
Chapter 190 - Training In Twilight Forest Part 9

Chapter 190 Training in Twilight Forest part 9

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

Their adventure continued until they finally found themselves at the territory where obvious Twilight Bear's prints could be easily seen. The scene right in front of them completely describes that this place is the Twilight Bear's territory.

Destroyed trees, paw prints of bears, and also the strong stench of pee that obviously came from the Twilight Bears.

"There is no mistaken this place." Brad commented with fear evident in his voice. There is no need to take a check twice anymore since it's already very obvious for everyone to see. This territory is undoubtedly the Twilight Bear's territory.

"Welcome to Twilight Bear's territory, self..." Ahmed encourages himself. The moment they take a step inside this territory, then their life would only be 50% on their hands.

Leo can't help shaking his head at these two people's reactions. They haven��t even faced the real danger yet, but they already looked like a person who gave up their life.

"If you are really afraid to follow, then just stay in here and wait for me." Leo said as he walked inside the Twilight Bear's territory without any fear and hesitation.

"Wait for me!" Brad quickly followed after Leo, in fear that this guy would suddenly run away and leave them. This guy had just mentioned training awhile ago, so he might just suddenly do such a thing. Like, for example, lure a Twilight Bear towards them to force them to follow after him.

At the side, Ahmed was debating with himself whether he should follow after them or not. In the very beginning, he was already against this idea, but his mind unexpectedly keeps on telling him to follow after. He doesn't really know why, but just thinking about the thoughts of adventuring in unknown places really makes him feel like his blood is boiling in excitement.

"Wait up for me, too!" Ahmed finally decided as he catches up with Leo and Brad.


While moving along the Twilight Bear's territory, Leo always stays vigilant with his surrounding. In fact, to be extremely careful, he even decided to climb up the trees and use them to travel from one place to another. This not only gave them safety, but also the vision they needed to see far up ahead of them.

Almost all the trees in Twilight Forest were big and tall, so no one can really say what is hiding around them. Even if he was really good at detecting presence around him due to the fact that he is a skilled assassin, that is still not a sure guarantee that he will be safe.

Moreover, Ahmed and Brad were with him right now, two highly inexperienced youngsters to be more exact. So, he needs to always consider the best and safest option available for them, and such an option was jumping from tree to tree to travel safely.

"Since the 5 Divisions are going to the west, then we will eventually meet them if we continue going this way." Leo murmured as he signals for Ahmed and Brad to follow after.

Seeing Leo's signal, Ahmed and Brad braced themselves once again before they jump from one tree to another. It was really fortunate for them that almost all the trees were big and tall, which also meant that jumping from one stem to another doesn't really require them a long jump. The only problem they were currently facing right now though is the trouble with heights. Every time they jump, they will then be required to look down to see clearly where they will land and to also avoid landing in the wrong place, in the process of that they can't help seeing what's below them, hence making them feel afraid. In fact, a very dangerous accident almost happens in the very beginning, specifically, Brad had almost fallen down to the ground. Fortunately, Leo was fast enough to save him, if not, then he would have definitely crippled himself already, or worst, die.

"Try to keep up! I'm going to increase the pace of your training!" Leo informed them as his speed in jumping from one tree to another suddenly increases.

Aside from safety and vision, using the trees to travel also serves a very important training for Ahmed and Brad. To be more specific, it serves as the ultimate test of courage, will, and determination. Imagine, jumping from one tree to another from the height of over 30 to 50 meters high with a really high risk of dying the moment they make the wrong move. Just by deciding to jump from one tree to another already requires them a certain amount of courage, will, and determination in them. So, the moment Ahmed and Brad pass this training, then they will definitely not feel fear as much as before anymore every time they face a Magical Beast.

Seeing Leo's fast pace, Ahmed and Brad didn't hesitate any further as they quickly followed after him.

"Good!" Leo smiled as he took a glimpse behind him. Ahmed and Brad weren't having any problem following his pace.

"Time to increase my speed once again!" Leo informed them as he further increases his speed.

Still, Ahmed and Brad were able to keep up with his pace.

This time, however, Leo used the Speed increase spell to himself, suddenly increasing his speed twice.


