
Side Story: Mad for the Far Away Hero 1

?Side Story: Mad for the Far Away Hero 1

Why, Why, Why.

Even till the very end, Kaito-sama’s heart had remained imprisoned by that Devil.

Even when I’m the one who loves you most.

Even when I’m the one you should’ve loved the most.

Even when I’m the one most worthy of you.

But I’m, not the one beside you.

And you’re, not the one beside me.

Why, do you shed tears for that Devil.

Why, does your heart break for that Devil.

Why, do you desire that Devil.

If only you had desired me, I would’ve have given you my body, my soul, my everything.

Of course, if only that Devil was gone, Kaito-sama would finally open his eyes.

For he is the one destined to vanquish that Devil. And I, am the one who’d stand closest to him as he did.

I can still remember the joy from when I learned of that destiny. I can still remember the despair of having that destiny defiled.

Which was why I thought everything would be resolved once that Devil, the defiler of my destiny, was killed.

And after that, all was supposed to have returned as it should be.

Because Kaito-sama had used his own blade to cut away the chains that had enraptured him.

… And yet. And yet and yet!

By then, it was all too late. The cursed fragments of those chains had buried themselves deep, deep into his heart, his soul forever unclean, defiled.

I had no choice but to accept that fact.

So the least I could do was free that dirtied soul. Even that stolen, tarred, corrupted soul would surely be purified by the grace of God, and surely he and I would meet again in our next lives.

For I am the Saintess, and Kaito-sama is the Hero.

And so, I learned that God had granted my dearest wish.

The mistaken world was now no more, and when I realized that, I wept, I shed tears of utmost joy.

This time will be different. This time, I will not fail.

This time, I will become your one and only, I will be the one to fully occupy your soul.

Please, please wait for me.

My beloved, my Hero.

As the coach rattled along the dirt road, I, Meteria Loreria, felt slightly fatigued from the journey.

(It’s because I’d gotten used to riding the unshaking carriage Kaito-sama had created.)

In the previous world, I could only marvel at its genius, and I recall seeing him talk to the merchant Avares about its technical aspects, I now regret not asking for those details myself.

I’d been sitting on this stiff coach seat for so long that my buttocks were numb from the constant vibrations.

I used heal to secretly alleviate the numbing pain during breaks in the journey. I was, after all, still the sheltered bird of a woman at the present time. I may remember the experiences I had in the previous world, but I clearly wasn’t as fit as I had been.

My adventures with Kaito-sama during which I increased my level and proficiencies in Holy Magicand Water Magic had all turned to nothing.

It was extremely disheartening to lose the fruits of my special training with my beloved.

Then again, we simply had to do it over, together of course. In fact, with the knowledge I have in my possession, he and I could crush all of our wretched foes on our own. Yes, we won’t need other ‘companions’ who would only get in the way of our love.

He only required me, and I him.

“… phew,” I sighed, “It’s also been so long since I’ve seen this country.”

“Pardon? You’ve seen it?” said the maid at my side as she cocked her head in confusion.

I had leaked an expression of nostalgia when I looked out the coach window to see the tall walls that enclosed Aurel, the royal capital of the kingdom of Aurelia.

Silly me. It should be my first time coming to this country, so of course, she’d question my words.

“It’s nothing. I simply mistook it for something else.” I spoke a tad coldly so she wouldn’t ask any more questions.

But then, the simple maid who knew nothing of my circumstances looked shocked and even a little scared. I felt sorry for that, so I spoke to her softly,

“You know, I’d definitely need to enjoy some calming tea once I’m done with my greetings. You should join me. I’d find it lonely to have tea alone after all.”

I gently smiled to her so that she would calm her nerves, and seeing that, the maid’s cheeks reddened slightly as she stuttered a ‘Y-yes, m’lady!’ her voice higher than normal.

I then returned my gaze to the approaching city outside.

I recall hearing that at this point in time, Kaito-sama had still remained in the capital and was in the process of improving his skills within the nearby Goblin’s Nesthole, a newly forming dungeon.

Soon, Soon, Soon――…

I understood that impatience wasn’t going to let me meet him any faster, and I gripped the ends of my robes to bear with my overflowing desire, causing them to wrinkle.

