
Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Chapter 50

“Everyone, hurry up! The hounds picked up on something!”

Following the crowd of nobles with ease, Saulus couldn’t help but be amazed at both the theatrical talent of Bloy and the actual skill of the hunters that had to waste their time providing joy for the crowd. Bloy was somehow capable of having convinced everyone that their activity actually had anything to do with hunting. The hunters managed to corner wild game despite all the commotion raised by the slow and noisy group of nobles.

“Is this how hunts usually look? I…”

Sitting in her saddle, Venna was pretty unhappy. Even though Saulus promised whatever she wanted, it was clear that the current activity was nothing more than a play designed for those who had no idea what hunting in the forest was actually like.

“My queen!”

Using a somewhat louder voice, Saulus managed to stop her rant before anyone could hear it, and before Venna said too much. Sadly, doing so attracted quite a lot of attention, forcing him into the one role he thought he had left behind when the rebellion started.

“It’s still quite dangerous for you to be so close to the hunters! What would our people do if you were to be hurt? Please, reconsider!”

Saulus played the role of a worried servant, fully devoted to protecting his superior. Thankfully, from the slight wrinkles appearing on the side of Venna’s eyes, it was clear that she caught his drift. After all, she was still one who knew him best, along with his sworn military brothers.

“Dear General, as wise and courageous as you might be on the battlefield, this is not the frontline. With all these skilled people surrounding us, how could there be any danger? If I were to desert the hunt due to the slightest of risks, how could I expect you and your men to risk your everything for my sake?”

Instantly turning the blunder into an opportunity, this time it was Venna who caused Saulus’ eyes to squint a bit in surprise.

For Infidious’ sake, how did she manage to learn her job so quickly?! Stunned by the way in which Venna turned the situation around to make the most of it, Saulus stood frozen in place for a moment, unintentionally attracting even more attention with his unusual behavior.

“You are truly wise, my queen. It seems that I have spent too long on the frontlines to be ready to return to the life that gracious Firstborns projected for us.”

Referring to the firstborns was always the best way to escape from a tough situation. As little as Saulus himself believed in their god-like legacies, it was something that he was always willing to use when convenient. And seeing how nearly the entire crowd brought their heads down in respect once the name of those legendary ancestors of humanity was brought up, it seemed that today would prove to be no different from all the others.

“It can’t be helped. I guess I’m the one at fault for forcing you to return so hastily from the area of conflict. Speaking of which, I hope our heroic soldiers are doing a great job at halting the enemy.”

Seeing how this damned girl managed to maneuver her way from one topic to another, quickly changing the focus from him actually being at fault to turning him into a stressed-out hero, Venna once again proved to greatly exceed the expectations that Saulus had.

“There were some accidents and mishaps… But yes. At least until the harvest season begins, I’m quite positive that the south should be secured. And with the enormous help of our northern brothers…”

Taking a quick glance at Bloy, Saulus made sure that this new friend of his didn’t have the look of disapproval. Given how he was still the main point of communication with the two countries that had invested in Saulus’ rebellion, it was better to be careful to not cross the line with him.

“… I don’t think there is anything to worry about in the long term. Graced with your blessing, my queen, we are sure to bring our rebellion to its just and glorious victory.”

Almost choking on those diplomacy-oozing words, Saulus forced a smile on his lips as he spoke. Even though he had hoped to leave these kinds of theatrics behind him with the start of the rebellion, it seemed that nothing had changed in that regard. Once again, the frontlines would be the only place where he could truly speak what laid on his heart.

This public and fake conversation between the young general and his queen would normally extend for at least a few more exchanges, but thankfully with the sudden sound of whistles, everyone’s attention was brought back to the hunt.

“A boar is coming! Ready the spears!”

The nobles rushed forward. Quickly creating a circular formation, every single one of them held nothing but a long spear. With additional spikes growing from the front of the weapon, it was the perfect tool for stopping a mad, charging animal.


“That’s the signal boys, it’s about to hit us!”

The excitement of the nobles was palpable. In a flash, even those not taking part in the direct clash with the animal grew excited. But while nobles were digging the backsides of their long spears into the ground before pointing its blades towards the direction that the whistle came from… Saulus noticed that in this moment, Venna was free from people’s attention.

Waiting for the moment to reach its climax, Saulus stared intently into the woods. Soon, with a desperate cry of pain, a wild boar rushed out from between the trees, charging directly at the long line of humans. And right at this moment, Saulus suddenly took a step to the side, tugging Venna’s dress.

“Once the heat of the hunt dies off, go get some rest in your tent. I will give you what you wanted.”

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