
Chapter 162 - Book-2 -77 Madeline Is Alive

As Victoria's body started to move, everyone waited to see what was going to happen next. Though her body was moving, she was yet to open her eyes, thus, making it hard to decipher who she was.

Her body moved as if it had its mind. Christopher looked at Azrael, who was looking at Victoria with an expectant gaze. ​​

He knew she was expecting that the person who wakes up in the body was Victoria and not Madeline so that she can continue her spell and end Victoria’s life for once and all. However, since Daniel had explained everything, he also knew that there is no way that Victoria will wake up now.

Madeline, who was too eager to wake up, would not miss a single second in taking over Victoria’s body, and this was finally her chance at that.

He still couldn't believe that Azrael was able to do the impossible. She was finally able to awaken a hybrid of 1000 years ago. When Madeline was killed, no one would’ve imagined that a day like this will occur ever again. He was sure the gods didn’t know that something like this would happen, or they wouldn’t have made the hybrid thing again.

After some time, the body of Victoria finally stopped moving and laid there like a dead body without a soul. Both Ashton and Alexander scooted closer to each other involuntarily.

Was it possible to bring the dead back to life? It was something they had never heard of.

They didn’t understand the soul phenomena that Daniel mentioned, and thus, they waited for five minutes for her to open her eyes so that they could know if the person was Victoria or Madeline.

If she was Victoria, they would be more than happy. However, if she was Madeline, then they were ready to fight her.

Azrael, who was the most anxious one, was about to go there and touch her when she opened her eyes.

"Grandpa? What is happening to me? You have still not answered me, grandma. How could you betray me like this?" She spoke, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking she was still Victoria while Azrael looked at her closely.

According to Daniel, she was supposed to turn into Madeline, but she didn't. Does that mean that her spell has a chance now? That she can kill Victoria forever?

She was about to get closer to her and redo the spell when the girl started laughing like a maniac.

"Oops, got ya! You guys seriously believed that I am that nincompoop. Seriously? How can you do that to me? I mean, this is ridiculous. I was just acting dumb. It looks like Victoria is the definition of being dumb. However, won't you like to praise my acting skills?" Madeline asked, her eyes turning pitch black.

"Madeline?" Christopher asked, still unsure.

"The one and only queen in the world." Madeline bowed proudly before looking at Azrael.

"Well, you have grown old, little sister." She said, and Azrael rushed towards her to hug her. However, before she could even reach closer to her, Madeline raised her hands and threw her all across the room, making her crash into the door.

"Oh, sorry for that. I was just testing if I am still as powerful as earlier," Madeline said, making everyone look at Azrael, who coughed out blood before limping and standing.

She stood for only a few seconds before falling again. Coughing more blood, she looked at the person who she knew as her elder sister, that loved her dearly.

Gazing at her confused, she couldn’t help but think that her elder sister has changed. If it would’ve been earlier, then she would have hugged her rather than testing out her energies. She would have talked about how glad she was, coming back to life, rather than making a fool out of everyone. The person that was standing in front of her now didn’t sound how her sister used to be.

"Well, I think I am strong enough to tackle a few kings, no?" Madeline said before smiling at her sister.

"Madeline, look. I know what happened with you was wrong and how the gods played with your life is unforgivable, but destroying the lives of innocent people is not a solution to it. I know you want your revenge for how painfully they tried to kill you. The **** and everything is something that no one should forgive, and you have all the right to take revenge, but your fight is with the gods, not the innocent people-" Christopher started, but before he could say anything else, Madeline's laugh stopped him.

"Wait a second. Who told you that I was raped, or they painfully wanted to kill me? As far as I know, I left my body on my own so that I could return whenever a hybrid was created. I know that my lifeline was only 25 years. Duh!" Marine shrugged, making Azrael widen her eyes.

Wait. What did she say? She left on her own?

"So the theories that you were raped until you died or that your soul was captured were all wrong?" Azrael asked, coughing more blood as she could feel her energy draining away.

