
Chapter 116: The Real King-Emperor’s Treasure, Part IV

Chapter 116: The Real King-Emperor’s Treasure, Part IV

Translator: HunterW

Editor: RED

I just now created three effects. They were all pretty overpowered already, but I still had four more to go. “Still, it kind of sucks that I can’t create any more skill-related effects.”

==[Please create your fourth effect.]==

“If I can’t create skill effects, then I’ve got to go with this. Increase CRIT rate!”

==[Effect: Increase CRIT rate.

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★★★★

Mission: Inflict the most damage within 10 blows.

Based on mission completion, you will receive a maximum of 8% increase.

You must go over 4% in order to keep the effect.]==

“10 stars?” I wondered if this would the toughest mission here, as the red fog enveloped me again and took me to a new place.

In front of me were now five practice dummies.

==[The five dummies in front of you randomly have five different CRIT rate increase variables

0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%

Attacking these dummies will yield a random variable

You have ten tries to add these variables to get the highest rate.]==

==[Please make your first attack.

Attack one of the five dummies]==

“Hah…this is all luck based.” The other missions were all based on skill, but this was completely luck based. “Well, that’s perfect for me!”

I may have failed to assemble another Azazel Armor part, and blew away three million golden rings, but I was still had the luckiest man on Earth. If I could get 3 Stat points every single day from Shaman Ko, I had to be!

I held my spear in my right hand and walked over to the dummies. I scanned them over in case there was some sort of hint on them, but found nothing. They all looked exactly alike.

“Damn…this is harder than 10 stars.” I had my Luck Boost to rely on, but this was nearly impossible in a normal situation. 0.4% had to come out each time to just barely pass!

“If 0% or 0.2% come out….ugh.” I shivered at the thought before backing up a few paces and sticking my spear into the ground. I raised my left hand, hacked and spit into my hand. I then used my right thumb to fling the spit at the dummies. The force flung the spitball towards the second dummy.

“I choose you.” I pulled the spear out of the ground and stabbed the second dummy. The dummy collapsed to the ground and a message appeared.

==[First attack: You have received 0.8% CRIT rate increase.]==


==[Please make your second attack.

Attack one of the five dummies.]==

I spit in my hand once more. If it worked once, it would work again, right? I flung the spitball at the dummies, and attacked the one it landed on.

==[2nd attack: You have received 0.8% CRIT rate increase.]==

==[3rd attack: You have received 0.8% CRIT rate increase.]==

==[10th attack: You have received 0.8% CRIT rate increase.]==

“Gahahahaha!” That Luck Boost was amazing!

==[You have completed your 10 attacks.

Your total CRIT rate increase is 8%.

Mission success: 100% completion.

Your CRIT rate will be increased by 1% for getting over 4%]==

I was taken to the previous room. The earring was shining even brighter now.

[Please create your fifth effect.]

I knew what would go well with CRIT rate. “Increase CRIT damage!”

I hoped the mission would be the same as the one before, just as all the skill-related missions were the same.

==[Effect: Increase CRIT damage.

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★★★★

Mission: Inflict the most damage within 10 blows.

Based on mission completion, you will receive a maximum of 400% increase.

You must go over 200% in order to keep the effect.]==

“It is the same!”

==[The five dummies in front of you randomly have five different CRIT damage increase variables.

0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%

Attacking these dummies will yield a random variable

You have ten tries to add these variables to get the highest rate.]==

==[Please make your first attack.

Attack one of the five dummies]==

I took out a piece of Bread and a bottle of Drink from my inventory. “I should keep up with the same, scientifically proven method,” I said to myself as I munched on the Bread. I washed it down with the Drink before spitting in my hand again.

==[1st attack: You have received 40% CRIT damage increase.]==

==[1st attack: You have received 40% CRIT damage increase.]==

==[10th attack: You have received 40% CRIT damage increase.]=

==[You have completed your 10 attacks.

Your total CRIT damage increase is 400%.

Mission success: 100% completion.

Your CRIT rate will be increased by 100% for getting over 200%]==

I was returned to the previous room, and I checked the golden earring.

==[The King-Emperor’s Commitment (No Rank)

The King-Emperor’s true treasure.

All stats increased by 450 points

Increase Mana Conversion skill level by 1

Add Blink Skill

Increase CRIT rate by 9%

Increase CRIT damage by 500%


This earring had twice the CRIT rate and CRIT damage as my spear. “Who or whatever I kill now will be killed by the earrings, not my spear.”

==[Please create your sixth effect.]==

I smiled. Even if I started over again, I probably wouldn’t be able to make anything better than this.

“I’ve got 2 left now.” I thought for a moment about what to make. “I guess I’ve got to go with Penetration.”

