
Chapter 292 - Hunting

"How is the situation?" asked Michelle while driving the truck. Her eyes kept glancing back and forth between the road and the guy who just entered the vehicle.

"There is nothing extraordinary." Kai shook his head and retracted his weapons. "There are only a few needs to be eliminated, so we don\'t really have any problem."

"Alright. I will maintain our speed and course." Michelle nodded as she recalled what happened earlier.

Five minutes ago, Kai suddenly opened his eyes, saying, "Tasha, Sofia, meet me at the top of the truck."

He opened the window and slid outside, gliding using the handle above his window to launch him to the top of the truck. Tasha and Sofia also appeared from behind the truck.

"There is a group in our way. It\'s three kilometers from here, so I want you to teleport us both in that direction."

"Only you two are going?" Tasha asked with a calm expression.

"Yeah. Are you up for it?" Kai glanced at Sofia.

"How many?"


"Good." She nodded and cracked her finger as if she was getting ready to fight. At the same time, the exoskeleton started appearing all over her body.

"You and Ayaka are to assume defensive positions because we might encounter some problem."

"Don\'t worry. Nothing will reach this truck." Tasha nodded before snapping her finger, summoning a Teleportation magic circle on top of the truck.

"Michelle, keep going forward, we will meet there within two minutes."


Kai then nodded before the two disappeared.

Just like how Kai predicted, the two were standing in the way and came inside while the truck was still moving.

She found twenty magical beast corpses lying on the ground and realized they were not able to fight Kai and Sofia at all even though there was a C rank among them.

They then continued their way like this, trying to reach their destination before the sunset because it would be troublesome to drive without any light around them.

Kai and Sofia fought a few times until they reached their destination, but there were two times Ayaka participated because they found a B rank magical beast on their way.

And they somehow reached the place according to their schedule, and it was still 5 PM.

Kai asked them to kill all the magical beasts around the area and set up a camp there. And as expected, the girls cooked while Kai set up a tent for them. Because she couldn\'t cook, Sofia decided to help Kai and sorted all the items they needed to use tomorrow.

Finally, they gathered around a heater… Not a campfire of course, unless they wanted the magical beasts to notice it. Although it was still November, the air was already pretty cold.

They had a rotation for guarding the night, and Kai was the first one, letting the other girls sleep first.

The next day, he woke up and scanned the entire forest, finding nothing was wrong.

"What are we going to do now? Should we pack up first?"

"No. We will pack up tomorrow. We will go around here and change to another place tomorrow," Kai said while rubbing his sleepy eyes. He had listened to his surroundings and noticed there were around five thousand magical beasts around them, so he thought this place would be fine.

"Our target is three thousand points, so we need to get at least two hundred points today." He glanced at Sofia. "How is their power level?"

"Ayaka has taken me to the sky earlier to see the entire situation. I don\'t think there is a problem. I saw a few A rank beasts, but I think it\'s a bit farther from us. As for our surroundings, there are only B rank beasts." Sofia confirmed. She didn\'t dare to lie to him because Kai could easily pick it up. If she didn\'t know this ability, she might lie to him, saying there was nothing in their surroundings and exploit those A rank. Unfortunately, lies couldn\'t escape his ears.

Kai nodded and stretched his hand, creating a radar that had his Echo Location magic. "Choose your direction and clear that area."

"I will go to Northwest."




"I will take the West then." Kai nodded. "After lunch, we are going to clear the North Area, which has many A rank magical beasts."


"Then, let\'s prepare first and split up. Remember… Those who are covered in injury shall not be eligible for the reward." Kai warned them again to prevent them from being reckless.

The girls nodded repeatedly. "Don\'t worry. We won\'t make you worry."

They then took all their equipment and split up. They came from the Southeast, so the area was basically cleared, leaving only seven other directions to go. Aside from the North, they could choose all six directions, albeit there seemed to be one place that couldn\'t be covered, Southwest, but it wasn\'t really a big deal.

