
Chapter 461 - Teacher And Student

After settling everything with Arba and Aston regarding the Altar, Kai returned to Roselyn and Sofia together with them.

"You ready?" Kai smiled, asking about their condition.

"Yes." Sofia smiled and said, "Well, it's good to be back after three months."

Roselyn nodded before bowing to the people behind Kai. "Thank you for your help for the past three months."

"No problem." Leah smiled and waved her hand.

Kai then turned around and nodded his head. "I think this is it. We can proceed according to what we've discussed."

"Yes. Leave it to us." Aston agreed before walking to Sofia and Roselyn. "I hope the two can think of nothing about this."

Roselyn and Sofia exchanged looks and smiled. "Please."

Aston then placed his hand on Sofia's before a huge grey-colored magic circle appeared above their heads. Only after fifteen minutes, Sofia suddenly fell.

Kai caught her gently and checked her condition. After knowing she was safe, he then turned to Aston. "Please."

Aston understood his intention and moved to Roselyn, placing his hand on top of her head. He repeated the process and Roselyn finally dropped on her knees.

"I have done everything I can." Aston gave the confirmation before looking at Devain. "He is a Space Magic User, so he will send you to the closest and safest place to reach your home."

"Yeah. I'm counting on you, Dev." Kai smiled.

Devain only smiled before clapping his hands twice. The barrier finally opened again, allowing them to leave this place.

Kai carried Sofia while Leah helped with Roselyn. After waving his hand to Aston and Arba, he left the barrier, returning to the outside world.

After checking their condition, Devain then summoned a magic circle beneath their feet as they teleported two times to reach Turkey.

According to their current location, they would probably reach the nearest base in thirty minutes. Kai lowered Sofia and had her lean to a tree while Leah did the same.

He then rose from the ground and extended his hand to Devain. "Thank you for helping me for the past three months, Dev. I will be waiting for you in the US Base next."

"Yes, My King. It's my pleasure to help you." Devain nodded and shook his hand. Although he was still polite, the two knew that if Devain wanted to call him by his name, Kai wouldn't complain about it. However, Devain had already gotten used to calling him by his title, so Kai also understood his condition.

"Take care." Kai smiled before turning to Leah.

He hugged her like two friends and said, "Thank you, Leah."

"Of course, My King. Although you haven't realized it yet, Devain has become a bit more talkative since you first came, you know…" Leah chuckled, teasing Devain in the process.

"Wha—" Devain was taken aback and looked at them with a weird expression, wondering if he did it wrong.

Kai only chuckled and took a step back, looking at both of them with a gentle smile. "Anyway, take care of yourself until we meet again three months from now."

"Yes." Both replied at the same time before they returned with Devain's Space Magic before Sofia and Roselyn woke up.

After they disappeared, Kai turned around and sat on the ground, waiting for them. In the meantime, he decided to call his master.

"Ho? The little guy has a big guy now?" was the first thing Ria said the moment she picked up the call.

"Haha, I'm glad that you're alright, Teacher."

"Well, I'm on the battlefield right now, mentoring your sister a bit."

"Really?" Kai was surprised because no one mentioned it earlier.

"Yeah. When I was about to tell you, you had gone far away." Ria confirmed it.

"Haha, that's a shame. Well, I just want to let you know that I'm fine here." Kai chuckled. "Of course, I am far stronger than you now, Teacher."

"Is this a challenge, kid?" Ria's voice became cold. "Should I beat you again? If I can beat you, I'm going to spank your ass this time? Do you dare to bet?"

"Hahaha! I don't want to bully an old woman, so I will reject this bet."

"Okay, you're on. We will have a spar as soon as you go back."

Kai didn't reply and simply laughed it off.

"Anyway, I will tell that Brent about your condition. You're going to extend your stay for three months, right?"

"Yeah. Although I don't like being treated as a bargaining chip, I am not someone who will break my promise, especially since I've already gotten the payment upfront."

"I see. I will notify the president after this. Do you want to tell him something?"

