
Chapter 129 - A Cave

Chapter 129: A Cave

Translator: Sissy That Walk

Luo Qianqian struggled too free herself from Murong Yun’s arms, with a roar she withdrew Flesh the sword from her sleeve and cut the serpent skin into pieces.

Murong Yun frowned, then he realized Luo Qianqian had accidentally smelt the poison gas inside of the serpent skin, that was why she was acting so hysterically.

There was poison gas in the serpent skin.

Murong Yun didn’t feel a thing thanks to his profound Internal Chi flowing in his body, but Luo Qianqian was a rather green martial arts cultivator compared to Murong Yun, so she was the one who showed the symptoms.

Murong Yun’s face darkened abruptly, he took a glance at the serpent skin pieces and instilled Internal Chi in his palms, then he wielded his arms to fan out the poison gas.

With that Murong Yun helped Luo Qianqian up and stroked her back to calm her down while instilling Internal Chi into her body to stabilize her mind.

It took Luo Qianqian a while to regulate her breaths, she opened her eyes with confusion.

“Why did I behave like that? Was I… was I possessed?” Luo Qianqian muttered, it seemed like she was unable to control herself just now, her heart still fluttered with fear because she had no idea what she could have done if not for Murong Yun.

Murong Yun didn’t answer her question, he simply replied, “You are all better now, are you ready to look around with me?”

Luo Qianqian knew exactly what Murong Yun was doing, he was used to face all the problems all by himself, so she stated at Murong Yun in earnest, “I’m stronger than you think, you can tell me anything.”

Just like that group of people they met the other day, how come Murong Yun was so hostile towards Liang Fengqi and his group.

Wait, Liang Fengqi, Liang Ao, Liang Yu! Liang!

Luo Qianqian thought now she understood where Murong Yun’s hostility came from.

“Qianqian, I promise you I will tell you everything once we walk away from this cave.”

Luo Qianqian nodded gently.

The two looked around carefully in the cave and they were sure there was no Serpent Flower in this cave, Luo Qianqian took a pill for suspending breathing in case there was more poison gas in the cave.

To return to Su Liancheng and Feng Qing.

“Feng Qing, why do you always pull a long face?” Su Liancheng was one chatterbox, yet Feng Qing was as reticent as Murong Yun.

“Say something please! In a scary place like this, let’s at least talk to each other to keep the morale.”


“Feng Qing! Are you listening to me? How come Brother Eighth has a subordinate like you? Look at other people’s subordinates, they are all nice and friendly like puppies, and look at you, so silent, always silent!”


“Feng Qing… …”


Su Liancheng kept wagging his tongue and Feng Qing had enough, “Lord Su, do you need a subordinate to keep you company?”


Feng Qing cast a glance at Su Liancheng and kept his eyes on the ground to look for the Serpent Flower, “It sounds like you are complaining you want a subordinate to keep you company.”

Su Liancheng didn’t know what to say.

He used to think Feng Qing was fun to hang out with, but now he realized Feng Qing had a sassy side as well.

Feng Qing’s sass worked, Su Liancheng kept quiet after that, the two covered many small caves together, but it was fruitless.

The two didn’t give up, they kept trying their luck and they didn’t want to alarm any serpents, so they kept low-key on this mission.

As big as the serpents were, they were actually very agile and the venom was deadly.

The two were covered with small wounds by the thorn bush, but luckily the two didn’t mind those wounds too much.

“Wait, what’s that smell?” Su Liancheng halted.

Feng Qing halted and sniffed, “It’s carrion!”

Su Liancheng clapped, “Exactly! Serpent Flower grows in that environment, let’s goo have a look!”

“Lord Su, I will take the lead.”

The two made their way following the smell of carrion, finally they arrived at a cave that was as tall as an adult man.

This was a rather big cave compared to the ones nearby, it was pitch dark inside the cave despite it was daytime.

Su Liancheng threw a small torch into the cave, it looked like the cave was rather deep, it seemed endless.

“Shall we?” Su Liancheng asked.

Feng Qing frowned, he felt this cave was awfully quiet, they could hear the hisses of serpents at other caves, but their own breaths was the only thing he could hear at this place.

It didn’t make sense, there should be more serpents in a cave like this one.

“Isn’t it too quiet here?” Su Liancheng asked in a low voice.

This cave made a perfect pit for a serpent, but there was no sign of them living here, there was only one possibility, which was a even more intimidating species was residing in this cave.

The two looked more alarmed thinking about this possibility.

“Shall we send a signal to Brother Eighth, the smell bodes well, I think we can find the Serpent Flower here.” Su Liancheng wasn’t afraid of death, he didn’t want to end up failing the battle and ruining the opportunity of getting the Serpent Flower. So he figured they better send a signal and get all the help they could get.

“Feng Qing, let’s send the signal, there’s no harm doing it. And meanwhile we can do a little exploration first.” Su Liancheng nodded to Feng Qing and walked to the cave.

Feng Qing agreed, he followed Su Liancheng into the cave after he sent the signal.

Su Liancheng carried a small torch in hand, he didn’t make it too big because he didn’t want to alarm whatever resided in this cave.

“Lord Su, I’m here.” Feng Qing said in a low voice, Su Liancheng slowed down and waited for him, with that Feng Qing took the torch and the two kept walking shoulder to shoulder.

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