
Chapter 495 - Changes III

Chapter 495: Changes III

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Instructor, we have five starships requesting to join our fleet," Xi Qing reported to Ye Chong. Standing beside him was Shu, donned in a neat uniform. Ever since their victory last time, many starships approached them to join their fleet. So far, the fleet had expanded to include 800 ships, and total number of crew members added up to 250 thousand. Even the number of warships had gone up to 10.

Before these five starships, the fleet had accepted requests from 33 other starships on that same day.

"Alright," Ye Chong did no mince his words, "Just proceed according to protocol in future." Since many starships continued to join their fleet, the whole process of filtering and accepting requests and assigning them to groups had been streamlined. Shang played an important part in this, having set up most of the rules himself.

All accepted ships must obey orders from Haskel. They must also report their inventory, subject their crew members for inspection, and take part in battles of the fleet. This meant that all ships in the fleet would be at Ye Chong\'s disposal.

Under usual circumstances, these conditions would be unthinkable. No one would willingly offer their freedom up. However, the desperate need to survive overrode all other priorities right now, so no one gave up a fight.

Ye Chong did not know that the one responsible for spreading the news of their victory over the red-tailed beasts was actually Shang. Ye Chong\'s fake name, Jay, was now a symbol, a symbol of fighting against the red-tailed beasts. In areas where the red-tailed beasts were not an immediate threat, people took notice of this mysterious and peculiar fleet. Their leader, Ye Chong was at the heart of their discussions.

The victory had also raised Ye Chong\'s reputation in the fleet. His orders were obeyed to a tee by loyal subordinates. The crew members worked diligently, taking pride in their leader. The mysterious partner of his slowly faded into the background. Later members of the fleet did not even know that he existed.

Another result of the victory was Ye Chong becoming almost a worshipped hero to all his crew members.

Hence, despite the strict rules of acceptance, many still wished to join the mysterious fleet. Ye Chong never rejected any of them. Ever since their victory, they had suffered a huge loss in number of combatants that would benefit from replenishment.

Ye Chong looked at the two young men before him and said, "Keep up with the training, we don\'t have much time left."

Xi Qing and Shu felt the gravity of the order, and saluted in reply, "Yes sir!" They did not exactly how much time they needed for what, but they also knew that some questions were better left unasked.

Ye Chong was satisfied with the performances of both Xi Qing and Shu. It was because of them that he had more time to think about other things.

"How many energy cells do we have left?" Ye Chong asked abruptly.

Xi Qing and Shu exchanged a look. Shu stepped forward and said solemnly, "Instructor, we\'re here because of this matter. Our last battle used up many of our energy cells. High intensity combat trainings are also exhausting our reserves quickly. Currently, we have only 3,600 energy cells. We are in need of an emergency resupply."

"That\'s right. Our fleet is too massive right now. We\'re using up our energy cells at an astonishing rate. If we don\'t resupply soon, we\'ll probably …" Xi Qing made his point clearly.

Ye Chong paused in thought. He had neglected this important matter. He called up Gray Valley\'s star chart as he asked, "Where\'s the closest resupply point?"

"The S.S. Iron Scorpion," Shu replied with barely suppressed excitement beneath his calm exterior, "It\'s a space station built by the Research Consortium, and one of their base of operations. There should be a huge stock of energy cells there in storage," He added mischievously, "And maybe even a good load of mechs and starships."

Xi Qing said nothing. He was with Shu on this. The Research Consortium was a heavyweight in Gray Valley. Everyone here held the Consortium with regard. Gray Valley\'s existence was closely related to the Research Consortium. All these years, the Consortium had used their skills in technological advancements to improve Gray Valley as a whole. However, in this red-tailed beast disaster, the Consortium had done nothing effective apart from bringing together organizations from all parts of Gray Valley to form an alliance.

On the contrary, they had later chosen to do something that could almost be described as stupid - they left everyone behind and escaped. This was a huge disappointment for all the people who put their hopes in them. Xi Qing and Shu had experienced this firsthand. Ever since the frontline collapsed, the Research Consortium had done nothing meaningful to the people. It was as if they had simply vanished.

