
Chapter 641 - The Dark Past I

"Mama is indeed a mother who gave birth to me, but Lisa and William are the people who helped me rise from the darkness." Oscar said slowly.

"Didn't you ever wonder what happened 7 years ago? Do you know that I was imprisoned for more than 6 months? Now, let me tell you everything." Oscar's voice sounded filled with feelings of fear, pain, and panic.

"Oscars!" Peter shouted suddenly from inside, "Come here quickly!"

Peter had just woken up from his daydream and wanted to stop Oscar from leaving his house. As he stepped out of the house, he overheard the conversation between Oscar and Greta. A feeling of shock immediately filled his body when he heard the word, prison.

Peter frowned and looked at Oscar and Greta's faces in turn. There was a sudden urge not to want to hear what Oscar meant. But in his little heart, as a father, the man was both curious and surprised.

What happened 7 years ago is actually no longer a problem for Oscar. Only, every time he thought about it, the wound in his heart felt like new and still stings.

And Oscar should be proud that he got through it all.

Like an obedient puppy, Oscar turned around and followed his father's orders. Moments later, Peter, Greta, and Oscar were back together in the living room. Peter and Greta sat on the sofa, while Oscar stood facing the window of the room which was quite large.

Once upon a time, Oscar was a carefree teenager. Just like teenagers in general, Oscar has many friends and often jokes with each other. His days were always lit up by the sound of laughter and stomach aches, because again, he laughed too much.

Time passed quickly and suddenly Oscar was sitting in college. Often he came late to class and asked his friend to sign the timesheet for him. Even though he always came to class, there was a way for him to escape from it.

Either permission to go out for a while to go to the bathroom, or say he wants to go to the UKS because his stomach hurts. But of course Oscar didn't go where he said he was, the man went to the cafeteria or even ran away, going home first.

Oscar is also the same as other handsome boys who are chased by his female friends. It seems like a day goes by without him receiving love letters, chocolates, or sometimes small gifts. You could say Oscar was an idol at the university where he studied first.

His fans are not ordinary people and can be counted on one finger. They are children of important people, such as entrepreneurs of famous mobile phone brands, branded clothes that are still crazy by teenagers!

However, just as Oscar wanted to dive deeper into the dazzling light, he fell into a very dark and desolate abyss.

"6 months is enough time to crush one's will to survive. At that time I really did not have the spirit to live. Every time I open my eyes I just regret why am I still alive? When can I die?"

Oscar looked at the night view through the window. The moon that shone that night was not too bright, enough to remind him of his dark past. 

Oscar was silent for a moment then continued, "Back then, I was truly led down a path full of sorrow."

"The room was very narrow, about 50 to 70 square meters, which was already divided by several iron beds. Each room has only a bed, a small window measuring less than 30 centimeters." Oscar said while looking at the dark sky, as dark as his past.

"The room was always dark, but always noisy. No one stopped being rude and making fun of each other. Every evening comes, the noise keeps coming and one of them always kills the weak people." Oscar sighed, "Like me."

Back then, Oscar was too blinded by a man he said was his best friend. As usual the two men visited a bar or sometimes a small party in a house. And stupidly, Oscar followed those who were sipping heroin or injecting something into their hands.

"Do that so you can continue to be friends with us!" exclaimed one of his close friends.

Oscar who didn't know anything, rather didn't know that it was drugs, did it so he could continue to be friends with them. 

One inhale becomes two, one injection becomes three, one pill medicine becomes four. Then in the following days, Oscar became a drug addict. Each time he went a day without drinking heroin, it felt like a day without drinking water.

Then somehow, just as Oscar was lost in the fog of his thoughts, he was suddenly behind bars.

That time, Oscar was taken to a small room filled with a sea of ​​people. So full, they could only stand. The narrow room and the large number of people make the room feel hot and stuffy. This resulted in some of them not wearing any clothes.

Since Oscar's first day there, they always gave him mocking looks. They always looked at Oscar like seeing a two-headed monster. 

In everyone's eyes, Oscar looked like a person who didn't deserve mercy. According to them, Oscar is a new person who makes their days even more tormented.

At first, Oscar was afraid that he might not be able to get out and get some fresh air again. His skin was itching to meet the sun that he missed so much. He was also afraid that they would kill him while he was asleep.

Those people always work together to make Oscar's day even more miserable. They treat Oscar like a dog. His ears always heard the words of ridicule, and his face was always spat on by them.

Of course Oscar fought back. He always fought every day until finally his body was battered. Because 1 on 20 people will definitely lose. Finally, over time Oscar could only stay silent and let it all happen.

The more silent Oscar was, the more lenient they became. Over time they think Oscar is no longer a fun toy. Finally Oscar was no longer bothered, but that didn't mean he didn't hear the scorn anymore.

Every day Oscar woke up, opened his eyes and regretted that he was still alive. He regretted that he could still breathe and inhale the musty smell of their bodies. 

As time went on, Oscar's zest for life was decreasing, decreasing, and steadily decreasing.

Oscar just wanted to die.

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