
Chapter 151 - Star - Meeting The Fae Queen




Once we were out of the limo there was a fleet of servants there to help us. Six men and women in total that seemed to just appear out of nowhere. They were just suddenly there one moment kneeling in front of us after Hideki had opened the door for us to step out of the vehicle. The thing is, I know they hadn't been there before he opened the door because I was looking out the window.

The three men and three women were all unique in the way they looked. I had heard that Fae were colorful people but they could hide it and look more human. It was understandable though that they would not hide themselves when they were at their own home.

I saw hair colors that were green, pink, purple, and yellow among the people that were kneeling. Likewise their skin colors were not what you would normally see either. The colors I saw now were green, blue, purple, and pink. It was different but I liked seeing all the different people. I just thought it was weird they happened to appear kneeling before us.

"Welcome to the land of the Fae, we are honored to welcome you to Castle Seelie." The six of them spoke in unison and it was kind of creepy. "Allow us to escort you to a changing room so you may prepare yourselves for your meal. When you are ready we will take your luggage to your rooms." They were still speaking together and I didn't know how to respond. I just turned to look at Artem and let him handle the situation.

"That would be nice, thank you." He smiled and tilted his head at them so I copied his moves and did the same thing.

"Please, follow us." They rose all at once. Most of them moved to the trunk of the limo and grabbed a bag to carry but two of them stayed in front of us and began to lead the way.

I guess we were just supposed to follow them before the others were ready. I guess they knew where they were going and they would catch up when they could. Acacia didn't seem fazed at all though since she just started following the two that were guiding us into the castle.

I tried to look at as much stuff as I could as I walked through the halls. It was made of different styles of beautiful architecture. Most of the structure looked like it was made of stone but it was of different colors. I saw white, pink, blue, purple, green, yellow, all pastel shades of the colors.

The inside of the building was done in a lot of wood though none of it looked to be painted with colors or stains like I expected. I saw elaborately carved decorations in the walls that were adorned with glittering stones instead of with paint.

There were paints though, they were all on canvases. There were several very beautiful and very elaborate pieces of artwork that were all over the halls and rooms that we passed. There were also statues and pottery decorating the whole place. There was just so much to look at.

The furniture itself was also like a decoration. The pieces were so beautifully carved into the shapes of flowers, animals, birds, butterflies, everything and they looked amazing. I couldn't see enough as I was walking behind our escorts.

Eventually we came to a door that was standing open for us. The room looked like it was a parlor with two other doors leading off of it. The parlor room had a pair of backless chairs in the middle of the room sitting around a low table with a tray filled with snacks. The back of the room had a row of mirrors so you could look at yourself from different angles.

"These rooms here will be where you can prepare yourselves for your meal with the Queen. Please, just call for us when you are ready."

At that the servants that had been carrying our luggage entered the parlor looking room and set our things down. I saw that there was also a bag for Acacia who would be staying with us through this visit.

"Thank you." I smiled at them as they left the room and shut the doors behind us. "And thank you for coming here with us, Acacia." I told her as I looked at her. She didn't need to do this since she was preparing to have a baby soon.

"Don't worry, I want to see my family while I am here anyway. And they are dying to meet you too." She was smiling like this was all just a really fun trip. I guess to her it was.

Artem and I went to the room on the right while Acacia went to the room on the left. It was time to change for the first time I met the Fae Queen. Which dress should I choose? They were all very beautiful and unique in their own way. Given where we were I thought something that had to do with nature would be better.

Before I had even begun to truly think about it I had decided to pick the green dress. My wolf was green. Green was a color associated with nature. And it was also the color of Artem's eyes. It would make me feel really calm to wear the green dress.

As I undressed and slipped into the green dress I tried not to notice the way that Artem was watching me. I tried not to pay attention to the fact that I could feel the heat from his eyes as they lingered on my body. I just did my best to get the dress on without messing it up.

The dress itself was tight and a solid dark green. There were diamond shaped cutouts on the dress at the sides. The cut outs went from my hips to just below my breasts. The dress was held up with a halter style strap that went around my neck and tied in a small knot. The straps from that knot dangled down my back and tickled me slightly.

I left my long wavy hair down and let it sway to my lower back. I slid on a pair a black strappy heels and did a light layer of makeup. When I thought I was done and was about to turn around to face Artem he surprised me. He had come up behind me and slid a diamond necklace across my collar bone and was ready to clasp it for me. All I had to do was hold my hair out of the way.

After Artem clasped my necklace for me his fingers lingered at my neck. I watched in the mirror then as he leaned forward and kissed the spot where he had marked me as his mate. That little kiss sent a shiver through me and gave me courage and strength.

All of this happened without a word being exchanged between us. By the time that we were done and we were both ready to go I turned to look at him with a smile. He had chosen the dark green shirt that was the exact same shade as my dress and a tie that was pure black like the suit he was wearing.

"Let's go, my love." He held his hand out for me and I took it eagerly.

Acacia was already ready so we called for the servant people immediately and they led us out of the room and down some more of the halls. I tried to memorize the path that we were taking but it was so confusing and all the halls just looked exactly the same to me.

Finally we entered a large hallway that seemed to be at least five times as wide as all of the others. At the end of the hallway there was a set of very large double doors. I had a feeling that this was a very important room.

When we got closer to the room two guards that had been standing outside of the double doors opened them in time with our steps. We were able to walk in without needing to pause at all.

It wasn't until I was several steps into the room that I realized that the servants hadn't come in with us. It was just Acacia, Artem, and myself. The nerves were coming back now.

The room I was in was a long hall with lots of large thrones. Though, none of the thrones on the sides of the hall were anywhere near as big as the one that was at the very end. That one at the end was also the only one with someone in it. She was the only other person in this large hall aside from the three of us here by the door.

Artem led me with his grip on my arm as we followed behind Acacia. I watched as the solemn looking woman in the throne got closer and closer to us. I tried not to stare but I couldn't help it. I saw the woman was wearing a dress that looked like it had been made from cobwebs and spider silk. It looked delicate and like it would blow away in the wind. Only it wasn't a color that looked like a spider's web or anything of the sort, no it was pure black that made her nearly pure white skin stand out strikingly.

Her hair was just as black as her dress. The colors were mixing so well that it was to the point where I didn't know if her hair stopped near her lower back or if it went all the way to the floor. And as I got closer I saw that her eyes were a beautiful sky blue, like they were literally the sky on a beautiful summer day. She was beautiful and mesmerizing.

"Queen Gloriana." Acacia bowed before the Fae Queen so Artem and I did the same.

"It is lovely to meet you, Queen Gloriana." I did my best to keep my voice level.

"Thank you for allowing us to visit you on this wonderful day." Artem spoke softly and politely beside me.

"Rise my children, and join me in my personal study." Her voice was so musical that it sounded eerie and ethereal. The three of us rose and I watched as Acacia followed the Queen with a smile. I hoped that this wasn't going to be bad.

Queen Gloriana led the way to a hidden door that took us to a library where there was no one at all. It was as empty as the throne room but it was smaller and more intimate. And there was a lovely lunch waiting there for us. 

The moment we were in the room the Queen turned to look directly at me.

"Ahh, Astraia my dear. I do see Aaron in you. You are indeed his daughter and that makes you just as much my kin as he is. It is lovely to meet you. Star."

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