
Chapter 23 - Reader: I’ve already taken off my pants, and this is what you show me?!

Chapter 23.1 – Reader: I’ve already taken off my pants, and this is what you show me?!

Alice leaned against the bed and Violet was reluctant to leave. She took Alice’s hand, turned to Du Ze and Xiu, and rubbed her red eyes in embarrassment: “You can laugh, this is my younger sister Alice – who is also my spouse.”

Sister, you are so heroic! – Du Ze’s head hurt when he thought this.1 He guessed that Violet dared to boldly declare her relationship with Alice because she saw the two of them kissing. Now she thinks that they are good friends who have violated the same taboo. The silly Du Xe is now worried: the protagonist’s “straighten the bent sisters”2 route is messed up! Xiu failed to trigger the “hero saves the beauty” and “scientific rescue” events to enhance his favorability rating with the sisters. Protagonist ... you can still delete the saved file and try to play again.

Du Ze was dismayed. He looked at Xiu, but found that the other person was looking back at him. The Lich’s full attention is on him, his eyes very serious, and Du Ze doesn’t know how long he has been staring. Their eyes met for mere moment before Xiu calmly looked away.

Du Ze: ?3

Violet whispered a few words to Alice, as if to introduce Du Ze and Xiu to her sister. Alice smiled shyly at the two strangers. She seems to be more introverted than her sister and let Violet do all the talking.

“At last we can thank you for killing the necromancer. Though I would like to ask you ... what do you plan to do next?”

This speech startled Du Ze. All this time he and the protagonist have been on the run; they haven’t had a chance to stop and think about their future goals. In the original “Mixed Blood” plot, when the protagonist left the Lost Land, his goal was revenge. As he pursued his goal, his hatred of the world increased so much that in the end, he decided that the world and everything and everyone in it didn’t need to exist.

The world has no value, therefore destroy it.

Du Ze did not object to the protagonist getting revenge on the foolish humans who wronged him. On the contrary, he was excited when the protagonist trampled on all of those people – tremble foolish mortals, for daring to bully my cute hero!

But when the protagonist changed his target from individuals to the whole of human society, and then the whole world, this was a sign that the protagonist had become deranged.

Everybody says I’m wrong. Since it’s wrong, then why can’t anyone stop me? I’ll keep going until death proves me wrong.

That person kept making mistake after mistake without realizing he’s wrong or turning back, all the way until the very end.

Du Ze involuntarily looked at Xiu. The demon sisters also looked at Xiu. The Lich lifted his eyes expressionlessly and said, his voice hoarse: “How can a person go to the Lost Land?”

Violet was stupefied. She had probably guessed that they were from the other side of the continent, which was not that unusual. There were always some people who came to the reverse side of the continent because of rifts in time and space. Such people either died in the reverse side’s harsh environment, or settled down here and never returned to the continent because the channel has been blocked.

She could not help but remind them: “From the reverse side of the continent, people cannot go to the opposite side because ...” Her voice became smaller and smaller as she spoke when she saw the expression in the Lich’s eyes. Violet realized she had been speaking nonsense.

“The Lost Land is in Agares City, do you have a permit?” After she said that, Violet realized she had made a mistake so she began to explain: “To go to Agares City then into the Lost Land, one must have a permit issued by Agares City’s Lord.”

She hesitated for a moment then continued: “I can help you get a permit. Can you please help us with one thing in return?” Like someone who feared being rejected, Violet quickly added: “There is a Flame Lord that I want to get a flame crystal soul from, can you help me?”

Alice’s eyes glittered, and she grabbed her sister’s hand.

System: Quest “Obtain Flame Crystal Soul” Available. Requested by: Violet. Bonus: Lily sisters goodwill +100.

Thus, Du Ze witnessed the stallion novel plot god’s tireless efforts. In “Mixed Blood” this event was also present. In order to help Alice, the protagonist helped kill the Flame Lord and loot its treasures. Alice was finally completely restored; the two demon sisters were completely conquered, and they both joined the harem.

Du Ze stared at Xiu nervously: Protagonist, quickly agree! If you don’t get the goodwill of these two lilies, henceforth you will become a bystander instead of a participant!

The Lich looked gloomy, with no expression on his pale face.4 Violet was very frightened of Xiu but persisted in looking him in the eye. Du Ze, on the other hand, knew that he was about to refuse based on his experience with the Lich in the Lost Land. At that moment, the bitterness in the reader’s heart was so great that it even broke through his social barrier and made him do something irreversible.


Everyone’s eyes turned to the silly, cute Du Ze. The reader felt regret. He dared to overstep his authority and speak for others – is he stupid or is he stupid?

“Thank you very much,” said Alice, who had not spoken before, completely blocking any opportunity for Du Ze renege on his promise to help.

Violet also reacted; she excitedly said to Du Ze: “Thank you! I’ll get everything ready!”

On the opposite side of the two happy little lilies, some Moe person had to face his personal hell. Struggling to find a good excuse, Du Ze turned to face to Xiu, his voice flat as he sought to explain his presumption: “There will be good things there.”

You have to believe that this young man is doing this for your own good. When you are surrounded by beautiful women you will appreciate my lasciviousness!

However, the Lich’s eyes had a strange, unfamiliar expression that Du Ze couldn’t decipher. It didn’t look like blame. Hearing Du Ze’s words, Xiu looked away and said: “Then let’s do it.”

Du Ze: ???

Although the fact that the protagonist agreed is very good, Du Ze felt uneasy at his strange attitude.

Is he just imagining things?

Chapter 23.2 – Reader: I’ve already taken off my pants, and this is what you show me?!

