
Chapter 230 - Mindless

"GNE?! How could they know about the events which took place so soon? I mean even with abilities, it's nearly impossible to gather information so quickly and also manage to gather the tools needed to project that information to others in the form of an interview," Yuki thought to himself as he was caught off guard by the message which was brought forward by a member of his clan.

"Just refuse their offer then. Nothing good ever comes out of news stations. They'll always twist the story to get more viewers. As long as they accomplish their main goal, they don't care if you're presented to be the good or bad guy in any situation. To people like them, profit is all that matters," said Batol with a disgusted look on his face as he couldn't believe how desperate GNE was.

"In my opinion, I believe you should go and talk to them," Arthur added without explaining much further as to what he meant by the words that had come out of his mouth. Right after hearing those words though, Batol began to give up on Arthur as he was now convinced that Arthur had lost his mind after he was forced to give up his clan.

"Why would you say that?! Are you trying to purposely worsen our clan leader's life? You better than anyone in this room should know the consequences of cooperating with corrupt news stations like GNE," said Batol with clear anger and frustration in his voice.

"It's because of that very reason that I'm telling Yuki to go and talk to them. I know better than anyone here the lengths they'll go to so that they can secure a good story for their viewers.. The moment someone refuses their offer of an interview, they start to panic and begin to resort to any possible strategies which might make their target corporate. It doesn't matter if it's unethical or inhumane. As long as it gets the job done for them, they're perfectly fine with using any strategy. If Yuki were to refuse an interview with them, it would be the end of his reputation and also the end of this clan as well," Arthur explained as he had dealt with GNE on several occasions. Due to that fact, he was more or less familiar with the tactics they would use to persuade their targets.

Although Batol was also a clan leader, he never got the same type of spotlight which Arthur had received as there was always a large gap in their strengths and status.

However the one time they had offered him a chance to get on an interview with them, GNE went to expose some of FFF's largest secrets which had to do with their training regimens along with things such as that. 

Although things like that were usually supposed to be kept private, GNE didn't care even one single bit about how Batol felt and did as they pleased. Due to that, Batol grew to resent their organization.

"At the end of it all, it's all Yuki's choice. If he chooses to allow the interview, then he will go through with it. However, if he chooses not to, that's also his choice. As members of his clan and as his subordinates, it would be our duty either way to make sure that he doesn't get a bad reputation because of how GNE might try to present him to the entire world," Mark added.

"So what do you say Yuki? You think you're up for the job?" Scar finally asked with a grin to which Yuki stopped poundering to himself and finally came to a solid answer. That one being that he would go through with the interview.

Even if the members of his clan didn't agree with his choice, not a single of one them showed a face of disdain nor resentment as they didn't want to experience the same torture that the red dragon endured while in its fight with Yuki.

Even if Yuki was on their side. It was still a scary being due to the unstoppable power which he wielded which would make anyone who stepped too close to it, submit in defeat as they accepted Yuki was their new ruler.


After walking down the stairs of the castle-like building in the kingdom which was where Yuki was resting after his battle with the red dragon. Yuki finally met eye to eye with the representative of GNE who supposedly had an interview with him.

The two people who were helping Yuki walk , Arthur and Batol, allowed Yuki to sit down on one of the couches in the waiting area of the first floor which was also where the representative of GNE was sitting while hoping to interview Yuki.

"Since you're already here, I assume that you have agreed to have an interview with us, Yuki Kaito?" the representative asked Yuki which was a bit odd since he had used Yuki's full name which many people didn't do but nevertheless, Yuki stayed quiet as he wanted to finish his interview with the representative of GNE as quickly as possible due to the reputation they already had with Yuki's top fighting force. Unfortunately for Yuki, that wouldn't be the path in which their conversation would head in as Yuki was in for a surprise.

What was odd about the representative of GNE was that he didn't bring any sort of special equipment. There weren't cameras with him nor were there any special mics which would be used to pick up sound when the interviewee was speaking. Instead all the representative of GNE had in his hands was a large notebook and a pencil.


"Does he take me to be some sort of idiot or something?! For things like this, you're supposed to bring a whole camera crew yet all this guy brought us some basic looks like he's about to draw like a mindless child," Yuki said to himself in a rather irritated tone as he couldn't believe the nerve the representative had to be so confident that he could access Yuki and all his words along with his actions with just a simple notebook.

"Anyway Yuki Kaito, I believe that you should know what the first thing I'm about to ask you is," said the representative in a nonchalant tone as if he was expecting everything to be handed to him and he didn't have to work a single day in his life.

"To be perfectly honest, I don't actually know what the first question you're going to ask me is," Yuki replied in a confused tone as he didn't know if he should have felt guilty for not knowing what question that would first be asked of him was or if he should have just felt normal and okay with himself since there would be no way that Yuki could randomly read other people's minds. It was just physically impossible.

"Don't worry about that. That's completely fine. I'll just ask it anyways,

how do you feel about your full name being called out?" the representative asked as he seemed to get slightly more evil by the second.

"Oh I see. I underestimated the research department quite a bit. That's my mistake and my mistake alone. Although it would be better for me to still try to keep all of this information about me hidden for a while longer. Although I don't doubt my capabilities which would most likely allow me to defeat the people who had captured me the first time. It is still better to over prepare then underprepared and get defeated easily," Yuki told himself as he prepared a counter argument for the person who was interviewing him.

"I see. Would you like to elaborate on what you mean by your previous question? Now, before you answer, please try to remember where you are and who you're speaking to," said Yuki with an insincere smile which seemed to be a clear threat to the person who was interviewing him.

Although the person who was interviewing Yuki as the representative of GNE looked frightened at first, he quickly calmed down as if he just had his soul sucked right out of him and he had just turned into a mindless drone.

"Of course. I am of course referring to the capture of Yuki Kaito, who was a mass murderer just over a year ago. A while back he had been captured before finally getting executed for his crimes. You both share the exact same name along with having the same facial features and other traits such as that," the representative explained to Yuki as if he had no fear inside his body any longer.

"Is he okay?! There's no way that a sane person would go through with such a reckless plan just to get a single job!" Yuki said to himself as he didn't understand where the representative got the sudden confidence from.


"Oh I see. So that's what's going on," said Yuki as he made a realization.

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