
Chapter 50 - The Beggining Of His Path To Becoming Strong

Chapter 50 The beginning of his path to becoming strong

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Leo was quickly brought to his house by Alfred and Michael, along with the others from his faction. Everyone was in shock the moment they arrived as dozens of guards with the logo from Sword and Magic and Snow Family were guarding the entire place.

Moreover, they finally realized that Leo was actually not only living with Cassandra but also with Angel and Elizabeth. He was actually living with three beauties. They really wonder about did anything already happened between them while living in a single house or not, yet...?

However, they quickly shook their heads on such thoughts since something much more important was needed their focus right this moment.

Getting inside the house, they quickly brought Leo to his room. The moment they opened the door, though, they immediately became dumbfounded. Six large dark blue colored Mana stones were silently laying on the floor at the side of Leo's bed. Such large Mana stones were the first sight for all of them. Even Cassandra who had been living from the very beginning with Leo in the same house also didn't know about the large Mana stones being inside his room.

They quickly shrugged such thoughts again as they quickly put Leo on his bed.

Cassandra immediately went downstairs to grab some ice to put onto Leo's head.

Coincidentally though, Elizabeth had arrived the moment Cassandra went downstairs to fetch some ice. The former's worried face was quickly replaced by hatred.

Elizabeth didn't mind such hatred though, but she instead became curious why Cassandra was wearing such a worried face. She quietly observed the latter fetching an ice bag before rushing upstairs, which she finally had a clue of what had happened. She quickly followed behind and finally arriving at Leo's room.

On the bed, a young man with a not so handsome face was laying unconscious, blood could be seen slowly oozing from his nose and ears. It was obvious that he was experiencing slight bleeding due to Carlos' hard punch to his face.

Unnoticed by everyone. A tear suddenly formed from Elizabeth's eyes, which she quickly noticed as she wipes it away before she ran away back to her room.

No one noticed Elizabeth running away from Leo's room. Everyone was preoccupied with worrying about Leo's well being.

Soon after, Alfred and the others finally bid farewell to Cassandra as they return home since it was already nighttime. They couldn't stay in Leo's house any longer, even if they wanted to, because they haven't told their families.

They were Nobles, after all. If they wouldn't report or inform their whereabouts to their families, then they would surely cause them to worry about, hence they will bring trouble to Leo and Cassandra.

At this moment, Cassandra was sleeping on Leo's side the moment Leo had woken up.

Leo quietly looked at Cassandra with gratefulness in his eyes before carrying her to his bed. After putting her on his bed, he pulls a blanket from the side and covers her body.

After finishing such a deed, Leo then looked at the 6 large Mana stones at the side of his bed. He then decided to move the large Mana stones to the backyard.

The moment Leo arrived at the sliding door to the backyard, he quickly spotted a few guards from Sword and Magic and Snow Noble Household, guarding and being vigilant to the surrounding, and also from each other.

Leo quickly told them to empty the place for the moment, as he wanted to be alone for some time. Though the guards were unwilling since it was their duty to guard them and not to allow anything bad to happen to them, but since Leo ordered it, then they could only accept as they quickly vanished away from the backyard.

After the guards emptied the backyard, Leo quickly brought the 6 large Mana stones with him as he walks towards the small garden at the side of the glass sliding door. He then put the 6 large Mana stones on the ground before sitting down on the ground and crossing his legs.

"I'm still too weak!"

Although, Leo had hunted Magical Beast many times before, but after the fight with Carlos, he had realized that his strength was still insignificant. Just a single punch has already caused slight bleeding to him. How much more if he was battling in the upcoming competition this coming end of the month.

Earning points and then exchanging them for resources wasn't only Leo's goal. He also wanted to be able to use the resources he has bought to strengthen himself so that he can win a competition. However, with how weak he was at the moment, he might be unable to finish consuming all the resources he could buy even after buying all of it. Hence, his goal of doing all the planning would then deemed as nothing.

Although there were still following competition every end of the month after the first one, Leo wasn't a fool to not see that the most crucial competition is the first competition this coming end of the month. If he can't receive a reward in this month's competition, then the next competition would surely become hard for him.

Leo wasn't the only one after all doing everything to grind points and buying resources to strengthen themselves. After the other students won and received the competition reward, completing missions, later on, would surely become a lot easier for them. Hence, his advantage due to the loophole he had found might then become insignificant.

Leo might be able to catch up to them, but that would only happen if he works his ass off more than them. His talent in being a Mage wasn't, after all, stronger and higher than everyone else. He might have been able to do a Triple Layer Casting, a technique that teacher Marvin has labeled as unique, but that was only in the latter's opinion. Fate knows just how many were really able to do a Triple Layer Casting. With how seemingly endless the Celestial World was, surely there will be one among tens of people capable of doing Triple Layer Casting. So, he wasn't special or anything...

Moreover, Leo thought that what's the use of being able to do a Triple Layer Casting if he couldn't even use it to his advantage. Will he just keep on casting Triple Wind Sword and throwing it towards his enemy? He might be able to use that to students weaker than him. But how about those students stronger than him? So, it was such a laughable thought to believe that he was already stronger than anyone else just because he was able to do something that the other students were incapable of doing.

Also, Leo can't just summon his Elemental casually anytime he wanted to, especially during the competition. This was his secret weapon after all, something crucial for his survival. Using the Elementals would also bring him trouble if not used secretly and carefully, too.

Madam Silva had already warned Leo before, "If ever your secret was found out by anyone and will be spread throughout the entire Silver Kingdom afterwards. Then I will have no other choice but to send you to the Sword branch of Sword and Magic."

The reason was simple; the deal would be deemed invalid if ever Leo was found out, and once invalid, he would die.

As to why?

What Leo had signed before was also a Blood Contract, though a less restricted Blood Contract compares to Cassandra's, but still, death was the consequence if the other side doesn't honor their side of the deal.

Hence, once Leo was found out, there would only be two endings.

First, Leo would be experimented with to death just to get his powerful ability, which is the highly anticipated ending. And second, Leo would be used as a tool which would also cause him to die. The deal was to help Madam Silva after all, and obviously, he could no longer help her if he became someone else's tool.

In conclusion, no matter what end it would be, once Leo was found out and got caught, then only death would await his path.

So, the only solution once Leo was found out of having the ability to summon Elementals was to send him to the Sword branch of Sword and Magic to keep him alive.

However, after being sent to the Sword branch of Sword and Magic, Leo would be restricted. There are after all secrets that can't be exposed in the Sword branch of Sword and Magic, and they also value loyalty above all else. He naturally doesn't want such a thing to happen to him. He, after all, values his freedom more than anything else. That is the reason why he had agreed to the deal with Madam Silva in the first place.

After thinking about all of those, Leo soon arrived at the conclusion that the only way to solve his future problem was simply to become stronger than he is now. Hence, he plans to use all the six large Mana stones today.

"No matter how hard I try to deny it, becoming strong is indeed the most effective way to solve every problem!" Leo said.

Solving the big problem about the seemingly endless war of the Celestial World or his current little problem, the best solution for the two was indeed only to become strong.

"I finally understand the thought behind why the battles in the War of Races are still raging on until today...."

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