
Chapter 410 - Luring The Magical Beast Hoard Of The Sandpit Worm Part 1

Chapter 410 Luring the Magical Beast hoard of the Sandpit Worm part 1

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Leo continued cultivating, completely unaware of what was happening around his surrounding.

On the other hand, Cassandra and the others eventually choose to go to sleep rather than cultivate. One reason was they want to guard Leo while he was cultivating. Although they were technically sleeping, it has never been a problem for 1 Star Mages like them to instantaneously wake up. And the second reason was, they, unfortunately, don't have any Magical resources left in their Storage Rings anymore. They basically used up all of their Magical resources in their journey from Silver City to Sandy Town.

Truth be told, they have never actually brought a lot of Magical resources to begin with. Even Leo didn't bring any himself. The only reason he has some was simply because the Green Eagle Flyingboats had brought all of his share of Magical resources from the Southeast Fortress that he and the Eclipse Village had stolen from the Twilight Bears back then at the Twilight Forest.

They were only thinking of gathering Magical resources the same way as to how they would gather their supplies whenever they don't have any supplies anymore. But because they were unexpectedly in this situation right now of helping Sandy Town, then they could only put aside their cultivation until they finally have some Magical resources for cultivation.

Actually, they could have asked for some Magical resources from Leo, but they were only thinking of doing that after they were done with this mission of helping Sandy Town. The main reason why they didn't ask was because they were hesitating after causing trouble to Leo the last time.

Although they were Leo's women, it still can't deny the fact that they have caused him trouble back then, which is something he hates the most.


Meanwhile, further up the north, 500 kilometers away from the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest, a Green Eagle Flyingboat was flying cautiously in the sky.

Onboard on this Green Eagle Flyingboat was Ethan, Elaine, Edward, Sele, Chief Lago, Sebastian, Dan, and old man Torre.

Ethan was cross-legged at the very front of the Green Eagle Flyingboat, solemnly looking for any traces of the Magical Beast tribe of the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm. By his side was Elaine, hugging his waist while closing her eyes to rest.

"I still haven't found any traces of those worms," Ethan reported. He added, "How about you, older brother?"

At the very top of the Green Eagle Flyingboat, specifically standing on the wood that connected the sail, Edward was observing both left and right.

"None," Edward replied as he added, "How about you guys?"

"Same," Sele replied, who was at the rear of the Green Eagle Flyingboat.

Chief Lago was the Captain of the Green Eagle Flyingboat, so he was busy focusing on his task.

"Haven't seen anything here," Sebastian reported while watching the bottom of the Green Eagle Flyingboat through the window of one of the rooms, specifically the right side.

"I saw some movements of worms just now, but they dug straight underground, so I was unable to follow it," Dan reported, which immediately caused Ethan and Edward to turn really solemn.

"I noticed that as well," Old man Torre confirmed.

Hearing both Dan and old man Torre's report, Chief Lago suddenly turned the wheel of the Green Eagle Flyingboats to go up high above the skies after.

"Hey, why are we suddenly going up the skies?" Sele can't help herself from asking while holding at the wooden railings tightly, in fear that she would accidentally fall off.

"You'll..." Ethan wanted to explain something, but a loud explosion suddenly sounded below the Green Eagle Flyingboat.

Below them, an insanely big worm's mouth with tens of thousands of really sharp teeth suddenly appeared out from the sand, trying to reach for the Green Eagle Flyingboat. Its long white body extended seemingly endlessly with a huge amount of sand exiting out from all over its body.

It was the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm!

Ethan, Edward, and Chief Lago had already expected this after hearing Dan and old man Torre's report.


The other, however, was completely caught off guard. It was really out of their expectations that the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm would suddenly attack them.

Seeing the appearance of the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm, everyone finally realized the reason why it was extremely hard to find traces of the Magical Beast tribe of the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm; it was because they were all hiding underground! Well, after all, this was a Sandpit Worm tribe, specifically a Magical Beast that lives under the sands of the desert.

It was that appearance of a worm mentioned by Dan and old man Torre who dug straight underground that made them realized that they have actually already entered the territory of the Magical Beast tribe of the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm.

