
Chapter 193 - Training In Twilight Forest Part 12

Chapter 193 Training in Twilight Forest part 12

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

Leo then shoots Matt a look of curiosity. He really wasn't expecting that Matt's desire for a safe sanctuary for the entire villagers of the Eclipse village was so great, maybe even greater than his desire to live.


"Let me tell you the history of the Eclipse village!"

As soon as he heard Matt's words, Leo immediately became interested. The information that Matt would share with him would definitely be the last string that will make him firmly decide whether to continue with his proposal or not.

To be honest, just after saying that he wants to give the entire villagers of Eclipse village a safe sanctuary, his mind then immediately told him that it's a bad idea. He was just too excited about meeting whoever that smart person was, hoping to learn a thing or two as soon as possible and hence improving his skills in making strategy.

He had almost forgotten. This was actually just the first time he had to meet with these people, and he doesn't even clearly know yet about their real character. In fact, he had only met a few of the villagers, too. So, he honestly can't say for sure that he already trusts them...

Therefore, maybe the moment he finally gives them a safe sanctuary, they will then immediately start thinking of bitting his hands.

However, it will become a different story the moment he heard the history of Eclipse village.

"It all starts when..."


"And that's the reason why the Eclipse village was created!" Matt finally concluded the history of Eclipse village.

Leo really can't help feeling astonished after hearing about the history of the Eclipse village. The villagers were really similar to how the Humans used to live their lives after being unexpectedly transported to Celestial World, specifically to run from one place to another in order to survive.

So, the story began from the perspective of Matt.

In the very beginning, when Matt was still young, he had been sold to a Noble Household for 100 silver coins. His body already shows promising potential even when he's young, and additionally, to that, the races mix within him were all combination that results in pure physical strength. So, pricing him with 100 silvers coins was reasonable.

On that day, Matt really felt joy, excitement, happiness, and the likes kinds of emotions inside of him, since he could finally be able to leave the cruel slave merchant. And because it was a Noble Household that had bought him too, he really can't help expecting to live a better life, even if it's just a bit better than the life he had been living under the roof of that cruel slave merchant.

At first, when Matt arrived in that Noble Household's territory, he immediately saw hundreds of Hybrids like him, who were all actually living a happy and joyful life. So, his expectations can't help going up to the roof after seeing such a scene. Moreover, he was also well-fed and well taken care of too, the moment he arrived.

In Matt's mind, he can't ever expect anything much better than this life.

However, everything changed when the night of the first day arrived.

When the darkness covered the entire territory of that Noble Household, Matt was then attracted by loud noises coming from a specific house. The noises he had heard really sounded like a combination of extreme pain and extreme pleasure...

Driven by his curiosity, Matt then started secretly searching for where those noises were really coming from. And when he finally see it for himself, all of his expectations were immediately shattered like a broken mirror.

Matt saw with his very own eyes how the adult female Hybrids were treated as playthings by the male members of that Noble Household, and how the adult male Hybrids were tortured by the female members of that Noble Household just for the sake of their fun, thrill, excitement, fetish, and the likes...

Matt quickly wanted to run away, which accidentally caused him to push a vase from the top of the table. Fortunately, though, a female Hybrid, specifically the young Venice, was unknowingly following after him. She catches the vase before it breaks on the floor and afterward she leads him towards a hideout created by the leader of the 5 Divisions.

The leader of the 5 Divisions is called Ash. She was not a hybrid, instead; she is a pure offspring of the Fox race, a white fox race to be more exact. She was bought by that Noble Household when she was still a kid using thousands of gold coins, with the hopes of raising her into a beautiful woman and then using her as a reward in a competition to decide who will become the next Patriarch of that Noble Household.

Unbeknownst to that Noble Household, though, Ash was actually secretly plotting to kill all of them before the predestined competition was going to take place, specifically 5 years later.

Without any person of that Noble Household knowing, Ash had begun gathering hundreds of Hybrids in an underground cave secretly hidden in the territory of that Noble Household. The Hybrids weren't only the people that a single Noble Household had bought, but unexpectedly also other Hybrids that Ash had save from many different slave merchants and Noble Households of that city.

And eventually, a day came when Ash had finally created an army of Hybrids without raising anyone's suspicion.

Tens of thousands of Hybrids, fully ready for battle, and all geared up to the teeth with weapons and armors that Ash had stolen from many different Noble Household and the stores under those Noble Household's control and slave merchants' control.

