
Chapter 92 - Artem - Saving My Luna




Slowly, the adrenaline was leaving my body. I was breathing heavily and my heart was pounding. I had been angry. I had been scared. I had been furious at myself for letting my mate get hurt and then taken. But it was all due to this worthless piece of trash that was scattered around the room.

The man that had caused this was capable of some magic, that was evident, but he never had the type of power he had boasted about. I had let this drag out longer than it needed to simply because he seemed more powerful than he truly was. I am an idiot.

I was here for one thing and one thing only, and that was saving my mate. And now that this scumbag was finally dead, now that he was no longer the imposed threat that we had taken him for I was able to get her out of here.

I turned then, looking back at her where she was still slumped on the floor. I was worried about her too. She had seemed to be in so much pain when she fell screaming to the floor at the top of her lungs.

"Star." I called her name on a sigh as I ran to her side. I was covered in blood from Howard and the wolves that I had killed downstairs but I had already held her to me with blood all over me so why should it matter now? Why should it matter this time that I was covered in the sticky red stuff from head to toe.

All I wanted to do now was hold her to me and carry her out of this nightmare place. This place of horrors was no place for her to be. I grabbed a sheet from the bed, vowing to burn it as soon as I got her home, and wrapped Star in the soft black material. The only reason I took the sheet was to cover Star\'s body so that the others didn\'t see that she was wearing nothing at all.

I lifted her then, cradling her against my chest as I left that room. I held her close all the way down the spiraling staircase.

When I got into the main room on the second floor I saw all the others piling the dead bodies into one giant heap. They noticed me immediately and all five of them ran to my side.

"Is she alright?" Bailey was the first to speak.

"Starry?" Reed sounded like his voice was cracking with tears.

"Artem, is she OK?" Kent asked me.

"Artem?" Toby looked worried.

"Is Howard dead?" Morgan was the only one to ask about something other than my limp mate in my arms.

"Yes, he is dead." I answered Morgan first, letting them know that there was no need to look for more threats since they had clearly taken care of the others down here.

"And Star?" Kent asked me.

"I think she will be OK." I looked down at her when I spoke. "She was fighting the control that Howard had over her."

"Control?" They all five asked at the same time.

"Yes, it appears that she has a slave talisman and Howard, the demonic scumbag that he was, had been able to make her do whatever he wanted.

"Did he-, did he manage to-, did they-." Reed was not able to ask the question that they were all clearly wondering about.

"No, thankfully I got there in time. Just in time. Any later and he would have."

"You saved her Artem, that is what matters, right." Kent clapped me on the shoulder. "And apparently you took a shower in blood."

"It was necessary." I laughed. "Now I want to get her home and get a shower. She needs rest and for Doc to check her out."

"How bad is she hurt?" Toby looked at her bundled in my arms.

"I honestly didn\'t see any injuries on her at all."

"Really?" They all asked at the same time again, it was honestly kind of funny and helped to lighten the mood.

"Really. Now come on, let\'s get out of here."

We left the house then, vowing to come back again and destroy it very soon. I ran through the woods as fast as I could with Star in my arms. The others still had to run faster to catch up to me. I wonder if I was still being enhanced by my rage or was this more of the Alpha boost that I got from being in charge. I didn\'t know and I didn\'t care.

When I got back to the estate I went straight to Star\'s room and laid her on the bed after unrolling her from the sheet. I covered her up and then went to the fireplace to burn the sheet like I said.

I didn\'t want to leave her side at all but I needed to call Doc and I needed a shower. I left for clothes and the call but then went back to her room. I would use her shower to stay close to her then I would sleep in the chair next to her bed. I would be there for her when she woke up, but I would not be laying in the bed with her, I didn\'t want to scare her at all.

After a quick hot shower, just long enough to wash the blood completely away, I went back to her room wearing a pair of lounge shorts and a t-shirt. I propped myself in the chair and waited for Doc to come check on her. This was something I would not let him wait on, but I know he was also checking up on Chay when I called him so he was going to be a minute or two.

Soon, he will be here to check on my beautiful Star soon. I just needed to wait. I just needed to stay awake and wait for him for a few more minutes. 

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