
Chapter 405 - Steel Eagle

Steel Eagle

 Health: 3500/3500

 Mana: 7500/7500

 Stamina: 5000/5000

 Strength: 500 (+ 50)

 Dexterity: 900 (+ 150)

 Speed: 750 (+ 150)

 Intelligence: 850 (+ 150)

 Endurance: 300

 Control: 750 

 Mentality: 500 (+ 150)

 Luck: 750 

 Recovery: 2000

 Willpower: 500 (+ 150)

 Coins: --

 Status: 00

 Skill List

 Offensive Physical Skills: Steel Claws Lv 140

 Passive Physical Skills: Concentration Lv 120, Focus Lv 100

 Spells: Fly Lv 100, Steel Arrow Lv 90

 Support Skills: Wind Resistance Lv 150, Fire Resistance Lv 120, Cold Resistance Lv 100

 In the end, instead of just killing the boss of the second dungeon, Ryan decided to tame the beast since it was a pretty decent fighter, and by using the creature, he would be able to save some mana while fighting. Not to mention, there are few things as cool as an armored eagle. As for the class that Ryan got there, he picked Templar since his other options were Ninja and Alchemist, two classes that he already had. The skills Ryan got were: Protection, Rationality, and Holy Enchantment.

"Another set of interesting skills, but I don\'t these ones will be as useful as the others," Ryan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Protection makes me select an ally and receive some of the damage the ally received, Rationality passively increases my mentality, and Holy Enchantment is an elemental buff that is useful against demons and undead…"

 Despite that, Ryan felt satisfied thanks to his Steel Eagle. While the others were picking their classes, Ryan filled the past of the dungeon with golems again. His supply of potions was quickly running out since there weren\'t many monsters in the area for him to kill, but it couldn\'t be helped.

"We are ready to go," Haruna declared.

 Ryan nodded, but before giving the order to proceed to the next dungeon, Ryan decided to ask a few more questions to her. While Ryan wasn\'t expecting much, it was better than nothing.

"Did you and your friends notice any weird creature aside from those four massive beasts?" Ryan asked.

"From my perspective, pretty much all the monsters are weird," Haruna frowned. "I didn\'t find anything weirder that the four beasts appearing, but… I saw something inexplicable happening."

"And that is?" Ryan asked.

"When the dragons first arrived and attacked Tokyo, they destroyed a lot of the city," Haruna explained. "However, after a while, they just stopped attacking the city altogether and began to fly around in circles. I don\'t know why, but eventually, they gave up on our country. If I had to make a guess, I would say it was thanks to the silver tigers and the black tortoises since they were increasing in number and they were pretty troublesome for the dragons."

 That was a first… Ryan never heard of the dragons giving up on destroying a city. Ryan decided to ask Femradiel\'s opinion about it later, but she decided to give him some answers right at that moment.

"I can think of a few possible explanations," Femradiel said. "Either the dragons found a really troublesome opponent that couldn\'t fly or someone or something put a magic barrier around the city."

"Or maybe both," Ryan said.

"… You are right," Femradiel said.

 Haruna frowned since she didn\'t hear Femradiel\'s voice, and from her perspective, Ryan was talking alone. Regardless, Ryan readily accepted that hypothesis since it explained why the four beasts were fighting for Tokyo. They probably wanted to kill that person for one reason or the other, and the person who erected the barrier probably was the one who used Clairvoyance on Ryan earlier.

 While more questions were being added to the mystery, Ryan felt thankful since he was slowly approaching the end of the situation. However, if really a single person managed to keep the dragons away and could fight against the horde of those massive monsters, perhaps Ryan should stay away from Tokyo.

"Not before I clear those four dungeons," Ryan shrugged.

 Ryan, Haruna, and the others proceeded toward the next dungeon, and just like before, Ryan mercilessly killed the guards who were keeping an eye on the place and collecting the monsters\' bodies as resources. Once that happened, Haruna gave the sign to the survivors who were hidden nearby to come, and Ryan frowned when he saw two hundred of them. They were heavily armed, and they looked like they were about to face some final fight or something.

"Are those all of your soldiers?" Ryan asked.

"Those are all of my companions," Haruna corrected. 

 The number was pretty high, more than Ryan imagined, at least. The only problem was that some of them were elderly and kids… at least they also had some long-ranged magic items.

 Mad Elephant – Lv 240

 Health: 8000/8000

 Mana: 2500/2500

 Stamina: 5000/5000

 Strength: 2500 (+ 150)

 Dexterity: 400 (+ 50)

 Speed: 250 (+ 50)

 Intelligence: 250 (+ 50)

 Endurance: 2500 (+ 350)

 Control: 750 

 Mentality: 1000 (+ 250)

 Luck: 250

 Recovery: 4000

 Willpower: 1000 (+ 250)

 Coins: --

 Status: --

 Skill List

 Offensive Physical Skills: Mad Charge Lv 140

 Passive Physical Skills: Stone Skin Lv 120, Bronze Skin Lv 100

 Spells: Mana Armor Lv 90, Regeneration Lv 50

 Support Skills: Wind Resistance Lv 200, Fire Resistance Lv 200, Cold Resistance Lv 200

 Just as Ryan had expected, the mad elephants were bulky monsters. Not only were they larger than the ones on Earth, but they were also green, and they fang and pretty long horns. Since they had some troublesome skills and high durability, Ryan used Deadly Aim whenever they showed up to finish off the job as fast as possible.

 Congratulations! You have cleared the dungeon and obtained its treasure! As a reward for your achievement, you can obtain one of the three following classes: Templar, Trickster, and Alchemist.

Please be aware that clearing this dungeon again won\'t give you the chance to unlock the other remaining classes. If you want to obtain them, you will have to search for those in other dungeons.

 It has been a while since that happened… but Ryan indeed found a dungeon where all the classes he could obtain he already had. In the end, he just shrugged.

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