Years passed, and when the 5 years marked finally arrived, the specific date for the competition to decide who will become the next Patriarch of that Noble Household, Ash's plan also began.

All the kitchen staff hired by the Noble Household that bought her were all replaced by Ash's men by killing those former staffs without anyone knowing, and all the soldiers patrolling around the walls were soon after also replaced by her men when all the guests for that competition finally arrived.

When the competition starts, so was the feast prepared by the kitchen staff.

Known only by Ash and all of her men, the foods prepared for everyone during the competition were actually all poisoned. It was a poison that no one even knows clearly just how powerful it was, since it was a combination of all the poisonous plants and substances that Ash was able to find in the span of five years.

One by one, all of the guests and all of the members of the Noble Household that bought her had died, with no exception in levels, even the Galaxy level Mages and Magical Knight amongst them, without even knowing the reason why they have died.

After successfully doing all of that, Ash then prepared a plan to take over the entire city ruled by the Noble Household that bought her, because she unexpectedly found out that the city she's living in actually belongs to them.

Unfortunately, a disastrous event unexpectedly happened, causing all of Ash's plan to turned into mere ashes.

The poison that they created unexpectedly caused a fog of poisonous mist, spreading first from the territory of the Noble Household that bought her and slowly throughout the entire city, causing all of Ash's men to evacuate as fast as possible outside of that city. Along with this evacuation, though, were casualties amongst her men. A total of 5,000 men died due to that poisonous mist, causing the morals of her men to plummet down to the very bottom.

That wasn't the end yet...

The poisonous mist actually didn't stop spreading the moment it reaches the walls of that city. It keeps on spreading throughout the territory of that Empire, causing them to receive a lot of damages, specifically that Empire has lost 2 Kingdoms' worth of property before they were finally able to stop the spread of that poisonous mist.

Because of that loss, that Empire then ordered a full investigation to find out what had caused that poisonous mist, which they later found out was created by an army of Hybrids lead by a female White Fox race named Ash.

Without any hesitation, that Empire ordered a full hunt, a bounty of over 100 million gold coins was issued to Ash's head. Whoever caught her alive, will get the 100 million gold coins.

The moment Ash and her men received the news, her army was quickly broken into countless of pieces. No matter what she does, the majority of the Hybrids she had recruited wants her to voluntarily offer herself for the sake of the remaining 5,000 plus Hybrids safety.

Naturally, a minority of the Hybrids doesn't want that, which includes Matt, Venice, Chief Lago, and the other villagers of Eclipse village right now.

So, Ash announced in a heart warning manner that she would surrender herself voluntarily as she then chooses all the Hybrid who belong to the minority group to escort her. The majority of the Hybrids didn't even suspect that it was actually all faked as they happily send her off to the enemy's hands.

No one really knows what had happened after that, but Ash, along with the minority group, went to choose Twilight Forest as their new hideout because it was a Danger zone, and searching all over this place wouldn't be a reasonable thing to do, since the high cost of losing their lives outweighs the 100 million gold coins reward.

"Shouldn't you be skipping the part where an Empire had offered a bounty of 100 million gold coins to whoever brings Ash alive?" Leo can't help but ask. What Matt had said had actually helped him to firmly decide to offer them a safe sanctuary, but wouldn't tell him about the 100 million gold coins unnecessary? Is Matt perhaps testing him or something? Like, for example, test him whether he will think of selling out their leader, and when he indeed does just simply kill him to bright the information he had found out to his grave.

If that's indeed the case, then Matt is definitely underestimating him, because 100 million gold coins are far from being enough to tempt him to abandon his goal.

*Whooosh! *Whooosh!

Suddenly, a female's voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"Because I told him to!"

Turning his head around, Leo immediately saw Venice along with an extremely beautiful White Fox race girl, around the age of mid-twenties, walking slowly towards his direction.

"You must be Leo?" Ash immediately asked as soon as she arrived in front of Leo.

"Yes, and it's a great honor to meet the great Ash who had caused the Poison Mist Burial Disaster of the Dragon Horn Empire!" Leo said with a mischievous smile on his face. After hearing about the history of Eclipse village, a story immediately came into his mind. It was a story that was called Poison Mist Burial Disaster. A great disaster that fits the same result as the story that Matt had said, and even the person who was said to have caused this disaster is the same, too.. So, if he isn't mistaken, then this Ash in front of him should also be the same Ash mentioned in the story of the Poison Mist Burial Disaster.

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