Ye Chong did not hesitate. "Have all combat personnel be prepared." Ye Chong did not share the sentiment that normal Gray Valley inhabitants had. From their early escape on Planet Henna, Ye Chong could tell that the Research Consortium was not actually not very powerful. Besides, their situation was urgent, and he could not afford to be picky.

"Yes Sir!" The two young men saluted.


The ten warships guarded ten starships, carrying 2,500 mech pilots in them. The procession was heading towards S.S. Iron Scorpion. Behind them were 50 midsized transport ships, all without cargo.

Ye Chong had deployed almost all his combatants for this operation. Out of the entire fleet, he was probably the only person who knew exactly how dire their situation was. If his estimations were accurate, they would be doomed once the two flanking red-tailed beast armies completed their surrounding formation. It was a race against time. Ye Chong spent most of his time thinking these days, but could not come up with any viable solution.

All those thoughts had strained him. His eyes were bloodshot. It was torture, knowing the intentions of the red-tailed beasts but unable to come up with a solution.

On top of all that, he now had the pressing issue of running out of energy cells! Knowing how desperate their situation was, Ye Chong hardly cared who the S.S. Iron Scorpion belonged to. After all, how could they be more dangerous than the red-tailed beasts?

Besides, he had 10 warships with him. These were useless against red-tailed beasts, but a formidable amount of firepower in usual warfare.

All this while, the power of those warships were suppressed. The 10 warships came from different organizations, and these organizations were all demolished. These days, the warships were pushed around like decorations since they were useless against the red-tailed beasts.

They were once glorious! Warships - their reputation was enough to command respect and privileges wherever they went.

Hence, when Ye Chong gave the order, all 10 warships readied themselves swiftly.

Mercury, the first warship to be incorporated into the fleet, was honored with the designation Warship 1.

"Everybody listen up! I want everyone to give me your 110 percent today. I won\'t forgive anyone who\'ll screw up! F*ck, we\'re the g*ddamn warship Mercury, born for war! Today, we will show Mercury\'s true power! Sir Jay is watching us, our future will depends on our performance today! You hear me, m*therf*ckers?!" Mercury\'s Captain barked menacingly.

"Yes Sir, Captain!" All crew members replied back thunderously. They had felt suppressed enough as it was.

The entire warship now operated in the highest state of combat readiness. Crew members dashed across the corridors, going about their duties with vigor. Warships were important resources for every organization. They were staffed by crew members who went through the strictest selection procedure. Right now, Mercury was like a power machine came to life.

"Shooters, to your combat stations."

"Calibrating shooting RPM. Activating weapons system."

"Energy cells in place."

"Logistics crew is go."

Mercury was not the only one. All 10 warships looked eager for combat. All cannons were deployed from their hatches, the menacing cannon barrels giving off a dark, chilling shine. Each cannon was fitted rows of energy cells with their safeties off, ready to refuelled or replaced on the go.

Ye Chong was taken aback by the eagerness of the 10 warships, but it was better this way. He had been worrying about them due to their mercenary backgrounds. Perhaps they would only work for the pay. Seeing them like this lifted his heart a little. With 10 warships on his side, even taking down the S.S. Iron Scorpion by force would not be a problem

Unlike the warships owned by the MPA or Black Cove that Ye Chong had seen in the Five Galaxies, the warships in Gray Valley and He Yue Galaxy were much more potent. With more firepower, higher firing accuracy, better ship maneuverability and armor defense systems, these warships were far more powerful than their counterparts in the Five Galaxies.

Xue Lai Clan had the largest warship fleet. The Ye Family and Xi Feng Tribe also had their own sizable warship fleets. Every noteworthy organization would keep their warships competitive as a sizable force for war in outer space. The Research Consortium owned the largest warship fleet in Gray Valley, but now even their whereabouts were unknown.

Nevertheless, their opponent this time was Gray Valley. While members of the Consortium had always behaved unusually, their higher-ups had done nothing for the war this time. What would they do when faced with a direct challenge of power? Every inhabitant of Gray Valley had known the Consortium for its indomitable power. They could not help but doubt the outcome of this clash of powers.

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