年轻的朋友3 免费观看完整版

Chapter 115 The Tournament in Europe 3

Chapter 115 The Tournament in Europe 3

Jake was expecting a difficult game when he saw Miguel’s game before, although, despite Jake knowing how to defend well he still had not learned to use his strength to attack, he had to remember to ask Mark to teach him.

Miguel was again to attack and after realizing that he could not get past Jake, he made a mid-range shot again, the ball entered again, so Miguel won by 2 points now.

Miguel was not satisfied with that either because he knew that some time would go wrong, this was not his style of play, even though he had to keep trying, Jake was still firm in defense, he was waiting for Miguel to miss.

After trying to get past Jake again unsuccessfully he tried another mid-range shot and the ball went up again for 1 more point, Miguel liked to have a 3-point advantage in such a difficult game.

So in another attack he tried another shot mid-range and missed this time, Jake was quick to pick up the rebound and start his first attack in the game, after going to 3-point line Miguel was already attentive in defense, Miguel’s stance was much more confident in defense where he was better.

Jake made a comeback and took the shot from outside, so he scored 2 points and reduced Miguel’s lead. on the scoreboard for 1 point.

Miguel did not expect Jake to take the shot outside and so he let Jake take the shot quietly, but the next he would be higher, Jake realized that too, so he tried some feints and Miguel did not fall into any.

So Jake pretended that he would make a feint and sped to Miguel, Miguel tried to go after Jake, but without success and so Jake did another 1 point with the layup.

So Jake had tied the game, Miguel did not like it, but now he could not ignore the feints of Jake that could be played real, so Jake tried the feint again and Miguel rocked a little, then Jake accelerated again.

This time Miguel was aware and tried to block Jake, Jake soon makes the crossover and be able to change the direction of his race quickly, Miguel cannot react to this and can only see Jake do another 1 point with the layup.

Miguel had to admit that Jake was a tough opponent, but he had a way to deal with opponents so when Jake went to attack again he saw that Miguel seemed to be giving Jake a way, and that was it.

This was a kind of challenge Miguel made for his opponents that he thought he could not win normally, he allowed the opponent to try the layup and he would try the block that was what he did better, if the opponent could score the points would be sincerely admired and if he blocked it he would have the chance to win.

Now it depended on whether Jake would accept the challenge or not, Jake decided to try, his layup was rank S and so he was confident in getting the points, so Jake ran along the path that Miguel opened and Miguel accompanied.

Jake went to the inside area to make the layup, Miguel was aware went up to try the block too, but Jake had already made the move and just put the ball to make the point, this time Miguel was slower and Jake won.

Miguel left the space again and Jake attacked again, this time Jake made another move with his hand at the time of the layup and managed to fool Miguel and make the point, so Jake was already winning from 6 to 3.

To make a block correctly the defender has to get a good time, if the defender is very slow the attacker makes the point and if the defender is very fast the attacker can change the way to attack or try to get a foul.

If the attacker knows in advance that the defender is going to try to block the move, it is much more advantageous for the attacker, so Jake accepted the challenge, and Miguel also knew that and yet he was confident in himself.

After Jake’s first two attacks, Miguel could figure out which time would be right to make the block, so Jake went to the attack again, more confident after doing 2 points Jake went to the layup, Miguel made block at the right time, like Jake had a great speed of reaction after increasing his agility he tried to avoid the block and tried to make the point before.

But as he had not completed the move correctly the ball did not come in and Miguel took the rebound, even so, Miguel was surprised, he made the block at the right time but Jake still managed to try to make the point.

So Miguel started his attack, but again he was having trouble going through Jake again, but this time Miguel thought of a way to try to use his height to attack, he went to the bottom of the court and his back to the basket.

Jake thought Miguel was trying to use his strength again to try to move forward and went to stop him, but Miguel had a different idea when Jake arrived, he could not move forward, but he had already trained several moves of that position.

So Miguel used his body to turn toward the basket, shielding himself with his back to Jake, and then made the mid-range shot, Jake had never trained to defend from that position so he could just watch Miguel spin and could only react after Miguel did the shot and the point.

After Miguel made the move again and got another 1 point making the game 6 to 5 for Jake, so Miguel discovered a good way to attack, Jake was not sure what to do, but he had a way to prevent Miguel from making this move easily.

After Miguel tried the same move again, but when he turned his back Jake used his strength and with his body pushed Miguel away from the basket, so even if Miguel made the turn would still be far from the basket.

Miguel still did not know how Jake was that age that he was so strong, but that was not important because with this movement Miguel lost the way to make this move, so he could attack just the same way he did in the beginning.

Miguel tried the mid-range shot and managed to hit and tie the game, then in another move he did not have the same luck and ended up failing, Jake ran to get the rebound and make his attack, when he reached the 3-point line Jake got a space and made the shot from outside to make 2 points.

Now the game was 8 to 6 for Jake, so Jake started the attack again he made some feints then got a space to the right side and made the mid-range shot to make another point.

Jake took the challenge and went straight to the inside, Miguel knew that Jake would accept his challenge and this was also his. last chance to make the block and try to win the game.

So Miguel waited for the right moment to try to make the block, Jake just ran quickly towards the inner area, soon Jake jumped to make the point, Miguel jumped together to try the block, but this time Jake who had gotten impetus from the race did not try to do a layup and went to the Dunk.

So with a Dunk, Jake won the game, Miguel did not even have the chance to try the block because he did not expect Jake to try the dunk in that game, and he was convinced after losing that game.

The crowd was also excited to see a dunk in this game and everyone started to applaud the good game, Jake greeted Miguel for the good game and went to his mother because he wanted to see the end of his opponent’s game in the final.

Although Jake was right and the tallest player was winning his opponent who was in the last four, he was not weak, so the game was being point-to-point despite the advantage of the taller player.

So after a while the game ended and Jake confirmed who was his opponent in the final in a few days, Jake could not play in that game so he was confident to win, after all, he could not risk taking a trip to Spain for nothing.

After that Jake went home happy to have won, if this was a game in the days when cell phones and the internet were everywhere, Jake’s game would be a hit on social networks.

This time Jake went every day after his game to the tournament site to see the games of people of all ages, of course, Eva did not want to see those games where Jake would not play and stayed in the hotel, so Jake tried after seeing the first games guess who would be in the final.

In addition, Jake wanted to see if he learned anything about how to defend himself against plays like Miguel did against him, and so he saw that it was almost the same way he did even though not everyone had the same strength as him before to become an adult and thus contended for space so as not to allow the attacker to turn on the defender easily.

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