==[Effect: Penetration.

Difficulty: ★★★★★★★★

Mission: Defeat all high-armored monsters within 30 minutes.

Depending on mission completion, you may receive a maximum of 200 Penetration.

Clear at least 50% of the monsters in order to keep the effect.]==

I wasn’t too worried, as it was only at 8 stars. Since there was a time limit on this mission, I could easily get a bonus to the effect as well.

I was soon taken to another room. I drew out my spear to get ready. “Judge’s Gavel.”

==[Judge’s Gavel has been activated.]==

==[Monsters will now spawn. You have 30 minutes.]==

“Bring it on.” I was ready for whatever monsters that were going to spawn.

The ground rumbled. “Hah. I should have expected it to be these guys when it said high-armored monsters.” I had expected more Moleman monsters to come out like before, but this time was different. They were Iron Golems.

As much as I wanted to, I didn’t have time to admire them, and I rushed in. I slammed my spear onto the very front golem. The golem perished when the Judge’s hammer slammed down on it. I quickly moved on to the others and began attacking them relentlessly.

These guys could really take a beating, but I didn’t let up one bit and pummeled them. I didn’t even try to dodge any of their attacks, I used that time to get one more attack in. I attacked them again and again like the fabled Berserker until I came out victorious.

==[You have cleared all the monsters on the field.

Mission success: 100% completion.

Time taken: 23:42

For completing the mission well under the mission time, you will receive 20% more to your effect.]==

“Damn, only 20%…” I didn’t feel too happy about it, but at least it was something. Those golems really put up a fight. I was engulfed in another cloud of red smoke and taken back to the treasure room.

==[Please create your seventh effect.]==

“It’s finally the last one.” The healer from the past could only get three effects, but I already had six. I was going to leave with all seven, no matter what.

“Should I go with EXP?” It wasn’t a battle-related effect, but it was a beneficial effect, nonetheless. Leveling up was only going to get harder now, so it would definitely help.

“Yeah, I’ll go with EXP boost.”

[Effect: EXP boost.

Difficulty: ★★★★

Mission: Defeat as many monsters with 1-1000 EXP as possible within 30 minutes.

Depending on mission completion, you will receive a maximum of 10% EXP boost.

Obtain at least 50,000 EXP in order to keep this effect.]

This was the lowest difficulty by far. “I’ll aim for at least 100,000.”

The red smoke transported me once more. “Uh…” I saw that the monsters had already spawned, and they were all low-leveled monsters at that.

==[Defeat Mini Chameleons to obtain EXP.

The Mini Chameleons will change color on their own and the EXP gained will depend on the color they were when killed.

Brown: 1 EXP

Blue: 10 EXP

Red: 100 EXP

Purple: 1000 EXP

You have 30 minutes.]==

So many of the chameleons were brown; I could barely distinguish one from the other. I saw a few specks of blue, red and purple here and there but they quickly turned back to brown.

“Fuck…it’ll be impossible to break 50,000 even if I kill the brown one for days. This would be easy for an archer.” An archer or mage would find this easy. However, my AGI was nothing to scoff at, either. “I’ll ignore the brown and blue ones. I’ve got to focus only on red and purple!” I charged into the horde of chameleons.

==[You have killed a Red Mini Chameleon: You have obtained 100 EXP.]==

==[You have killed a Purple Mini Chameleon. You have obtained 1000 EXP.]==

I tried not to rush myself. I concentrated as hard as I could as I weaved through the lizards and stabbed every time I saw red or purple.

==[Your 30 minutes is up.]==

“What, already?” It felt like ten minutes had barely passed.

==[You have obtained a total of 101,472 EXP.

Mission success: 100% completion.

Your EXP boost will be increased by 50% for getting over 50,000 EXP.]==

Once I was returned to the treasure room, the earring had lost its golden light and I could clearly see the engraving of a lion. It almost looked like it could come to life.

==[The King-Emperor’s Commitment is now complete.]==

The earring that I couldn’t touch before was moved into my hand, shining with a bright, purple light.

==[The King-Emperor’s Commitment (Rank 10)

The King-Emperor’s true treasure.

All Stats increased by 450 points

Increase Mana Conversion skill level by 1

Add Blink Skill

Increase CRIT rate by 9%

Increase CRIT damage by 500%

Increase Penetration by 240 points

Increase EXP gain from monsters by 15%

DEF 1000, MDEF 1000]==

==[You have two of the same skills. Blink on the Azazel’s Lightning Boots is now Blink 1.]==

“I…I did it!” I created the item, but even I was dumbstruck at its effects. It was so overpowered that it shouldn’t exist… but I didn’t care. It was mine!

==[You will be removed from the King-Emperor’s True Treasure Room in five minutes.]==

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