
Chapter 363: Where Are You?

Chapter 363: Where Are You?


It took hours. But when the council were finally finished meeting, Lerrin ordered them to begin preparations immediately.

"I want us travelling this time tomorrow, or the next day at the latest."

The younger members of the council barked and whooped with anticipation, while the older smiled and clapped each other on the back. Although his own stomach hadn\'t settled, he knew they were right to be optimistic. Their plan was good. He was sure of it.

He clapped his hands and got to his feet, the others following suit.? It took a few minutes to get them all out of the tent. But he caught Hern before he left and pulled him aside.

"Can you do me a favor and send one of your messengers to get Asta and tell her I need her here immediately?"

"Yes, of course," Hern said, the older man looking towards the tent flap where the others were slowly leaving. "Right away," he said. He looked distracted and preoccupied, but he saluted Lerrin, then started towards the door himself.

Lerrin waited until he was gone—the last of them—and began to stack the chairs. Immediately his mind turned back to Suhle. He had a strange, uncomfortable tension in his belly that had nothing to do with the kiss they\'d shared.

He\'d been glad she\'d left before that meeting. He knew she wouldn\'t approve of their plans. Most especially of Lerrin taking action himself direct and personal against Reth.

He hated to think it, but he knew, deep down, that she believed the fucking cat was a good ruler, because under him she\'d felt safer. The Cat! The cat who had not only banished the wolf tribe en masse, but now had killed at least one of their number in cold blood? She thought she was safer under him?

That little voice niggled at him. She didn\'t fear Reth, she feared the males who were terrorizing females, and he couldn\'t blame her. But Lerrin knew, everyone in the encampment had been in the Tree City with them before they\'d left. She\'d been no safer then, only perhaps more hidden from them.

Well, he would root them out. He would make her safe. She did not need fucking Reth for that.

The thought turned his mind back to what she\'d said two nights earlier.

He would set the example of conduct and put them straight—or kill them if they would not comply. He would not loose that evil on the world.

He snorted the air from his nose at the thought.

As he put the last of the chairs in the corner, he shook his head. There were so many things he needed to do. He needed to clear this… infection out of his people. He needed to take the Tree City and show the Anima what real leadership looked like. He needed to kiss Suhle again, and convince her that she was safe and… and that he was always going to be there for her…

He swallowed and turned away from the direction that thought tried to take him.

Where was Asta?

His stomach churned with nervous energy—and anticipation. But also concern. Suhle had disappeared so abruptly. Instinctively, he opened himself to her and made a sending.

Can you hear me?

He stood there, still, not breathing, waiting to see if she would respond, see if she was open. But there was nothing. And his nerves fluttered higher.

What if she didn\'t take care and ran into one of these groups? What if she\'d gone out into the forest to be away from people and some of them found her? What if—

He shook his head. Speculation would only twist his mind like a pup chasing its tail. It would get him nowhere.

He was angry, he realized, not just because the Cat had killed his people. But because he didn\'t feel like Suhle was safe walking around his encampment. What kind of place did he rule if he couldn\'t be sure his ma—a female he cared about was safe to be alone?

He had to find the leaders of this faction.

He had to root out the males that were targeting females.

He had to find anyone that was not fully committed to him and his pack.

He had to bring the Tree City to its knees, and the Cat with it.

He had to return his people, triumphant, to the center of Anima and show all of them how life should be.

He had to find the false Queen, make sure she knew her mate had been killed, and kill her too, to avenge his sister.

And he had to honor his father\'s desire for him to live a long and fruitful life as Alpha, returning the wolves to their former glory.

His mind spun again, turning over all the things that felt utterly necessary, things that only he could or would do. It was overwhelming.

He needed Suhle there with her calming words and kind wisdom. He needed her there so he knew she was okay. He tried sending again.

Suhle, please. Come back. You\'re safe here. With me. Please.

He waited, but nothing. He could not even sense that she heard. Either she was out of range, or she had cut him off.

He suspected the latter. She had left disturbed, not only by the news of what went on in the Tree City, but because of their kiss.

Lerrin snarled. She needed to know he would honor her! He would never press her! She was safer nowhere than at his side, no matter who was near. He groaned and raked a hand through his hair, pacing the floor. If only she would—

The tent flap twitched aside and he whirled, hoping for the white hood and the silent steps, but instead, Asta, in full, black fighting leathers stepped into the tent, her cheeks pink and temples damp. She\'d been training.

Good girl.

"What is it?" she asked. "The messenger said it was urgent."

"It is," he said, his voice gruff.

Asta raised her eyebrows, waiting.

"The Cat killed our prisoners."


"I\'m going to lead the team to kill him and take back the Tree City."

"WHAT!" Asta stepped forward, her face fierce. "Lerrin, you told me we are too important—"

"That\'s why I wanted you here. This will happen in the next day or two at most. And if anything is to happen to me, you will step into my place."

She stopped short, mouth open, gaping.

Lerrin nodded. "You can do it, Asta. I pray you won\'t have to. But if I do not return, you can take our people. You can."

She blinked and licked her lips. "I… you will come back, of course," she said faintly. "You should not even be going!"

"I have to, Asta. I couldn\'t tell the council. Any of them. It has to be chess moves with them. But you can know. You can understand: I have to take him down. I have to end this. Or die trying. You understand, right?"

She locked eyes with him. Her throat bobbed. Then she nodded. "Yes," she breathed finally. "I understand."

He nodded back and breathed a little easier. "Good. Good." he said.

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