
Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Stomach ache


At the moment, he did not have the arrogant demeanor that he usually sported in his daily life . He looked rather like a sick child in urgent need of care .

Xiaonian gently patted him on his back, “It’s okay . It’ll be fine” .

Gong Ouyang looked at her with what felt like disdain . It was hard to distinguish when his face was pale and in obvious discomfort .

“Woman,” he said, “I have a stomach ache” .

“… . . ”

Did she hurt his male pride?

She looked at him silently to assess his mood . There was cold sweat on his forehead and his eyes looked slightly unfocussed . There was no ounce of strength on his face, no over bearing attitude, so unlike him a few moments ago .

For just a moment again, he reminded her of Mu Qian Chu, the helpless person who needed someone to take care of him . Her heart throbbed thinking of the past .

Gong Ouyang stayed in place silently, looking at her with determination . But his body gave him away with slight spasms that travelled all over his body .

“Okay,” Xiaonian decided to give in and kneeled by his side, “I’ll help you massage your stomach, it should alleviate the pain temporarily, what do you think?”

“Um” Gong Ouyang gave his consent .

Gong Ouyang gave low cry and leaned forward suddenly .

Xiaonian aso subconsciously moved back and in the next second was pulled into his arms . He put his arms around her and put his head on her shoulder murmuring something illegible .

At this moment, she couldn’t help but he was like a child .

“…… . ”

Was he really that uncomfortable?

As Xiaonian was thinking, Gong Ouyang moved her hand into his shirt and murmured, “continue . . ”

As soon as she touched his skin Xiaonian was immediately flooded with the memories of unpleasant experiences under his hands . Her body felt uncomfortable and she tried to move back but was stopped midway and pulled back into his arms again

His hand covered hers trapping it against his stomach . She could feel the muscles move under her fingers with every breath he took .

“Why is your hand shaking?” he asked as he tried to nuzzle into her neck for comfort .

Xiaonian’s body was frozen and she couldn’t answer .

He clutched her hand tightly in his and moved his lips nearer to her ear . Every word he spoke sounded labored, as if the pain was becoming unbearable for him .

“…what?” Xiaonian was stunned by his answer .

“Your finger are sensitive, they even tremble with a single kiss” Gong Ouyang said weakly . His hands gentled around her fingers .

“I noticed it the last time in the steam house . They kept trembling every time I moved . ”

“… . . ”

Xiaonian wanted to shake him .

“Your fingers are so sensitive… . your body is as well… no wonder you can seduce me so easily without doing anything . . hmm . . ” Gong Ouyang chuckled lightly as if he received a revelation to all his questions .

This man!

He lost his mind!!

What sensitive fingers?! What seducing him?!

Unconsciously she pushed him away but even without putting much strength, Gong Ouyang who was already weak stumbled and crashed onto the floor .

Xiaonian came back to her senses as soon as she heard the huge ‘thunk’ . She quickly squatted by him to help him up again but noticed that he had already fainted .



Please consider reading this on the translator\'s website: amatertranslations . blogspot . com


And there was more sweat on his forehead than before .

Xiaonian was scared out of her wits and ran out of the bathroom calling for his guards .

His situation seemed really serious . The guards rushed in immediately and under the guidance of Feng De, Gong Ouyang was shifted to the nearest hospital within 10 minutes . As soon as they reached the hospital, a group of private doctors and more body guards were escorted into the hospital room .

Feng De’s efficiency was really astonishing . So far that she has seen, he had managed almost everything for Gong Ouyang .

The top floor of the hospital that he was staying in was also completely blocked and only approved personnel were allowed access .

Xiaonian sighed at the level of security . She did not much about Gong Ouyang except that he came from a very rich family, but even then she felt that this kind of care was too much .

She stood out in the hallway when the check ups were taking place and did not know what to do . So she observed the people guarding outside the room and the silent corridors .

“Master is not an ordinary person . Usually, he has his own private group of doctors who check on him but today is slightly special so we can only visit this hospital . We have to make sure that this news is not leaked outside . ”

Xiaonian did not ask how he was special or why it was important that such a minor news not be leaked . She just faintly smiled at Feng De’s explanation .

She could vaguely guess that he was involved in more than the billion dollar industry he was uncharge of . Some things she inadvertently heard him talk, she immediately erased them from her mind . Somethings are better left undiscovered . Especially fro people like her .

“I’ll keep my mouth sealed,” Xiaonian promised .

When Feng De nodded at her reply, she immediately bade informed him, “I’ll leave then Housekeeper De,” she bowed in farewell and turned around to leave .

Gong Ouyang’s reports were already out and as expected he suffered from acute gastroenteritis from eating too much ice cream . It was not risky or life threatening in any way .

“Wait,” Feng De stopped her before she took more than few steps, “Won’t you please stay in the ward to accompany the young master?”


Xiaonian was surprised at his request . She helped him to the hospital and the results were already out . For what else would they want her here?

“The young master has been murmuring your name in his sleep . I think he’ll very much want your company once he wakes up,” Feng De looked at her in an apologetic manner .

“If young master wakes up and cannot find you, I can only guess that he will not be in a pleasant mood . ”

She can tell that he was trying to gloss over Gong Ouyang’s mood by using a word like ‘not pleasant’ . She could only laugh in her heart . Gong Ouyang when ‘not pleasant’, is usually thunderous . But still, she was surprised at what she heard .

“He called my name?”

Xiaonian looked at Fenge De, her look clearing saying that there might be a mistake .

