
Chapter 116 - Planning

As he was enchanted by this beauty and couldn't take his eyes off her, for some reason he instinctively remembered a certain dangerous thing in the red and black smoke, The red flower.

An extremely beautiful but yet aggressive and poisonous flower with an otherworldly fragrance, that attracted its prey with the smell and beauty.

Dror shook himself out of the stupor and looked at her again, but this time the look was sharp and had a slight wild killing tint to it.

Now it was Lisa who was surprised, she had been practicing a special mantra which would allow her to enchant anyone easily, even without using the techniques consciously people would get enchanted unconsciously while observing her.

Only a few people could break out of the effects so easily.

She extended her hand  towards Dror with a smile " I always wanted to get to know  the hero known as barbarian god…"

But Dror wanted to jump back all of a sudden, his instincts were screaming he should not shake or kiss that hand under no condition.

Still against his own instincts he shaked her hand with a wild grin.

Not just Lisa but even Laurel was shocked so much that she had to use both her hands to cover her wide open mouth.

Lisa was not as calm as she first appeared, she had the feeling that the person standing in front of her was a devil. 

Only a devil who is master of seduction can shake her hand so casually when she was using the hand seduction technique, This technique of hers was very well known among the talented young warriors in the rebel base and no one in the younger generation dared to shake her hand, The once who did shake it never dared to look at her face again from then on.

Dror would have never shaken that hand if it was  2 months earlier, but now he was an entirely different person.

Memories from Earnest's previous life  had improved his mental strength to a new level and there were all kinds of techniques in the memories which could deal with such situations.

" No no…. It is my pleasure to get acquainted with such a beautiful lady."

Lisa could only accept the fact that the man known as barbarian was anything but simple and she didn't dare to test him anymore.

After ending the little awkward introduction, they started discussing the plan.

The plan was simple: they would attack the warehouse where the children were kept first and move them to a safer place while making sure no one else noticed. 

Once the children are secured they will launch a swift attack on madam J and her underlings , minimizing the commotion as much as possible.

If the commotion attracted the city guards it would be bad for them, madam J has been bribing the authority all this time, it was also possible that certain officials are her supporters, which means the city guards and enforcers will be working for her not against her.

They decide on launching the attack on the next day after observing everything for one more day.

Dror was also very happy to comply with the decided time as he had not yet collected the materials for which he came to the central city.

The next morning Dror casually strolled through the business area while purchasing all kinds of materials that he needed, when it was closing in the evening he went to the railway station and left the city.

This was because he didn't want to discard the id of Mr. Jackson yet, as it could be useful later and he had visited the brothel with this identity, so he took a ticket to a faraway village but got down at the next town nearby to Tarnish.

The rebels had their own secret ways  to enter the city so he was going to use it to enter this time.

When it was closing to night he met up with Laurel in a small house which was also their temporary base. Dror had detected many people hidden around the house in stealth, these were rebel soldiers under Laurel and others. 

As he entered the house he saw that Laurel was in her usual attire but what caught his attention was the other person who was chatting with her.

It was a handsome young man dressed in full white with a white katana  attached to his belt, he even had white hair and white eyebrows, only his eyes were black like normal people. 

The young man was in  the true warrior realm and he emitted a sharp aura like an unsheathed sword, for some reason the guy showed a serious emotionless face.

Dror didn't have to guess and he thought  " hmm… so this must be the white dragon, so he was given the name because he liked white color… pfft, what a joke …. I thought there was something else to it… I wonder why didn't he use some contact lens to turn his pupils also white..hmm"

Laurel introduced them to each other, Ronin was a serious man of few words.

The plan was for the three of them to attack the warehouse first, while Lisa kept a watch at the brothel for any unintended development.

  Dror along with Laurel and Ronin would  complete their part as fast as possible without creating any commotion and then go for the brothel to launch a second surprise attack.

With three True warriors acting together there was no chance of anything going wrong.

The Northern side of the city had an area where it was congested with all kinds of warehouses and storehouses, almost all the big businesses in the city had a store here and the children were in one of the smaller warehouses  owned by madam J.

The problem was since all of the warehouses were in the same area the security around the place was tighter.

The entrance to the area required documents and the whole area had big walls surrounding it with all kinds of high  level surveillance and safety measures.

Maybe Dror, Laurel, Ronin and a few high level warriors in their team could enter the area undetected. But getting the children out would be near impossible without causing ruckus.

So Laurel had come up with a way to enter by hijacking two trucks that were to deliver goods into one of the warehouses and later they could fill the empty trucks with children and get out.

The plan progressed without much hitch as they hijacked the trucks easily, the truck was driven by normal people and the cargo wasn't very valuable so the security was very light.

There were a total of 17 people in their team including Dror, Laurel and Ronin.

Two people each drove the truck while the rest remained in the back along with the cargo.

Since the documents were real and with a little hacking from the side of Laurel the drivers identity was easily verified and they got into the warehouse area.

Once they got in, 13 of them got down and went for the warehouse which had the children, while the rest drove the trucks to the designated warehouse like an ordinary delivery.

Once they were in front of the warehouse Dror was impressed by the way Laurel's subordinates dealt with the security guards and the other security measures  of the warehouse; he could see that they were well trained in assassination and infiltration's.

Once the security outside was dealt with Dror saw four of her subordinates  reciting a mantra while activating a technique, an invisible energy wall surrounded the warehouse from all sides.

This was a kind of formation barrier that prevented outsiders from detecting any disturbance that was happening inside and prevented any sort of messages from being sent to the outside world, anyone who looked from outside would only see the illusion of everything being normal.

After the formation was done they entered the warehouse, there were around 15 guards inside and some of them were warriors.

Before Dror could make any move he saw a white shadow moving so fast that he seemed to be appearing and disappearing like teleportation, whenever the white shadow appeared beside an enemy a thin  line of white light flashed by and the enemy was cut into pieces.

When Dror looked to his side the white dragon who was on his right side just a moment ago had disappeared, in fact only Laurel remained beside him with a smug look on her face. 

All the 20 guards were dealt swiftly with the white dragon taking the lead and the rest of Laurel's subordinate assisting.

The warehouse had three floor and one of them was  underground where the children was supposed to be kept

Ronin and the rest wanted to clear out everyone on the first floor before going to the underground floor, but there was no one on the first floor other than some cargo and goods.

Finally they entered underground and found that it still held a few cargoes and there were around 7 guards. 

Dror and Laurel was like taking a stroll in the nearby garden; they didn't even have to lift a single finger, everything was dealt by Ronin and the rest.

Dror even had the thought that it was really an overkill to send three true realm warriors to deal with these warrior level thugs and normal ones.

After dealing with everyone in the warehouse they found the rooms where the children were locked in.

The children had been given some kind of drugs to make them disoriented, so they were not much active.

And as they were checking on the children a cold snort was heard from behind.

" And here I taught who dared to make a commotion at my place… it seems to be a few rebel rats, who had crawled out of their hiding..." 

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