
Chapter 174 - Open The Gates!

But within this heavenly demonic forest was a patch of cleared land; about 400 square meters in size…

This patch of cleared had four small huts which could only contain a person, with a place to sleep, a place to cultivate and a place to place their belongings…

These four huts were built facing inwardly, towards each other in a square shaped manner, and right in their midst; centrally, was a massive circular formation with several ancient runes etched all over it…

Currently, four youths in black and green colored robes were sitting just by the formation; two of them were wearing green robes with black embroideries, whilst the other two were wearing black robes with green embroideries, showing that they were most likely from two different places within the same region…

Two of these four youths were paired with each color against the other, and they were currently playing the game of Go, whilst one of the other green robed youth was snoozing with the branch of a small grass in his mouth, and the other black robed youth was busy meditating with his eyes closed…

But the clicking and clacking sound from the competitively playing duo was noising into his ears, ensuring that he could not concentrate on his meditation;

"Cut it out guys, I am trying to meditate here!" The youth bellowed out of frustration;

"If you have any problem, take it up with Senior Brother Wu!"

One would think that since they were both wearing black robes that the meditating guy's partner would try to tone it down, but on the contrary, he urged his partner to go meet the other green robed guy who was snoozing;

"You know Senior Brother Wu would fight an immortal to the death if he disturbs his rest, but you are here telling him to go meet him; how shameless of you!" The other black robed youth disdainfully replied;

"Hehe; but aren't you trying to cultivate to become an immortal?"

"If you can't even stand up to someone of similar ambitions, how can you claim to want to reach such a level!?" The other Green Robed Youth teased whilst the black robed disciple simply sighed;

"How I wish Senior Brothers Fu, Cheng and Senior Sister Su will return, so I can leave this forsaken place…"

He said as he slumped his head to nap, but just as he was about to shut his eyes, his vision caught the movement of some leaves and dusts on the ground, as he looked towards their source and found out that one of the runes on the formation is now lit;

"Eh? They are back!"


"Look the runes are lighting up!" The youth blurted in excitement;

"La, if I open my eyes to find out that you are simply causing a nuisance or unnecessary commotion, you will either be force to receive three strikes from me, or spend three days outside the safe zone!" The napping youth with the branch in his mouth softly spoke with his eyes closed;

"Hehe he, it is your funeral now that you have woken Senior Brother Wu…"

"Yeah, at least, we can now play our games without any form of disturbance whatsoever…"

The two other youths smirked and mocked as they became even more engrossed in their game, oblivious to the fact that the second rune on the formation had begun to light up;

"But I am not making things up, the formation is really glowing…" Gui La repeated with a wronged expression and tone;

"Alright, Gui La… that is it, you're going out of the safe zone to get rid of this childish attitude of yours…"

Senior Disciple Wu sighed as he stood up to chase Gui La out of the squared shaped clearing; but just as he opened his eyes, his jaws slacked like they lost all form of muscular support;

'The formation is really lighting up… But they are not supposed to arrive until next month!?'

Senior Disciple Wu thought in shock as he bolted off the bench and kicked away the game of go the other two youths were playing before waving his sleeves sending several Qi Stones into different parts of the formation as the rate with which they lit up increased rapidly, and in little to no time;



The sound of of loud wind gust resounded within the area as all the leaves and dusts on the formation were swept away, before the sound of two heavy objects landing on the ground followed suit;

"Senior Brother Fu!"

"Senior Sister Su!"

The four youths bellowed in a shocked tone mixed with fear as they all rushed over to the formation to find two unconscious bodies;

"Gui La, help being senior brother Fu over…"

"Shi Long, quick; grab the first response kit!"

"Ma Dong, scout the entire area for danger and keep an eye out for any beast that might have been attracted here by the formation…"

Tian Wu, the person with the most seniority amongst the four of them rapidly dished out several quick fire orders…

In little to no time, they were all about their tasks;

"Damn! Their injuries are too severe, we have to take them back to the sect!" Tian Wu blurted with a darkened expression;

"Pack up guys, we are leaving in five minutes…" He added as he did his best to stop their bleeding wounds whilst they rushed out of the area and towards their sect in full flight…

Their sect was located right in the middle of this massive forests;

Surrounded by a cliff with a sure death-drop from the North;

An ocean with body shredding currents to the South;

A jungle filled with uncountable deadly creatures to the East;

Then finally a massive, major transportation road to the West…

The Tian Wu group were rushing over from the East…


This sect itself sported a wall that was over 30 meters in height, and a gate that was about 33 meters in height with its top ending in series of sharp metal spikes that numbered about a dozen…

It was a no brainer to understand that these walls and gates were built to prevent the innumerable savage beasts from scaling over…

Atop the wall, there were several disciples patrolling it in pairs and they were all wielding several different weapons, from spears to swords, sabers and hammers…

"Open the gates!"

The screams of more than a single person floated over to the top of the walls as the pair of disciples patrolling the area moved on with their patrol seemingly oblivious to the scream which must have at most sounded like the a buzzing fly due to the distance between them...

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