How can Gong Ouyang call her name? She was not an important person to him at all . Someone who can be killed at his very whim, what kind of importance would she hold to him? According to him, she was just an arrogant liar .

“Yes . Please Miss Shi, follow me . ”

Feng de brought Xiaonian into Gong Ouyang’s ward and directed her to a seat nearby the patient’s bed .

Xiaonian inspected her surroundings and could only sight in her heart at the extravagance of the rich .

Every pice of furniture in this room screamed money and the room itself looked more like a presidential suite than a hospital room . If it wasn’t for the bed and the patient lying on it and the group of doctors, this room resembles nothing like a hospital that she\'s familiar with .

Xianian sat by Gong Ouyang’s bed side for more than an hour . She had a long day and did not get sufficient sleep . he was just about to doze in her chair when she heard Gong Ouyang murmur her name .

It was almost inaudible at first but it jolted her out of her sleepiness . When she strained her hears she heard him call her name again . Only this time, she heard him say something more .

“Xiaonian… . massage . . my stomach…”

For a moment she really did not know whether to cry or laugh . She thought he might be calling her name because he was anxious about the child or at the least, she assumed he was still hooked on ice cream, …but, it turned out to be …this?

She bluntly looked at Feng De .

“You see Miss Shi, master is unusually attached to you . ”

“… . ”

Is this . . really attachment?

Was it not more like she was a slave?

“…mass… . ge…” Gong Ouyang mumbled incoherently again .

This time even Feng De kept his silence .

Sigh .

“Housekeeper De, Can I leave now?”

“yes, of course Miss Shi” feng De bowed to her apologetically .

Not waiting to be held back again, Xiaonian immediately got up and made her way to her home .

Feng De looked at unconscious Gong Ouyang and his brows furrowed slightly .

Miss Shi might know, but he knew that his master’s behavior with Miss Shi was not normal . Though his master was a brilliant business man, he was, to a degree, emotionally stunted . And added to that, his paranoid personality disorder makes it near impossible for him to believe or trust any human being around him . A person like that made plans to personally interrogate Miss Shi and handle her business . If it was any other person, his master would have ordered his subordinates to do the job .

But only he knew, that when it comes to Miss Shi, no matter how angry the young master is, only he controls the decisions related to her . He does not allow any one to meddle . It was almost like a kid with his favorite toy . Taking care of it, or breaking it, only he should be responsible for it . He can’t bear other’s interference .


Xiaonian returned to her place at 2 in the morning .

When she got back she saw that most of the community was gathered in twos or threes and talked about the helicopters on the rooftops .

And among those whispers were her name .


Xiaonian lowered her head further into her coat and quickly moved towards her apartment . She wanted to avoid being recognized by her neighbors and dragged back to be questioned .

How can she tell them that the person who dropped by so ostentatiously was the work famous billionaire, Mr . gong Ouyang? That he came here to eat ice after completing the 20 vats she made . .

Will anyone believe her?

When finally Xiaonian returned to her home, she quickly closed the door behind her . She headed straight to her bedroom to catch some much needed sleep . She plugged in her phone to the charging cable and put it on the side table before slipping in between her sheets .

With her unadventurous and bland personality, whatever did she do to provoke a man like Gong Ouyang, she wondered as she switched on her phone .

Her phone was designed by the popular NE group who were the mascot for quality in the world of electronics . It was one of her best possessions .

The sparse number of messages told everyone the story of her life . She went missing and no one had cared enough to enquire . her fingers tapped gently on the screen as she wondered, would anyone very want to find her even if she went missing for a 100 years .

… .

Probably not .

The only person who used to care about her no longer remembered her and now it looked like he won’t care even if he did .

Xiaonian quickly pulled herself back from the direction her thoughts were heading to and went through her messages .

There was only few messages and one of them was from a blind date guy .

Haha .

Xiaonian put aside her phone and looked at the ceiling .


Please consider reading this on the translator\'s website: amatertranslations . blogspot . com


For a long time, her world only had Mu Qian Chu and drawing .

Now, she just had her art .

But in the recent days, because of all the fuss, she did not even create any comics .

What was left of her now?

…nothing .

Nothing at all .

She was someone who failed at life and like this, she’ll continue being in those ranks .

She turned around to bury her face deep into the pillow willing away the burning in her throat and the sting in her eyes .


The next day:

The sun fell on the sheets through a gap in the closed curtains, and the woman on the bed was still asleep .

Even in her sleep, her eyebrows were slightly growing as if she could not find peace even in her dreams .

Suddenly her mobile rang, its vibration setting shaking up the whole side table . the ringing noise bombarded her ears and shook her awake .

Xiaonian threw back her tangled mass of hair and picked up the phone without much thought .

“Hey!” An angry voice sounded from the other side .

“gong Ouyang?” Xiaonian heard his voice and immediately recognized him . But it also confused her .

He was already awake?

And, how did he have her phone number?

“You dare to run! You leave me at the hospital and dare to run away? Don’t you want to live anymore?!!”

Gong Ouyang was clearly enraged . Every word that spilled out of him was a threat .

Even through the mobile phone, Xiaonian can imagine his appearance right now . His face would be filled with anger and his eyes clouded with viciousness .

She held the phone tightly as an unconscious shiver ran up her body .

“I’m not running away, just came back to my home” Xioanian tried to calm her voice .

“You have one hour . If you don’t come back to hospital immediately and apologize to me, I’ll break your legs!”


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