
Chapter 225 - Red Dragon

"How large is that thing?!" one of the people in the crowd which belonged to the clan known as FFF's WD asked in a worried tone as he stared at the large glowing red dragon which was escaping from the large hole

in the sky while struggling to get out. With every second that passed, the dragon pushed itself a little bit more which caused the hole in the sky to get wider even if it was by a couple centimetres per second, the dragon continued to make an effort to escape from the hole in the sky. Why did it want to do such a thing? No one knew. All the people who were around it knew that the second the dragon managed to completely enter the world in which Yuki and the others lived, all hell would break loose as even Yuki and his height subordinates didn't know if they could take down a beast of that size.

Even Arthur's bragging about how he was right while everyone else was wrong had come to a sudden stop as the fear which was accumulating in his heart was just too much for him to handle. At one point, he completely stopped caring about who was wrong and who was right. All that mattered to him was that he stayed alive as if he died, nothing would matter.

"Hey Yuki, do you know if we'll be able to defeat that thing?" Arthur asked clearly with a fearful look on his eyes. However Arthur asked a little too loudly which made it so that everyone who was surrounded him heard what he had said.

If Arthur was just some regular member of the clan which Yuki currently ruled over, it wouldn't matter what he said as everyone who was present there was equally scared as everyone else. However when it's the man who was known as the strongest person in the world until just a few days ago who seems to be worried about a fight, it was clear that it wouldn't end well for FFF's WD.. 

Arthur asking the question which he had proposed to Yuki would be like the smartest kid starting to cry once an exam had begun. Everyone who would be taking the exam as well would just give up on all their hopes and dreams and simply accept their fate of being a failure.

That was the exact same reaction which the people who were around Arthur had when they heard his words. They had lost all hope of survival and began to count their days as there was no way that they would survive the battle they were about to enter. Some of them began to even close their eyes as they began to fully accept their doom.

Seeing this, all Yuki wanted to do was to punch Arthur as hard as possible to make everyone in the clan known as FFF's WD's motivation go away with just a couple words.

"I can't allow it to be like this. I should do something before this goes too far," said Yuki to himself with worry in his inner voice. 

"Of course we can! Don't tell me you forgot how powerful you were just because I defeated you once," said Yuki in a joyful tone while trying to be a bit louder but not make it obvious that he was exaggerating.

"Huh? But they're clearly stronger than us-" Arthur began to speak before Yuki quickly turned around to give him a look which indicated pure death. If Arthur said one extra thing which would cause the motivation of the clan to drastically drop, Arthur's head would also drop 6 feet under the ground. 

"Anyway, he should be easy to defeat. I've dealt wother much more difficult opponents already. If y'all are so scared though, I can take care of the larger red scaly dragon while the rest of you back me up by taking care of the smaller dragons around the area," said Yuki as he took a gulp in preparation for what he was getting himself into. Even though he would appreciate someone by his side to assist him or distract the dragon when necessary, Yuki understood that the last thing anyone in his clan would want to do is to fight a large monster which looked capable of wiping out the entire kingdom.

As for the rest of the civilians though, they had already gone into hiding. Even at the sight of the first small dragon, nearly everyone had begun to go back into their houses as they sought out selter for the time being. They could not possibly understand why the clan members chose to stay outside in the first place. After all it was clear that the large red dragon would easily wipe them all out.

After struggling for a few more minutes, the event which would describe the course in which the clan known as FFF's WD would go in. More specifically, all the members would all die or if they would live happily ever after. There was very little in between outcomes which could take place.




The large red dragon finally managed to escape from the space hole and managed to fully enter into the kingdom where Yuki's clan was located.

"I guess my only option here is to fight. I might as well just end things here. There's no point in me being frightened. Even if I am, I cannot allow my weakness to show. The second where I lose my composure, that's when the entire clan loses the battle. I don't have a choice but to charge inside my head strongly," Yuki said to himself as he strengthened his facial expression.

"Let the event begin!" Yuki yelled out before quickly receiving the support of his clan members as they yelled out to him who he charged towards the red dragon. As for the large red dragon itself, it saw Yuki make its move and it decided to do the same as it approached Yuki as well.

As for the smaller dragons and other members of the clan unde Yuki's control, they also began to make their move as they charged towards each other with bloodlust.

By far out of everyone there, Batol was the one who was having the easiest time during the battle or at least that was what it looked like to anyone who was watching him as he seemed to land every punch he threw due to his time based ability. Of course just like with anything powerful, the ability had a large drawback of its own being that it consumed too much of Batol's stamina that he wouldn't be able to last in the current battle which was almost guaranteed to be a long and drawn out battle. Even so, Batol was determined to give it his all.

On the other side of the spectrum was Arthur who was having less than the best time of his life due to one reason alone. He couldn't use his ability. Due to it being one which controlled the missions which were presented in the WD clan or better yet, now known as FFF's WD clan. As such, if he changed his ability his big secret would be out and help wouldn't be able to level up like he used to be able before.

Hence why Arthur was having a rather difficult time since he was left to fight with his bare fists alone.

Although that would be what it seemed like, Arthur wasn't some type of brute when he fought monsters. Instead he was much more sivilized and his way of disposing of the monster was much more cleaner than all of the other players who were there as Arthur chose to use a small surgical blade as his weapon of choice. 

When a single monster approached him, Arthur used his surgical blade to quickly snap off some of the important veins of the dragons before allowing them to die peacefully. This was due to Arthur not having much interest in killing monsters since they didn't have complex thoughts. Even the very best of them could only yell out in agony. As such Arthur could never derive pleasure from killing monsters but instead enjoyed doing it to humans as he was a true nut job. 

"I guess clan leader Yuki was right after all. Arthur really had it in him from the beginning to take on these dragons with ease. I can see that we were wrong from the start," some of the members of Yuki's clan said as they watched this go down, also making sure to pay attention to their own battles as well.


As for the leader of the clan and the main person during the entire battle, Yuki was barely able to keep up with the red dragon which was in front of him. Even though the dragon was so large, it was weirdly too fast and too strong as well. Even the wind pressure it produced by travelling so fast seemed to be enough to knock Yuki off his feet and send him into the air.

"Let the battle begin!" Yuki announced to the red dragon.

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