When Du Ze and Xiu returned to the room and saw that there was only one bed, the cute person realized that they had not dispelled the sisters’ idea about Xiu and Du Ze’s “queer pain-in-the-ass”1 relationship. Now it’s not realistic for him to go back and ask for another room. Besides, after they ate dinner, the headphones ran out of power. Du Ze turned to look at Xiu but saw that the Lich had taken out Qian Bian and changed it into the Magic Codex. Xiu was reading it earnestly and it seemed that he didn’t plan to rest at all.

Seeing the protagonist activate his diligent training mode, Du Ze sought to make his existence smaller.

The thought of Xiu working so hard to become strong enough to get revenge gave Du Ze mixed feelings. He thought that he should find a chance to talk to Xiu about his future: the abused trash brings down the god of light and then destroys the world – that is the villain BOSS’ role! The cute master shouldn’t take over that job.

He thought about these things then fell asleep.

Violet was excited about the task that will save Alice’s life and got everything ready the next day, but there was just a small problem.

Du Ze looked at the yellow creature in front of him. It was two meters high, similar to the Late Cretaceous Velociraptor, with its large hind legs that appeared to be somewhat miniature compared to its forelegs. It is often referred to in fantasy novels as a dragon. There was a saddle on its back and was obviously prepared as a means of transportation. However, when Du Ze approached it, the ground-dragon sobbed and shrank down, trying to make itself smaller. As he went nearer, the creature started struggling as if it were a female about to be *censored*.2 When Du Ze attempted to climb on it’s back, the poor creature started foaming at the mouth then passed out.

The crowd of onlookers and the other dragons: ...

Violet was very frightened. There is no power leaking from the human – no, perhaps that black-haired youth is not a human. The legendary high-level dragons can freely transform into their humanoid forms. The mount is a low-level demonic beast and it could not withstand his proximity, could he be ... a dragon?

Congratulations! The reader has unlocked the “High-Level Dragon” title in addition to his existing “High-Level Demon” appellation

Xiu glanced at the unconscious dragon, took out Qian Bian, and used the death scythe to draw a magic circle on the ground. When the outermost circle was complete, the magic pattern lit up with a black light. A horse neighed and when the light had died down, a white and gray skeletal horse appeared, its dark eyes burning with blue soul flames.

In its past life the skeletal horse was used to riders. Xiu put a saddle on it and turned to look at Du Ze, saying: “Come.”

Oh, oh, oh! A good, domineering mount!

Some stupid, cute person ran to it and was barely able to climb onto the skeletal horse’s saddle. Before he could straighten up his body, the mount bent down. A cold chest was stuck to his back and a pale hand came around from behind.

Wait a minute.

“Only the undead can ride a skeleton horse. It will throw you off,” explained the Lich.

Du Ze’s body became stiff. This time it’s because of shock: he clearly said nothing, how was the protagonist able to read the doubt in his mind?

There was no need to whip the mount. Under the Lich’s mind control, the skeletal horse ran quickly. Xiu hugged Du Ze’s waist, slightly squinting in the breeze.

– If you observe him closely, this person is actually very easy to understand, isn’t he?

The Flame Lord’s lava habitat was southwest of Belial City, about 2 days away. That night they camped out. After a whole day’s riding, Du Ze’s legs felt soft and the frail otaku missed the 21st century cars very much. Tired, Du Ze went straight to his blanket after dinner and fell asleep.

Perhaps these past few days spent in Belial City has been too comfortable; his sleep was fitful. Some time in the night he woke up. He stared at the fire for a while, still half asleep, and when he had fully woken up, he saw that something was not right.

With his blurry eyesight he could make out two shadows in the firelight. Du Ze put on his glasses and saw a scene that made his blood boil: Xiu and Violet were not asleep. They were sitting next to the fire and seemed to be chatting. Xiu said something that seemed to surprise Violet at first but then she smiled happily in response.

Du Ze hated the fact that his headphones aren’t working right now, otherwise he could fully witness this classic scene. What did the protagonist say to this sister? Is it the love confession? ****, you’re so cheap! You remain calm and quiet while taking down the sister, this is the style of life’s winner!

The cute reader suppressed his excitement and continued to watch.

They said something again. Suddenly Xiu moved closer to Violet and the demon female moved her face forward, closing her eyes and looking very eager.

Are you going to kiss? Are you going to kiss? Go on! Kiss!

Under Du Ze’s hot, expectant gaze, Xiu pointed his index finger between Violet’s eyebrows and cast the spell for the master and servant contract.

... I’ve already taken off my pants, and this is what you show me?!3

A mouthful of blood rose up in Du Ze’s throat. The ****, I spent three days and three nights waiting for a love action scene and all I get is a wacky kid’s cartoon!4 Why! Ah!

Argh! This is bs!!!

The pale light of the contract gradually dissipated. Between Violet’s eyebrows appeared a mark that slowly faded away. She gave Xiu a respectful salute then left. Xiu was left sitting at the fire. The Lich glanced in Du Ze’s direction then stared at the leaping flames, his thoughts muddled.5

Because of last night’s ups and downs, Du Ze’s mood was particularly bleak when he got up. He sat impassively in Xiu’s arms as they rode the skeletal horse, thinking to himself: exactly what went wrong?

After a day’s journey, they finally arrived at the lava habitat.



She said: “You ask me ... why are you with Alice?”

She said: “I hope that Alice’s companion will only be me, whether in the past or in the future.”

She said: “Alice is my one and only special person.”

She said: “The most important thing is that I like Alice, this has nothing to do with gender and identity.”

She said: “Aren’t you and he a couple? Why don’t you understand?”


The man can only stay by his side.

That person is different.

That person is important – why is that person important?

– [black box]

The author has something to say:

Author: I’ve lost my moral integrity, and you let me update?

Reader: I’ve already taken off my pants, and this is what you show me?

Protagonist: You’ve already taken off your pants, and you won’t let me top you?

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