"Well, are you nuts? If my soul would've been captured, then would I have been standing here in front of you? And, who the hell spread those rumors that I was raped. Do you think anyone has the power to do it? Yeah, it was true that the powers were snatched away from me, but that's all. After all the kings and witches were sent back, and I had no power left, I thought that it was useless to live without power now. That was the reason why I left my body." Madeline said before looking at her pitifully.

"Awe, has my sister been living in some kind of delusion for this long?" She asked, raising her hands in the air.

"Look, I would like to talk to you guys more, but I think the world needs its queen, and I should return to the work I left a thousand years ago. Those pathetic humans are still alive, aren't they?" Madeline said, looking at Azrael with a smirk.

"Since you've been this good, little sister, I hope you won't mind if I take your energy, right?" Madeline said, making everyone widen their eyes as they understood what she was referring to.

"No. How can you do that? I worked for decades to bring you back. You can't do this to me. I thought you loved me." Azrael said, her eyes tearing as she didn't believe what she was hearing.

How can the sister that loved her the most in the world think about killing her after what she did to bring her back to life?

"Sweetheart, I love you. But more than that, I love myself and power. I am thankful to you for what you did for me, but won't you want to give your elder sister a present?

Look, I always envied you. When you were born, I knew that you were the kid of our mother that was supposed to live. I hated the fact, and that was the reason I always kept you close to me, showcasing my love.

You were this soft-hearted moron I had to make use of.

I knew that if I'll be able to make a special place in your heart, then you'll do anything for me.

That was all the part of the plan, you see?" Madeline said, sitting on the couch leisurely.

"Does that mean, all the love you showed me, all the spells that you taught me -"

"Were because you were my only way to get back to this world," Madeline said, completing her sentence.

"Honestly, if you want to know the truth, then let me tell you. I hated you. I hated the fact that you'll get to live the immortal life while I'll succumb to death. Do you remember the last spell we did when we were destroying humanity? Before the gods came for me? The spell in which we used your blood?

Well, that spell had bound my soul to you. So, as long as you were alive, my soul was alive. I could get into anyone's body as long as I wanted, and the person had a low balance and control over his powers." Madeline said, shocking Azrael more in the process.

"Alexander, my wolf mate. Do you remember Patrick? The one that caused that sacrifice spell? Well, you can say that he was under my influence. That Aiden and her mate were influenced by me as well.

The Secretary you had, what was her name, Melissa? That was me.

Ashton, weren't you betrayed by the maid in your house, who once leaked all the information? That was me. Honestly, I had more fun with Alexander because Victoria was there." Madeline revealed, making them look at her in shock.

“The person who wanted to kidnap Victoria when she was young was me. At that time, I had thought about keeping her with me to keep an eye on her every move. Do you guys think Victoria cane into pearly canines because of the mate bond? The person who killed her parents was me. I made Marla contact her after their death so that she could call her there. That Brian guy? It was my influence. I had been checking whether the powers were doing good enough or not. " Madeline shrugged as if this was the most normal thing in the world.

"Okay, now let's not get drifted from the topic. So, where was I? Yeah. Your powers will be the most beautiful gift you can give to me, little sister. And I know that you love me too much that you won't deny me your powers, right?" Madeline said, and before Azrael could do anything.

Madeline raised her hand towards Azrael, pulling all her powers in one go, making her lifeless body fall down the stairs. Seeing her lifeless body falling like this, Madeline closed her eyes before smiling evilly.

"Ahhh… The feel of power." Madeline moaned, and before Christopher could react or bound her, she disappeared into thin air.

"Azrael!!" Christopher shouted, running towards her lifeless body with tear-brimming eyes.

Though he hated her for what she did with the hybrid thing, it doesn't mean he loved her any less. She was his mate, and they had shared the love bond for more than 1000's of years.

Taking her lifeless body in his arms, he wailed like a child, crying loudly, making Ashton and Alexander look at him with an emotional look.

This was the first time, they were seeing an emotion other than the cold look on his face, and his painful cries was something that brought tears to even Alexander's and Ashton's face.

However, they were sure about one thing. This was just the beginning of the destruction that Madeline will be doing if not stopped.

Seeing Azrael’s dead body and Christopher crying like this, they couldn’t help but blame Daniel for what had happened today.

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