
Chapter 456: The Trouble with Shaw - Part 1

Chapter 456: The Trouble with Shaw - Part 1


Kalle sucked in a breath, but didn\'t have time to respond as her uncle Shaw, still in the slacks, shirtsleeves and sweater vest he\'d been wearing at dinner, clamped onto her arm and started dragging her back towards the house. She had a passing thought that it was too cold for him to be out there dressed like that, but he stormed forward, only turning to glare back at her over his shoulder with a look that said he\'d like to slap her face.

"Don\'t ever got anywhere near there, Kalle!" he snarled, holding her wrist in a vice grip. She tried to break it, tried to pry his fingers off, but only ended up stumbling along behind him.

"What—what are you doing out here?" she hissed.

But Shaw was still pulling her away from the portal, gesturing with his free hand, spitting he was so angry. "What the hell are you thinking?! Your mate will return—and even if he doesn\'t, you\'ll only get yourself killed by going in there!"

Kalle\'s jaw dropped and she stopped dead as Shaw froze, obviously realizing what he\'d said.

"Uncle?" she whispered. "You know about… about my mate?"

He took a deep breath and turned to face her, sighing and removing his glasses to wipe his eyes with the back of his wrist. "Yes, I know," he muttered. "And I\'m severely disappointed that you never told me, Kalle." He returned his glasses to his face, then finally met her eyes. "But I have to say, I\'m even more angry that you\'ve been lying to me. And since he isn\'t here right now, I think maybe it\'s time we finally had a chat."

Before she could answer, he grabbed her wrist again, and started pulling her back to the house. At first she trotted with him, but then she tried again to pull out of his grip and he wouldn\'t let her. Spluttering in confusion, she used her other hand to try to break his grip… and she couldn\'t. He was remarkably strong—too strong. She\'d seen him struggle under the weight of a pile of books before. Her uncle was very intelligent, but he even said of himself that he hadn\'t been blessed with the muscles to match.

Shaw, apparently unconcerned that she was trying to get loose, didn\'t even look at her, just kept pulling her across the grass.

"Shaw," she said, her stomach sinking, though she made her voice angry. "Let me go."

"No," he hissed and tugged at her again so she almost tripped. "You were about to make the most stupid decision of your life. I won\'t allow it."

"I wasn\'t going to go in, I was just—"

"You so much as put a fingernail in there and they will take you," he hissed into the dark, still yanking her along behind him. "Don\'t do it."

"Okay, okay, I won\'t. Just… let me go."


"What?! Why not?" She started to scrabble at his hand, digging her nails into him, trying to pry individual fingers, but it was as if he didn\'t even feel it. Kalle\'s stomach twisted in fear. How was he so strong? Why couldn\'t she move him. She was a couple inches taller than him and a lot fitter.

"Shaw," she demanded, her voice shaking. "Let me go."

"No," he snarled, then whirled on her, still holding her wrist in like a manacle. "And don\'t get any ideas about overcoming me, you won\'t be able to do it. They make me strong. You can\'t beat me. I\'ll only end up hurting you, and I don\'t want to hurt you. So be a smart girl and don\'t fight. Come with me, and we\'ll make a plan."

"A plan for what? Uncle, what are you talking about?"

But Shaw just growled, "Stop whining! I just saved your life! If you\'d gone in there you would never have seen your mate again—not as yourself, anyway."

"What are you talking about? How do you know—"

"Because they tempted me and I tried it and I\'ve been paying the price ever since. So I just saved you and you can thank me later."

"Wait… what?!"

"We have to get away from here, their power is stronger the nearer you get to the traverse, so keep your mouth shut and wait until we get inside. I\'ll explain. I will. But promise me, Kalle, you will never, ever try to go through. You cannot. The curse is real. If you so much as breach the portal door they will take you and you will have no choice. They don\'t have to tempt you—you\'ve already given them the open door. I\'m sorry, I know this isn\'t what you want to hear, but it\'s true, so keep your mouth shut so they don\'t notice what\'s happening. If I\'m going to help you I have to do it when they aren\'t paying attention."


"Who do you think?" he hissed, whirling on her—but still not letting go of her wrist. "Wake up, Kalle! You think we live this way, we exist in this world without an enemy? You think we are called Guardians for fun? Time to grow up and realize, your life hangs in the balance. Your life is forfeit if you go through their—and they will do everything they can to steal anyone you care about, any hope you hold."

He stared at her, shaking with rage and Kalle shrank from the weird light in his eyes. Then he growled—very much like Gahrye did when he was frustrated—and turned around, stalking towards the house again, dragging her with him.

But this time she didn\'t fight. She didn\'t know what was going on, but clearly Shaw knew a lot more about the voices than she realized, and they were far more present than she\'d ever been willing to think. Which meant Gahrye\'s instincts had been right. And that meant Kalle needed him to think she was listening—and afraid. That she would do whatever he told her.

And she had to pray she\'d been right about Gahrye being a Protector. She couldn\'t even bear to think what it would mean if she wasn\'t.

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