"Only one. I'm going to meddle around and settle my grudge against the Katsuragi Family… No, I will probably settle myself with Katsuragi Takaki and those who stand in my way in killing him." Kai suddenly corrected himself.

"Ho?" Ria seemed to be surprised by his statement and said, "You've matured. I thought you were going to destroy the entire Katsuragi Family because of the past grudge. I had no doubt that you could destroy them and knew you would feel a bit guilty for all the innocent guys that attacked you out of order.

"However, the reason I didn't give you any advice or anything was to let you see the result of your own action because you would grow far stronger and kinder from that point on. It seems… I don't need to do that anymore since you've grown up."

Kai made a gentle smile and looked at the sky. He felt like he had gotten calmer and thought nothing about revenge. In fact, the grudge between him and the Katsuragi Family looked bleak.

He once heard a saying.

"The best revenge is to show them that your life is getting better after they're gone."

When he thought about this, he felt like the reason he wanted revenge was a bit too petty. He just wanted to end everything with Katsuragi Takaki and continued with his life in the US Base. This also showed that he had no intention to return to United Asia and chose to stay in the US Base for the rest of his life.

He closed his eyes and smiled, "Yeah. My action will certainly cause a chain of events, to the point it will affect the entire base. And if I destroy the Katsuragi Family, the South Family will use it to kill even more people. I don't see it wrong about being patriotic, but I just need to pluck out one poisonous mushroom that has gone too far."

"I will respect your choice, so you don't need to mind the paperwork. I will also settle the problem with Brent. I think he will be overjoyed to hear this news because he doesn't need to get a headache to deal with the aftermath." Ria replied nonchalantly.

"Haha, sounds right. I'm sorry to make you worry, Teacher." Kai smiled and continued, "I'm going to keep improving both mentally and physically. Maybe after this incoming war ends, you can go immediately to your retirement. Let me take care of you."

"I will hold that promise. No, say it again. I'm going to record it."

"Right?" Kai chuckled.

"Anyway, do you want to say something to the girls? They are missing you."

"I miss them too. How are they?"

"Tasha is with me right now, so I know her the best. Well, she has gotten all the magic power you've last month, making the whole thing weird, but I know that the magic power will stay within your body if you die, so I can calm her down. To be honest, I feel like she has gotten far stronger and started aiming for my position. That's all I can say about her.

"Then, we can move to Ayaka. She has become the face of the Lion Group because of her tactic. It turns out the girl has the potential to become a strategist. She was just too childish and immature back when you met her in United Asia. After calming down and growing up for two years, she has finally started showing her full potential since you're not there. She is too reliant on you for your information…

"As for Michelle, have you heard about two people becoming one? She is like that. Well, her prowess itself has gone far beyond both Tasha and Ayaka, so you will be surprised to see her in another three months. Anyway, Michelle and Ayaka are staying with your parents to ensure their safety and other things in their schedule.

"It's not your girl, but I will give you a bit of information about Evan. He has gotten together with Isabelle and plans to marry her after graduation. You can see his picture and find a ring on his finger. It's teasing material. As for his strength, he has become a better shooter, but I don't think there's a big improvement on him, considering it's his ability limitation. But yeah, his healing power is better now."

Kai contemplated for a moment and nodded, satisfied. "Just tell Ayaka and Michelle that I miss them and will come back soon. Keep working hard. As for Tasha, I'm offering advice to get Teacher's ultra-deluxe training package which includes a thousand deaths. Just kidding… Anyway, I also miss her and look forward to her improvement. We will be together again after graduation.

"As for Evan, congratulations and don't forget to invite me to their weddings." Kai chuckled and looked at the sky. "So many things have happened huh."

"Yeah, that's why… come back soon, kiddo."

"Haha, I will, Teacher." Kai smiled and planned to hang up. Of course, he didn't forget to say, "I'm going to end the call, Teacher. Just want to say I love you."

"Yeah, Love you too, you brat. Now your next mission is to make me stop calling you brat."


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