyoya replied, "The Ice Master hasn\'t tried to help you?"

"He has been giving me a lot of attention, but other than ice concepts and power, I gained nothing from him," The Ice Beauty replied.

At the same time, the right tower exploded with coldness. It stretched out its hands toward them and the whole middle tower became colder. The coldness holding back the believers broke and they became free.

The Ice Master\'s words rang out, "What is going on?"

He stepped into the middle tower and glared at the husband, his eyes narrowing. The husband was weak, but The Ice Master wasn\'t a person who would only look at the strength only.

The fact that the husband was here meant that he had enough means to reach this peak. He also had good women around him with their flames interwoven...

"M-Master... Miss Yesfir... just... said that she is... attracted... to him..." The trusted man said what happened just now. With each word, the temperature in the middle tower lowered and reached the dangerous numbers.

"It\'s death for you, man." The Ice Master stated.

"I don\'t want him dead," Yesfir called out. She was the ice beauty whose presence alone strengthened the Ice Master, but this buff became lost the moment he said those words. He became alone in the battlefield as Yesfir focused all her powers on sealing his people.

They could just stay still, nailed down by the beauty\'s ice pressure.

Kyoya didn\'t expect such a situation to occur. He asked, "What are you, Yesfir?"

"True... Tell them what you are, Yesfir," The Ice Master agreed with the husband, "Tell them how you came to this world."

Around three hundred years ago, The Ice Master entered the unique state which was enlightenment. He was scared he would meet the god, but he met something else instead. The bountiful and ample world layered with snow and ice.

By using his concepts here, The Ice Master increased his strength here. But at the end of this enlightenment, he spotted the soul. He believed that the soul was the reward for all his hard work, so he extended his hand for that soul.

The whole world then began to rush forward to this soul, giving the soul a new kind of body.

As The Ice Master woke up from this enlightenment, before his eyes, Yesfir slept not too far away from him. She was already a mature beauty, the ice queen. For him, she was like the ice goddess even though he would never say it out loud.

He, who hated gods, felt like the person before his eyes was the goddess that he could embrace and fall for.

However, the ice goddess lacked concepts despite her body being like the ice itself. She also lacked knowledge and life experience, but if there was one thing that made her close to the goddess was that she never dared to touch the mortal nor come too close to him.

This made The Ice Master believe that she was really the goddess...

Thus, he began to gather all the concepts from all available floors. The Irregular Concept that Kyoya had in his hands was also used by the ice master to create all kinds of concepts for Yesfir.

She would just absorb them all and become stronger. He had also spent all time with her, sharing his world view and letting her experience all his plans as The Ice Master. His battles and schemes were all seen by her.

Nonetheless, it didn\'t give her much personality. She was as always expressionless and just followed him while learning new ice concepts.

"I am the one... who brought you to this world!" For all three hundred years, Yesfir had been with him. Even if she remained expressionless, The Ice Master refused to believe that nothing changed in her heart.

"I have never felt any attraction to you," Yesfir poured the cold water on the Ice Master, "I followed you... because I had no one else... I had no desire nor any purpose... But now, I want to embrace that man and hug him... I never felt like that, so... don\'t kill him."

"I will... kill him!"

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