
Chapter 145 - Ambush

Major Ryker and Mr. 18 wanted to continue their attack and finish off the enemy when he was injured, but the sand storm appeared and made it hard for them to pursue the enemy.

Then they saw him trying to escape and engaged in a relentless pursuit.

Mr. 18 was able to follow his dark warrior essence which has already penetrated Dror's body.

Dror escaped out of the facility compound and kept moving towards the north west forest.

Even though it was darkness outside it was as clear as in day light  for someone in the true warrior realm.

Mr. 18 was much faster than Major Ryker, for someone who cultivated the element of Darkness night was their home ground .

Darkness was a weird element, some people even argued if it could be considered as an element in the ancient times.

But when the first Dark element cultivator appeared everything changed.

Unlike other elements which were considered active, the element of darkness was passive. Even the slightest appearance of light completely  dispersed it.

Dark element cultivators created active dark elements with their warrior essence, the process needed one to have understanding and affinity with the element of darkness, along with the specific technique and cultivation mantras which were rarer than rare.

Major Ryker and Mr. 18 found it harder to land any attack as Dror increased his speed, But they never stopped attacking at any chance and pursuing as Dror would show weakness and slow down every now and then.

It took around 4 minutes for Dror to lead them to the forested area, all this time Dror was forcefully preventing his body from healing completely so that the enemy wouldn't grow suspicious, but once he entered the forest his speed increased drastically and he almost completely disappeared into the forest.

Mr. 18 sent a spiritual message to Major Ryker " Major I think he is using some special technique to make a run for it, I can feel the Dark essence inside him decreasing at rapid phase with his increase in speed… if we allow this he will escape into the forest.."

Major Ryker had an ugly expression he had lost too much to let the enemy escape like this.

"I will stop him .."

Saying that, A large amount of warrior essence started churning around Major Ryker.

"Earth yari piercer.."

A humongous pillar like Yari spear, with a radius of at least 3 meter and length of 15 meter, formed under Major Ryker and it started rotating with wind element coiling around it.

The Yari increased its speed while rotating and destroying anything that came in its path, while it felt like the air around it was departing to either side in front of its sharp edge and aiding it to move forward much faster.

Air element rune symbols also started appearing on the Yari's body.

Major Ryker was catching up with Dror instantly, Ryker didn't want to use this move earlier as this was an energy consuming move.

Any tree , rocks  and the earth itself in the way was pierced and thrown away hither thither and a smooth path appeared in the forest after major Ryker passed away.

Dror didn't wait and utilized the earth skip more fiercely trying to create distance between himself and the huge grinder that was following him fast.

Soon Mr. 18 was left behind following the tracks of Ryker, But all of a sudden he had the feeling of imminent crisis.

While Ryker had used the Yari technique , Dror heard Xeander's spiritual message.

" Good, lead him further away from the other guy.."

And Dror complied with it.

Three fiery knives pierced out of the ground from the exact spot that Mr 18 had landed.

Two of the knives were aiming for the sole of his feet while the third one on his little brother.

He couldn't dodge in time and both his feet were pierced through, while he was able to adjust his body and save his little brother.

Mr. 18 had an ashen face " That was close , otherwise my family heirloom.."

But before he could even sigh, a black spear glowing with all kinds of dark red runes was in front of his chest, going for his heart.

Mr. 18 used his blade to parry the attack , but the moment it was going to strike the blade, the spear changed direction at the very last moment and went for his right hand.



The right hand along with the blade dropped to the ground, ending some dust flying.


" shadow escape.."

Mr. 18 used the shadow escape technique to teleport and appear in the shadow of a tree 15 meter away,  but before he could take a breath.

Five thin fiery knives glowing with runes  instantly arrived before him without the slightest delay. 

He had already experienced the piercing power of these knives, it was not something he could block with just forming a wall with his warrior essence more than that  he was already hurt.

" shadow escape.."

Before he dodged the second time with shadow escape, a small dark sword left his body and before Xeander could do anything the sword disappeared.

This was a request for reinforcement, now he just had to hold on, until help came.

After appearing on the shadow of a further away, he utilized the shadow escape again to move further away.

Shadow escape was also an energy consuming technique of high level among dark element cultivators, The technique was divided into different grades. 

The one cultivated by Mr. 18 was the lowest grade and could only teleport him to a shadow within 15 meter radius and it also consumed a heavy load of his warrior essence.

And one of the biggest weaknesses was that even though it was dark element technique one could only escape into shadow casted by something physical  and not into the darkness around.

With the moon shining there were of course shadows mixed with darkness, which should have made him feel like a fish in water, but

Xeander has been guiding Dror to take this path where he had already set up a trap and laid down his special knife magical artifact.

Around the 50 meter radius he had already hidden away these special knives, especially around physical objects that casted shadows like trees, stones or bushes.

With his spiritual sense spread and his own high intelligence and calculation ability, Xeander predicted the places where Mr. 18 would appear.

What was frustrating Mr. 18 more was the fact that he had not yet discovered his enemy yet and the spear move that the enemy had  reminded him of something fearful.

As he appeared on the next shadow the same flying knife attack had appeared again, But this time he was prepared as he had taken a new blade from somewhere and deflected two knives with it and dodged the other three within the nick of time, but still leaving behind scratches on his body.

He had tried to recall his blade artifact from the severed hand but at some time a glowing talisman had appeared over his severed hand. It prevented him from reaching out to his blade and his space ring which was also on that severed hand.

Thankfully he had still put some life saving measures on his other apparels.

His belt was also a space artifact, which contained some of his most important artifacts and life saving measures.

Before he could relax after dodging the knife, a spear was piercing towards his throat.

Mr.18 used his blade to parry the spear again but just like before it changed direction and  was going for his left lungs.

" Black shield "

A broken black shield appeared out of nowhere and blocked the strike. Mr. 18's face was drained of blood but he clenched his teeth to launch an attack towards the direction of the silhouette who was launching the fierce attack.

His enemy has also been appearing and disappearing like thin air, but the enemy had to manifest to launch an attack, this he was sure of.

Mr 18 has also been waiting for this moment to launch his counter attack.

" Dark invasion…"


But before he could launch his technique, a dark spear with a light yellow glow pierced through his heart from behind.

His heart was already crushed without any mercy and he could see the spearhead that was protruding out of his chest.

A black vortex had opened with demon-like hands coming out to capture its prey behind Xeander, but the vortex closed by itself.

This vortex was the last technique utilized by Mr. 18 but he couldn't maintain the technique with his heart pierced and fierce flame starting to burn his internal organs.

Instead of regret or hatred, Mr. 18 had shock on his face. He spoke, mustering  the last bit of his strength.

" You , who are you….

There's only one person who can dual wield while performing the four season spear technique at this level.

Impossible.. Impossible…"

There was no replay and the black fiery red spear penetrated Mr. 18's head.

At this time Dror was already engaging Major Ryker and preventing him from going back to help Mr. 18 and the entire battle between Mr. 18 and Xeander had not taken much time to end.

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