
Chapter 80 - Commander

The commander stood up from behind his desk and went to Levi who was kneeling on one leg. 

He pulled Levi up, there was sadness on the commander's face and he spoke with guilt.

  " No, Levi .... this was not your fault, but ours.... Your cover had been blown  long before they captured you, they were just waiting for you to contact us all this time and we didn't  have any clue... this was a complete failure of our intelligence... You had to go through such a terrible event. "

Levi was shaken after hearing the words of the commander, he had no knowledge that his cover was blown a long time ago and the Alliance army was treating him as bait to lure out other rebels.

  If he had made contact with others in this time he might have exposed the whole rebel base.

If that was the case he would have liked to die, rather than expose his brothers and family to danger. 

But soon anger started welling up in his mind, if his whereabouts were exposed then it meant that there was a spy or someone had defected to the other side or was captured and revealed relevant information.

While both of them were talking, Sam had a little guilty conscience. 

He had been thinking what if he had not tried to rescue Levi at that time, Levi wouldn't have had to go through such a terrible experience. 

Sam had also confided this with Levi, but Levi was more positive and thanked Sam continuously for saving his life. 

Levi even mentioned that the rebels who were captured were treated in the worst manner and the interrogation method that the alliance government used in their camps would make someone want to die rather than go through it.

But Sam still felt a little guilty, he wanted to use some higher grade pill from the space ring and there was this one specific pill which could really regenerate Levi"s lost arm and restore his complete appearance. 

But Sam didn't want to gamble with Levi's life. The owner of the ring was a pretty powerful person in an unknown realm and some one at that level must be really intelligent and crooked. 

After all, which of the Old monsters who had reached such a realm wouldn't have their fair share of experience, If the newbie Sam could be careful and ruthless.

  Then what more to say about some Old monsters that have lived for such a long time.

Other than their family and loved ones, the others would be like ants to those Old monsters at such a level. 

Because the path chosen by warriors was linked to self and selfishness.( They cultivated the self.) 

Sam had been even skeptical about the path of the sages and he had also heard about some selfish acts committed by some sages, so he was not sure. 

If someone truly selfless existed then that person should be a real Sage, a messiah or a buddha, But Sam was not sure if such people existed and even if he met with such a person. How would he know that person's true mind and heart, because it was not him but another person.

After all, the great Cartesius once said " If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things. "

and  "I think, therefore I am" …... then what about others from my perspective...

Even the great saint Taraveda who was revered as a man of his word. 

Was also extremely protective of his family and had destroyed planets in his anger. 

His justice and righteousness might have also been limited by borders of the great empire that he ruled over.


Commander " You know I have always treated everyone in my squad as my own children... you are like my son, My heart is also greatly troubled by what transpired... But trust me we will repay what they did to us..."

After some more words the Commander looked towards Sam and spoke " So you are the New barbarian god.... I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking care of my son..."

This dignified commander of the army held his hand together and bowed to Sam giving him utmost respect. Sam was truly taken aback by this person's actions, he never thought that someone who was in such a position would ever bow to anyone other than his superiors.

Then Sam realized that this person didn't bow to him as a commander or a high level Warrior, but as a father whose son was rescued from a deadly situation. His gratitude towards the savior was true and from the heart. Sam didn't have much of an opinion about the rebels before coming here, but this one act of this old man gained his respect and good will.

Sam " Senior please don't .... I am not worthy of your bow... and Levi is also my good friend, how can I standby when someone is harming my good friend..."

Commander started emitting his normal dignified aura and spoke " good.. good.. I am glad that there are young men who value relations like you...You will always be a friend and ally of my Mighty stronghold..."

While Sam and the Commander were still talking with each other, there was some noise from the outside as a young voice asked for permission to enter. The commander had a little doubtful expression on his face for a second when he heard the voice' but he gave the permission.

A young man in a military uniform entered the room, this person also emitted a dignified aura like an army general.

He had blue eyes and blonde hair like some movie star from earth, but Sam could feel a haughty aura hidden within. 

What surprised Sam was that this young man who seemed to be a little older than him was in the mid tier of the True warrior realm.

Sam had already inquired about the level of the commander with the Evil sword, but her reply was that he was probably in supreme warrior realm but not sure.

Before he could ask again this time the Evil sword spoke through spiritual sense " hmph…. You don't need to be worried, this guy is probably in his 40's or 50's and he is also just a pseudo True warrior..."

For some reason, Sam felt like the Evil sword was not just demeaning the other guy but him too.

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