
Chapter 233 - Attack On GNE

After creating a plan to attack GNE which was the biggest news broadcasting station in the world, Yuki along with his new clan began to prepare their things to leave the kingdom and go towards the base of operations which belonged to GNE and take them down once and for all.

"Are you ready clan leader Yuki?" Batol asked Yuki as he entered the room which Yuki was in. That room was his own room which was located inside the castle-like building since he was the clan leader of FFF's WD.

"I am. I've checked to make sure that I have everything I need," said Yuki as he closed his inventory and turned towards Batol.

"Anyway, I assume that most of the members of the previous FFF have been sent back to their original kingdom since we don't have space here for them and they won't be needed in this battle?" Yuki asked just to make sure all of the extra stuff which he usually needed to worry about was taken care of. 

Hearing his question, Batol nodded in agreement. Indicating that the members which were now part of FFF's WD but were previously part of FFF clan had been sent back to their original kingdom where they would need to stay out and wait for further instructions on how to proceed since it would be hard for Yuki to manage such a large clan.

"I see. What about Mark, Arthur and the top 5 members of both the WD sector and the FFF sector? Are they prepared as well?" Yuki asked since he needed to make sure that the people who would be going to ONE's home base were ready.. Due to how the people who offer the teleporting service work, it wouldn't be possible to transport a whole army to where GNE was located. As such, only a small group of people could be taken there. A small attack force which would have enough power to wipe the floor with the news organization which dared to humiliate the clan leader of the greatest clan in the world.




After going outside of the castle, the 14 people who were part of the attack force all walked through the kingdom while everyone stopped what they were doing and watched them with both fear and respect in their eyes for the members of FFF's WD who were part of the greater echelon of the clan. In the civillian's eyes, just even a wrong world could cause one of the 14's blood to boil to the point where they would kill.

This wasn't because the members of Yuki's clan were seen as evil or thought to have anger problems. This was because whenever people found someone who was vastly superior to them, they always chose to assume the worst outcome and I became enveloped in fear. As such, every single civilian who was in their path moved away without asking so much as a single question. 

After walking out of the kingdom, the 14 members of FFF's WD clan's attack force all got a teleporter of their own and commanded them to take them to the home base of GNE. GNE, being a news broadcasting station did not hide their location as it would just be counterintuitive due to the fact that they claimed to provide everything to their viewers or readers. As such, it would only make sense that they wouldn't hide some of the more basic stuff like their location even if it did put them at risk of an attack.

"So this is the place?" Yuki asked while staring at a large cylindrical building which seemed to have an endless amount of floors as it reached towards the clouds. The building itself was in the middle of nowhere as it was surrounded by endless amounts of green grass which seemed to go on forever in all directions meaning that the building was man made and not part of the world which Zero originally constructed.

"Yup, this is it. So do we just charge inside like this plan?" Batol asked before making his move just in case Yuki had another last minute plan which he wanted to test out. Luckily for Batol it was a good thing he had asked that question since Yuki did in fact have a last minute change of plan.

"Activate ability: Fire Control" 

Without even saying a single word to the other members of his clan which were there, Yuki activated his ability before sending a fireball which came out of his mouth right at the building. The rest of the members just stood and watched as they watched Yuki do this which went completely against the plan which they had set out.

"So I guess he's just going to try to burn the building down himself. I guess that's a simpler idea," said Batol with a confused look as he thought that Yuki could probably take off the mission on his own. His made Batol let down his guard. 

However just as Batol made his claim that Yuki would be able to take care of the situation on his own, he was shocked to see as the fire ball began to disappear with it not even reaching the GNE building which meant only one thing. There was a barrier set to make sure that the building couldn't be attacked. What didn't make sense was how a barrier could stop an attack that was sent by Yuki himself.

"I see, this is going to be a bit problematic," Yuki said to himself as he tried to think of something which would allow him to get past the barrier. Even before a counter could be thought of, people in black suits began to rush out of the GNE building as if they were some sort of guards that were sent to stop Yuki's attack force from going any further which in fact was exactly what they were trying to do.

"Damn, I have to think fast!" Yuki said to himself before finally getting an idea as to how to breach through the barrier which was blocking them.

"Mark, you should be pretty strong and your ability isn't that important so do you mind changing it so that it destroys this barrier? Make sure it's specified that it's only usable on this barrier so that it can guarantee its destruction," said Yuki as he commanded Mark to make it quick since their enemies were fast approaching.

Mark, who was fully recovered from his battle with Yuki when the showdown between FFF and WD took place, listened to Yuki's orders as he changed his ability as quickly as possible. A few moments later, Mark activated his ability which caused some sparks of lightning to flash before the invisible barrier began to become more visible as it gleamed before disappearing.

"It's down now, we go on with that plan," Mark quickly announced as he looked at Yuki with a sharp nod.

"Where do you think you're going? Do you think it'll be that easy to get inside GENE's base? You've got to be hallucinating or something," said one of the guards as the guards in black suits had finally made it where Yuki and his attack force were standing.

"Leave this to me," said Batol as he stepped up in front of Yuki as he slowly walked towards the guards, who seemed to be more confident than ever. Maybe it was because they hadn't gotten a chance to notice that Arthur, who was known throughout the world to be the strongest person alive until just a while ago, was there. To add on, he wasn't the leader of the group which just that alone should have set off a couple alarms.

"What do you think you can take us all by yourself? I know who you are, you're the current leader of FFF right? Like that's going to matter here! All you clan leaders are just bluffing about your strength-" the man who seemed to be the leader of the guards began to talk, however Batol quickly grew bored of having to listen to him. As such, he threw the first punch but the leader of the guards seemed to notice it and began to try to move away from it.

In that moment, Batol let out a smirk before activating his ability and landing a direct punch to the chin of the guard.

"Huh? How did that make contact? I swear I dodged it," the guard said as he tried to process what had just happened.

"Maybe I let myself get too relaxed since he's so weak. Nevertheless, only a slight increase in my focus should be enough to defeat-" the guard began to speak once again before Batol got too tired of listening to his monologue and began to throw a second punch which the guard caught on to once again.

"Okay, I can see his fist moving, if I just move my head to the side, I should be able to dodge it easily," said the guard as he moved his head away from where Batol's fist was heading.

"Active ability!"

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