(Kaito-sama, this time, this time for you, I, only I will be by your side…)

Right now, Right now, Right now.

I had to see him right now, I needed his eyes to gaze upon me, his voice to call my name, his laugh to soothe my ears.

This time, I will not let that vile Woman approach my Hero, I will not let her seduce him, dirty him.

“Leticia Lew Harston…”

It felt sick just remembering that evil name.

She had barged herself into my Kaito-sama’s kind, gentle heart, enslaved his soul, stolen the place I was destined to be.

She won’t be given the chance to this time. In the previous world, I had ended up meeting my beloved only after she had sown her malignant seeds into his soul, but this time, this world will not be the same.

I will be the one to soothe his distressing heart, only I and no other. That is the only way.

“Me-Meteria-sama, are you sure you’re alright?” the maid cried.

It appears that my thoughts had been showing on my expression.

“You may be right,” I said, “I suppose that I’d finally relaxed now that we’re so close to our long awaited destination. I might be feeling a bit ill from the ride.”

“M-my word,” exclaimed the maid, “we must stop to rest at once…”

“Kusukusu,” I giggled “You worry too much. We’ve almost arrived. I might as well rest in town.”

I could understand why the maid is so fussy about my well being. In our theocracy, the Saintess holds a position equivalent to royalty. And not simply as a figurehead. As a Saintess I had a strong say over matters regarding the country and as a subordinate, the maid would have to try everything to prevent someone of my post from feeling ill at ease.

That being said, I couldn’t simply disclose the truths only I knew, so to calm my turbulent heart, I reached into my bag and brought out my favorite doll.

This doll was small enough to rest amply on top of my cupped hands. It had pitch black hair and wore a dark robe.

I lovingly fondled my doll as if it were him, my sweet beloved.

(Soon, my Kaito-sama. I’m finally coming to meet you.)

And like that, my heart once again regained calm.

I smiled softly as the coach reached ever closer to the city, simply caressing my cherished doll.

Some time after, we had entered the gates.

The royal capital was a crowded place. At a glance, the city was less orderly than the holy capital of our Lunaria theocracy but more boisterous and lively.

In a few months from now, Kaito-sama will have conquered the dungeon he was now exclusively using to train, and it would be opened to the public. Once that happens, it’s sure to get even more crowded.

(Well, I’ll be joining him soon enough, so it might not even take those few months.)

I looked over at the grand castle from my window as the coach drove along through the town.

(I’ll have to convince princess Alesia first. And if she tries to be uncooperative, I can use the fact that they had secretly summoned the Hero as a card in my negotiations. They likely won’t make it easy for me.)

I began constructing my strategy while poking the soft cheeks of my Kaito-sama doll.

(The only others who know about the summoning should be the royal knights led by Captain Ryuudos. If I don’t lay the groundwork beforehand, those rotten royals will definitely try to attach ‘companions’ that will interfere with Kaito-sama’s journey together with me.)

This time, this time, the Hero, Kaito-sama, and the Saintess, I, will consummate our destined love.

I will stand victorious. With my knowledge of the previous world, I can easily crush any existences that seek to harm Kaito-sama, be it the princess or any other.

In fact, him and I would defeat our every foe together, thus strengthening our bond further.

“Fufufu!” I laughed.

“Meteria-sama, I see you’re feeling well again.” the maid commented. “Thanks goodness.”

“Yes, I’m fine now. Thank you for your concern.”

“Still, it’s been a long journey. Please have some rest after your greetings with his Majesty. It’d be terrible if you were to fall ill due to fatigue.”

As I once again thanked the maid for her concern, I noticed my pulse rising.

Kaito-sama was here, in this town, so close yet so far.

I had spent many heartbroken days aiming for his life, wishing only to save his soul. It was a necessary step to purify him, and I knew that. But that moment when the sword was stabbed in his chest, I had felt heart wrenching pain as if it had pierced my own. It was a pain I could never forget.

Days and days of my beloved directing hateful eyes at me, my own hate for the long dead demon lord multiplied.

But those days were no more.

For I had now received the opportunity to right that wrong, and advance towards the correct future.

“Fufu” I grinned in joy, imagining the path to my destiny.

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