
Chapter 446: [BONUS CHAPTER] Ready to Die?

Chapter 446: [BONUS CHAPTER] Ready to Die?

THANK YOU for allllllll your Golden Tickets, amazing gifts, and summoning pens! This chapter is for YOU! (Don\'t worry, the two standard chapters will be released at normal times as well.)

And a special recognition to Cassie_Dawn_Sallaz, along with PbMamaRae, Jayah_Bookworm, Russell2112, and Sravanthi, who have all given incredibly generous gifts in the past 24 hours.

You\'re all gifting so much, I don\'t have enough chapters to dedicate to you all individually! I\'m so sorry! But thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I have told other authors for months that I have the best readers on Webnovel. I still maintain that that is true. So thank you for ALL that you give me!



Lerrin felt Nhox tense at his back before the words sunk in. They circled his head like vultures on a carcass. He\'d half expected them, but it wasn\'t until \'to the death\' left Reth\'s mouth that Lerrin realized how much hope he\'d held that there still might be a quiet cave in the mountains somewhere for him and Suhle. It wasn\'t until he realized he had hours—perhaps only minutes—left to live that he truly let himself grieve for her. How na?ve he had been! How pathetically stupid…

You were right not to complete the bond, he sent, praying Suhle could hear him from this distance.

What is happening, Lerrin? Her voice in his head was quiet but clear—and frantic, on the edge of tears, shaking with emotion.

Lerrin sent all the love along the link that he held in his heart for her. Then he sent, Reth chooses a fight to the death.

The howl of sheer grief that rose in his mind from Suhle raised the hair on the back of his neck and made him yearn to weep.

Lerrin closed his eyes. As the crowds around them crowed for blood, he turned his mind in and showed his heart to her. Be strong, my love.

Lerrin! You can\'t! You have to submit! Let him know what you\'re doing! Let him see!

I\'ve done everything I can, Suhle. I\'m sorry. The people have to follow him. He\'s right, this is the only way. I was na?ve to hope…

Lerrin, please!

I love you, my mate. My only comfort in this is that you will not feel the cut of losing the bond so sharply. You were wise, my beautiful. Always so wise.

That isn\'t why I avoided it!

I know. But the Creator uses it to save you pain. Let\'s be grateful for that.


I love you, Suhle. Love I have never felt in my life before, and never will again.

Lerrin! Please!

Stay with me, love. Stay with me until this is over, then pray me to the Creator.

I will, she sobbed in his head. I will Lerrin. I love you, I love you so much.

Keeping his mind open to her—utterly open. She could rifle through his memories if she wished, see his darkest moments, and his greatest triumphs. He held nothing back and prayed she would search his mind for all the ways he admired her, loved her, wished only good for her.

Then, steeling himself, he turned to face Reth.

The older male stared at him, every muscle tense and tight. "You said you wanted to be fully aware of this, face to face," he growled as if Lerrin had accused him of something.

Lerrin only nodded, but he ground his teeth to stop himself speaking the words that wanted to swim in accusation for a King to claimed to abhor bloodshed.

Brant had slumped, his eyes to the ground, clearly struggling to accommodate this news. But as the people\'s calls grew rabid, he raised his head and his hands, roaring for their attention.

They calmed, though not completely.

"It is a fight to the death!" he rasped. "There will be no mercy, and no forfeit. The winner owns the loser\'s life. Do you agree to the terms of your Alphas?"

The people roared, a cacophony of every chirp, howl, and roar among the Anima. It buffeted Lerrin and vibrated in his ribs.

Reth shook his head and stared at his people with sadness, but he didn\'t speak, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.

Brant looked back and forth between them as the echoes of the crowd behind them grew to overwhelm anything else they could hear. He shook his head and Lerrin wondered, not for the first time, how differently things might have gone if the wolves had run under the dominance of someone like Brant, rather than his father.

Suhle\'s voice suddenly rose in his head, even over the chaotic roar behind him.

If the wolves had been under the leadership of you, Lerrin, the true you—the heart of you that yearns for peace and is not driven by hate, or grief... if the wolves had walked up under that male, none of this would have happened. I know we cannot change the past, and I would not change anything that brought me to you, she sent through tears. But know that I see you. I see the goodness in you. I see the victory this should have been. I see who we would all be if we had known you better. And I grieve the loss of that.

Lerrin dropped his head, checking the braces on his wrists for an excuse to look away from the other males and blink.

Promise me, he sent. Promise me you will be safe and happy. Promise me you will find joy. Promise me you will not forget me.

I could never forget you, Lerrin, she sobbed and he felt her as if she stroked his chest. I will love you until my last breath.

"Then the time has come," Brant said, his voice a low growl. "In the spirit of the Hallowed Grounds, in the pursuit of peace, clasp arms in salute, recognize the strength in each other, and then lets get this shitshow on the road."

Lerrin turned to Nhox, who stared at him wide-eyed and at a loss. Lerrin forced a small smile. "I wish we had met earlier," he said carefully. "Thank you for saving my life so I could get here."


"Stay true, Nhox. Don\'t let hate or anger drive you away from what you know is right. An order that leads you into vengeance is an order to ignore."

Nhox\'s mouth dropped open and Lerrin clapped him on the shoulder. Then the young male and Brant each scanned the space for any large rocks or sticks—a token gesture towards the decision for the Alphas to fight hand to hand.

As the two of them spanned out, searching the grounds, Lerrin finally turned to face Reth, surprised that there wasn\'t more anger burning in his chest.

Reth\'s eyes burned with something Lerrin couldn\'t quite place, but anger was there. He nodded to acknowledge his role in bringing them here. Reth nodded back.

The male overstood him by only an inch or two, but he was considerably wider, his body tanned and scarred for the battles he\'d already fought. Lerrin, just as hard, but finer in his features and body.

He was faster than Reth. But as soon as Reth had hands on him he would lose to the lion\'s power in him.

Which was why Lerrin couldn\'t afford to let Reth get a clasp on him until he\'d made certain of the future Reth aimed for.

Finally, Brant took his position in front of the Anima from the Tree City, and Nhox took his stance before the wolves and their allies. Then Lerrin turned to Reth and offered his arm.

"For peace and the lives of our people," he growled quietly.

Reth snorted. "For peace and innocent lives," he countered. Then he scanned the bowl one time, before looking at Lerrin and smiling for the first time, his eyes shining and teeth glinting under the high sun.

"Ready to die, dog?"

Lerrin bared his teeth.

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