Leo's speed was really fast to the point that every time he jumps to another tree it would produce a slight sound.

"That's so fast!" Brad and Ahmed gasped in astonishment. They were obviously aware that Leo had casted a Support Magic spell to increase his speed, but they didn't expect that he will still have complete control of his jumps and steps. If it was them, then they will definitely have a hard time controlling their body.

Taking a glimpse behind, Leo quickly saw that Ahmed and Brad were already far left behind by him. The distance that separates them was already more than 30 meters.

"That was fast!" Leo commented as he stopped from jumping. He can no longer go any further ahead or else he will not be able to see Ahmed and Brad behind him anymore, and worst he might not be able to help them if something dangerous happens.

After a while, Ahmed and Brad finally arrived as they sat on a big stem to take a rest.

"Can we take a break, please?" Brad requested.

"Yes, we really need a few minutes of recovering!" Ahmed added.

Leo just nodded his head to agree with their request. Well, they have already trained enough for this day, any more training than this, and it might result negatively to Ahmed and Brad.

"You guys rest first, I'll scout ahead." Leo said before going somewhere further west.

After a few hours of traveling, he wasn't sure anymore how deep they were already in the Twilight Bear's territory. So, he needs to look for a Twilight Bear in order to find out exactly which part of the Twilight Bear's territory were they.


After a few minutes, Leo landed on a stem as he quickly hid himself behind the dense leaves.

In front of him was a Twilight Bear, specifically a 3 Star Magical Beast Twilight Bear. It was a purple-colored bear with a few streaks of black lines. It has a really big body, and its height when crawling was 5 meters tall, so it's height when standing up should be around 8 to 10 meters. Its mouth was also constantly releasing a gray fog, further darkening the path it's walking.

With the appearance of a 3 Star Twilight Bear, this clearly indicates that they are already in the area slightly far away from the inner zone of the Twilight Bear's territory. Further ahead from this place would be the territory of the so-called Father Twilight Bear and the Mother Twilight Bear, the two 5 Star Magical Beast that rules this territory.

He really doesn't know just how powerful exactly was a 5 Star Magical Beast yet, since he hasn't seen one for himself. In the past, the only Magical Beast he had always been hunting was only a bunch of No Star. Of course, he had come across with 1 Star till 4 Star Magical Beast, but definitely not a 5 Star Magical Beast. Such a level of Magical Beast could already be considered as a ruler of a territory as big as Yellow Forest back in Silver Kingdom, so they're definitely hard to come by in Silver Kingdom's territory. Moreover, such a level of Magical Beast would always be killed as soon as possible by the Silver Kingdom in fear of causing danger, so it's really hard to see one for himself. Also, teacher Marvin's lesson about Magical Beast stopped at 3 Star level, too.

Although he doesn't have a clear idea about 5 Star Magical Beast, he has someone who clearly knows about them.

"It's time to call Levi!" Leo whispered before he suddenly whistles.

Soon enough, a small black color Magical Beast suddenly flew up from behind him as it then quickly landed on his shoulder.

"You call for me?" Levi asked after he positions himself in a comfortable position on Leo's shoulder.

"I just want to ask you a question." Leo replied.

Levi just nodded his head to indicate that his listening.

"You surely have seen already a 5 Star Magical Beast, right? So, how powerful exactly are they?" Leo finally stated his intention of calling Levi. Since he hasn't seen a 5 Star Magical Beast for himself yet, then he might as well ask someone who is well informed about them, right?

Hearing Leo's question, Levi tilted his head to express his doubtful of Leo's question, "Did you perhaps called me to just ask this question?"


Levi shook his head helplessly as he replied, "There is no clear definition to a 5 Star Magical Beast. Sometimes, they can be similar in powerful as 5 Star Mages and sometimes more powerful than them. I've already seen for myself the ruler of this territory and I can say that their Magic power is akin to 6 Star Magical Beast. Fortunately for you, both of them are currently in hibernation right now, so this territory should not be as dangerous as before."

Leo finally understands why they weren't able to see a lot of Twilight Bears despite this place being their territory, it was actually due to the fact that the majority of them are hibernating.. This should also explain why the 5 Divisions decided to go pioneer the west through traveling the Twilight Bear's territory.

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