The group could take care of it after returning from the north region. They had agreed upon this before even coming to this place.

"We will see each other in five hours." Kai nodded to the girls and disappeared, running toward the west with his fastest speed.

It only took him three minutes before glancing at his left, finding a group of horses. He sneaked around them and checked whether they had any B rank magical beasts.

"Found it." Kai\'s vision stopped on a white horse that seemed to grow a horn after its evolution. "One B rank and ten other horses."

He sneaked behind the horse without making a sound and created a magic circle underneath his boot, launching him toward the white horse.

Sensing the fluctuation of magic power and an incoming presence, it turned around and lowered its head, trying to block Kai\'s sword.

"Hmph." Kai snorted, activated his Sound Insulation Magic, and struck the white horse with his sword.

It got stopped by the horn for a second before Kai stepped on the ground to get another boost of power, slicing the horn along with the horse head with his Vibration Sword. "Do you think you are a unicorn?"

"Hii?!" The white horse couldn\'t even think before it fell down, died.

The other horses were surprised to see their leader just die in front of their eyes and charged at Kai, trying to ram him.

Kai wasn\'t afraid and charged at them without hesitation. He swung his swords forward, killing another two. But four horses immediately turned around, trying to ram him from another direction. The other four also came at him from the opposite direction.

"That is the last thing you want to do when fighting against me." Kai smiled and leaped toward the group in his right. He cut another two horses before riding one of them. At the same time, the one beside him already died with a single thrust from Kai, leaving only this one to charge at the four.

"Ngi?!" The horse was surprised and tried to stop, but they were too fast and ended up hitting each other.

Kai already leaped before the impact, waving his swords to kill the remaining five with a few waves of his sword.

"Including the time I used to sneak around, I used three minutes in total." Kai let out a sigh and took a breather. "I have two magic in mind to increase my attack power, but they are still in progress… The only thing I have done during the past week is completing my Sound Levitation magic. Haiz, this will be tough."

Kai sighed and leaped to another place. This time, a group of B rank monkeys. He furrowed his eyebrows, seeing these brown-haired monkeys. "They are troublesome because they are hanging around the tree."

Formulating the fight in his mind, Kai decided to use another trick.

The Sound Blast launched him again, not to the monkeys, but to the trees around them.

He sliced the tree diagonally, so they would fall down after getting cut while using his Sound Blast continuously and acted like a pinball to cut all the trees within five seconds. He didn\'t forget to create his Sound Insulation magic to prevent the loud sound from the crumbling tree.

"Kikaka!" One of them monkeys pointed his finger toward Kai after leaping from his own tree and landing on the ground safely. He panicked a moment ago because they never expected Kai to attack them, so this time they would take care of Kai properly.

Kai looked at these twenty-five monkeys in which five of them were B rank and smiled.

Three B rank monkeys came toward him while those who were not grabbed a rock around them, ready to throw at him.

Kai waved his sword to cut the first monkey, but because they were ready for his attack, the monkey shifted his body to avoid it while laughing at Kai. Unfortunately, that laugh didn\'t last long because Kai\'s other sword cut him.

The other two were surprised but realized Kai shouldn\'t be able to stop them because he just used his two swords to kill the first monkey. They threw a punch at him from two sides, albeit Kai was one step ahead of them.

"Sound Blast." Above their head appeared a green magic circle, releasing a powerful sound wave and launching the two monkeys down until their heads stuck inside the ground.

Kai spun his sword and stabbed both of them.

"That\'s three!" Kai glanced at the other two B rank monkeys before one of them raised their hand, "Kikaka!"

All monkeys threw their stones at the same time. If this were someone else, they would need to dodge or create a shield. But Kai was able to follow all the stones\' movements. He avoided all of them as he moved closer to the two.

The moment he walked past those stones, he leaped toward the monkeys and slashed them. "That\'s five. Now it\'s time for the others."

Kai smiled and hunted them.

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