
Chapter 117 - The Tenth Horde (2)

At this moment, within the tutorial chamber...


The whooshing sound, generated from a long object moving fast through the air, resounded out...


Following closely that was clanging noise from metal hitting against metal...



Without delay, another clanging sound similar to before rang out again within the spacious chamber...

In fact, the clashing noises, originating from two creatures battling one another, had been ongoing within this chamber for more than five minutes already.

The two creatures were obviously the black-cloaked Jeremy and the colossal spider forsaker.

Surprisingly, Jeremy, who had always been on the offensive side in every battle he fought, was now defending passively from the monstrous spider's aggressive sharp legs.

Jeremy had to step back every time the creature took one step towards him...



The keen wind's noise resounded out as the spider's razor-sharp forelimb came bolting towards Jeremy swiftly. At the same time, the latter hurriedly jumped away to the left to dodge the fast-approaching long leg.


The leg's needle-like tip came striking against the cave-like floor, creating a strange and annoying noise as a result...

At this time, Jeremy had just landed on the ground after jumping to dodge earlier, another sharp needle-like leg came whizzing towards him once again.

The giant spider was utilizing its numerous dangerous limbs to its utmost advantage...

'Damn it...'

Jeremy cursed inwardly before jumping backward as fast as he could.



The grating sound resonated out once again as Jeremy had barely dodged the previous deadly attack.

After landing, Jeremy finally saw an opportunity to strike back as he hurriedly took a step forward before thrusting out the spear explosively towards the creature's disgusting face.


The spear blade traveled through the air, creating a whooshing sound, heading at lightning speed towards one of the enormous spider's eyes.



The forsaker only had to slightly move its head to the side to make one of its sharp fangs intercept the spear thrust.

Not only the four long forelimbs that were nuisances, the two sharp, long fangs in front of the creature's mouth were also considered nuisances, not different from the former in the least.

'Again...' Jeremy thought with a slight frown.

Then he hurriedly jumped away from the current position as two tapered legs had already come zooming towards him at breakneck speed.

*Peng* *Peng*

The two grating sounds rang out consecutively, whereas Jeremy had successfully escaped from the sharp limbs yet again...

At the moment, Jeremy was really in a dilemma because the battle had been continuing for quite a while but still showing no result.

'It seems like fighting it physically won't work... Wait... What the?'

While Jeremy was in thought and jumping away, the creature's enormous abdomen suddenly swelled up considerably from the middle area till the spinnerets part situated at the butt area.

Then some small creatures suddenly popped their heads out from the said spinnerets unpleasantly...

*Buchi* *Buchi*

*Buchi* *Buchi*

One by one...

The small spiderlings the size of 30 to 40 centimeters came out from the spider's hind abdomen before dropping to the ground and stood on their eight legs like the mother.

With just a single glance, one would realize those spiderlings looked just like a miniature version of the monstrous spider.

Moreover, there were more than fifty of those nasty small creatures on the ground right now, but there was still no sign of them stopping coming out at all.

'Now, I know why the System calls it a monsters wave as it is not strange for a Forsaker to give birth by using parthenogenesis anyway...' Jeremy thought inwardly after seeing the sight in front of him.

Regarding the term, parthenogenesis simply meant a creature being pregnant without male fertilization. Sometimes, the male ones could even become pregnant themselves from the bizarre routes of DNA and genes evolution.

This form of reproduction was not the preferred method and had many evolutionary disadvantages for most species because it constituted a form of inbreeding that reduced the genetic diversity of the said species, causing the younglings to be almost 100% like their parents.

Nevertheless, parthenogenesis was still considered the most suitable reproduction method for the races and species that were scarce in number and had a nigh impossible chance to meet with their own kinds on the vast Ortus. Especially, the roaming forsakers...

At this moment, while the colossal forsaker was giving birth to its spiderlings, Jeremy hurriedly lunged forward towards the creature.

With his combined skills stacked after one another, Jeremy swung the spear powerfully at the stood-still large spider...


The spear blade traveled swiftly through the air towards the creature's ugly face, creating a gusty wave of wind along the trajectory as Jeremy intended to use this rare chance to end the spider's life once and for all...

However, it seemed like the large forsaker could still move its limbs even while giving birth, for it to suddenly raise the left foreleg to intercept the spear blade, not letting the sharp blade have any chance to meet its face.

Thus, the spear blade was met with the giant spider's left foreleg...


The sound of flesh being sliced rang out within the tutorial chamber...



The monstrous spider's long leg was cut in half and dropped to the ground with a thudding sound...


It appeared that a forsaker could also feel hurt like any other living creature, as it opened its mouth widely and let out a piercing scream into the air with a distorted expression.

Meanwhile, Jeremy, who had prepared to do a roundhouse spear slash with even greater force than before, suddenly felt an ominous sensation as he hurriedly jumped back and rolled on the cave-like floor behind him.

Not long after Jeremy had jumped away from the place, an unknown green substance was suddenly spitted out from the huge forsaker's disgusting mouth.


While Jeremy was still in the air, he had suddenly heard a squelching sound occurring very close to him...

The said noise undoubtedly originated from the spitted substance earlier as it had gone dangerously past Jeremy's side towards the stone floor...


Simultaneously, a corrosive reaction and noise suddenly occurred at the place where Jeremy stood earlier as it let out trails of white smoke incessantly.

From the looks and sounds coming out from the corroded cave-like ground, the purple substance was clearly a corrosive acid, a highly corrosive one at that.

'It almost got me... If that acid had hit my mana barrier, I would have lost even more mana than casting a tier-0 spell...'

Jeremy thought in relief after having successfully avoided such a troublesome DPS, aka 'damage per second' attack.

After all, every DPS ability was considered one of the banes of all mages. If the said ability was not taken care of or removed from the mages' barrier immediately, it would sip the mages' mana bit by bit until their mana ran dry.

'Alright, I'm done with this fart... No more wasting time...' Jeremy thought annoyingly to himself as he didn't want to waste his time engaging in a fruitless close-ranged battle anymore.

A melee battle was not a mage's forte in the first place....

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