To be honest, Chief Lago didn't actually have any idea that the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm would actually try to attack them, but knowing some information about the Sandpit Worms, he knows a fact that the safest place when it comes to Sandpit Worms would be to go very high up in the air, especially considering that there is a Beast Lord Sandpit Worm.

Sandpit Worms were known to always create sandpit whenever they are trying to hunt for their prey. They will devour the sand from the deep underground, causing anything on the surface to be pulled into their mouth. Those sandpits' purpose though weren't actually only to trap their prey but to also use it to jump to the air. How? All the sands the Sandpit Worms had consumed wouldn't actually stay inside their body and be digested, but rather it would travel around their entire body. And once they reached the maximum capacity of sand that their body could store, numerous holes would then appear around its body with all of those sands forcefully released out from it, creating a strong pressure that will shoot them high up to the air.

They don't really know how exactly the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm had gathered sands undetected, but considering that it's a Beast Lord, then it should have ways different from the ordinary Sandpit Worms. Or maybe it had coincidentally already gathered sands to store inside its entire body before they even arrived.

There are really a lot of assumptions to think about, but the most important thing right now is to escape from the range of the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm's mouth.


Chief Lago tried his best to make the Green Eagle Flyingboat go out from the range of the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm's mouth. But unfortunately, it was very impossible because the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm still hasn't fully exited out of the sand yet, meaning it can still make its mouth continue on following after their Green Eagle Flyingboat wherever direction they choose.

"Use all of our fuel!" Ethan exclaimed towards Chief Lago as he noticed their dire situation.

Elaine already stood up by Ethan's side so that she won't be disturbing her husband's concentration.

Hearing that, Chief Lago didn't hesitate to use all of their fuel anymore, causing all the Mana stones stored in the Green Eagle Flyingboat's fuel tank to be emptied out.


In the next second, the Green Eagle Flyingboat boosted far away from the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm, allowing them to escape away from the range of its mouth.

"Sebastian and Dan, quickly restock the Mana stones in our fuel tank before we fall to the sand!" Ethan immediately followed up. He then added, "Edward Sele, and old man Torre, begin attacking the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm to enrage it. We need to start luring it now before it could go back to the sand!"

Allowing the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm to go back to the sand is a very bad idea because it would allow it to hide from their attack. Although it would certainly attack them once again, considering they were already inside its territory, but it would take some time before that happens.

They were already aware that every time they spent in here would mean something had also happened over Leo's side. Obviously, they don't know what is happening over there, but they knew for sure that there is a chance for something bad to happen the longer they delay. So, it's much better to begin luring the Magical Beast hoard of the Sandpit Worm to the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest as soon as possible so as to avoid any unexpected variables from happening and becoming a reality.

"Roger!" Edward replied before jumping down from the sail of the Green Eagle Flyingboat.

"Affirmative!" Sele replied as she dashed her way towards the door to go down to the war weapons room.

"Okay!" Old man Torre replied before positioning the war weapon in front of him.

Seeing that, Ethan turned to look at Chief Lago as he said, "Turn the Green Eagle Flyingboat towards the direction of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest. We can't waste any more time here."

"Okay!" Chief Lago replied in acknowledgment as he stirred the wheel of the Green Eagle Flyingboat to the direction of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest. However, because Sebastian and Dan were still not finish refueling, he could only try his best to point the front of the Green Eagle Flyingboat in that direction.

The Green Eagle Flyingboat continued circling around the air as their altitude was slowly falling straight down to the ground.


Fortunately, after a few seconds pass, the fuel tank lit green light, implying that the fuel tank is now full.


In an instant, the Green Eagle Flyingboat stabilized as it then began moving south, specifically towards the direction of the Sandstone Mother Spider's nest.







Edward, Sele, and old man Torre finally began shooting the war weapons on the Green Eagle Flyingboat to the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm.

Of course, the war weapons weren't really that effective against a Magical Beast in the Galaxy level compared to those in the Star level, but it was still possible to cause some damage to it, though really minuscule.

However, that wasn't the real intention behind using the war weapons.



Two Chaos Orbs shoot out from two war weapons. And as soon as it arrived before the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm, Ethan immediately detonated it through his consciousness.



Two extremely loud explosions erupted, right after causing Chaos Mana to rampage around the body of the Beast Lord Sandpit Worm.

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