
Chapter 333 Trapping a Titan 1

Chapter 333 Trapping a Titan 1

Zero groaned and stretched as he scrunched his nose and screwed his eyes tight. That was probably one of the best naps he ever had and woke up in somewhat a daze. It took the teenager some time to understand where he was and why walking was so difficult.

Nobody walked when they were underwater. When Zero finally recalled that he was still on Hyacinth and sleeping in the guest room, he yawned and retreated to the lamp where he could get something decent to fill his growling stomach. Zoe had been dutifully depositing food for every meal and by counting it, Zero could tell he had slept for four days.

By the time the young doctor was ready to make his report to Poseidon, it was already evening. Zero had no difficulties finding Poseidon at all but something about the temple looked different. Before this, the water was always dark and gloomy. However, after Hyacinth’s surgery, Zero didn’t have to rely on dark vision completely to move around. The temple was barely holding itself together when Zero first arrived but now, it seemed to resonate a hidden kind of strength similar to the House of Great Gods but not on a similar scale of grandiose.

The teen took time to admire the occasional bubble geysers coming from beneath the rocks. Corals started to grow and their warm colours brightened up the atmosphere. Small unseen crustaceans that were not created by Poseidon were seen and Zero smiled. The planet was finally beginning to support its ecosystem, life was evolving and given enough time, there would be land.

At this juncture, Zero wasn’t certain that Poseidon would be willing to wait a few million years just to see the birth of land on his planet. He thought that it would be better to ask the man about it than assume what the titan wanted. It wasn’t very difficult for the young doctor to create land and extend the spirit tracks to that piece of land if Poseidon wanted it immediately. However, it would be very different from the land that Hyacinth birthed because the land created by Zero wouldn’t be capable of supporting evolution. Poseidon would have to slowly fill the ecosystem on the land in by himself just like how Eros was reforesting Mount Olympia. There were many pros and cons to each solution.

In the throne room, Poseidon was taking a nap. Carlsen came to him from time to time with reports about his odd student and the titan was thinking about how different Zero was when compared to Athena. Unlike his niece, Zero had a lot more guts and audacity to explore the insane. His powers were also on a completely different plane when compared to Great Gods. Even if Athena was one of the most powerful titans there was, Zero was in a league of his own.

\\"Yassas teacher!\\" Zero greeted chirpily, feeling great after he was well-rested. His sunny personality bounced off Poseidon who was still solemn and deep in thoughts.

\\"You’re finally here,\\" Poseidon said in a controlled voice that made it hard for the teen to understand what he was thinking about.

In truth, Poseidon had no reason to resent Zero but for some reason, the things Zero did made him rather unhappy. If it wasn’t for the clone Wii made to play chess with him, the blind titan wouldn’t have known about the boy’s plans. It was difficult to get Wii talking but after playing a few games of chess with stakes, the eggplant fairy caved and revealed Zero’s intention to reform the planet. How Zero was going to do so, Poseidon didn’t know because not even Wii knew what Zero was going to do. However, she did reveal something that made the titan want to roll his eyes out of his sockets and throw them at the teen.

\\"I heard that you visited Gummer. How was the scenery?\\"

The dry tone in his teacher’s voice made Zero pause for a second. The answer was right on the tip of his tongue but his sense of danger prickled so he swallowed it back up. Intuition certainly did have a way of warning him about doing things he would regret now that he was more in tune with the feeling to identify when it was tapping at his consciousness.

Zero thought about his answer for a while and settled on something more casual to avoid incurring the boiling rage beneath that calm surface. \\"It was ok.\\"

Poseidon breathed and already, the underwater currents in the temple were frightening. Zero didn’t know if Poseidon would explode and destroy his underwater temple by the end of this talk. In the end, Poseidon managed to rein in his emotions and control it to hold a civilised conversation with his student who guiltily apologised for taking action without consulting his teacher beforehand. Zero felt more confident when Poseidon didn’t react badly to his story about performing surgery on Hyacinth to restore the dead core.

\\"As a result, I have come to ask you for your decision about creating land on Hyacinth. Technically, Hyacinth would be able to create her own land if given enough time. Life has started evolving on the planet, you must have seen some of the changes too.\\"

Poseidon nodded. He could understand Zero’s reason behind doing such a thing. On one hand, it was considered a fulfilled request. On the other hand, Zero was trying to open up more windows for negotiation about something else that the titan was still unable to figure out. For a carefree individual, Zero knew how to keep his cards close to his chest. Not even his mindscape assistants were able to provide much assistance for the blind titan.

\\"However, if you wanted land immediately, I can falsely create some and draft spirit tracks on it so that Hyacinth will be able to support it. Think of it like a false limb attached to the main body. However, that land will have certain limitations. Evolution cannot take place on that land because it isn’t an organic thing. You must maintain the ecosystem of it and slowly build life on that piece of land. If that is alright with you, I can make the necessary arrangements.\\"

Poseidon stroked his beard and hummed. \\"This comes with a price, doesn’t it?\\"

Zero smirked cheekily, looking more cute than suave. \\"Of course. However, I think it would benefit you either way. There’s not a lot for you to lose right now. As long as I am able to resolve Athena’s regret, I can be very generous with your cooperation.\\"

The blind titan grimaced. He might have taught Zero a little too well. The teen now knew how to identify when someone had an advantage over the other and how to properly exploit it while reading his opponent’s temperament so as not to go past the point of no return. Zero was sly and cheeky when he first arrived on Hyacinth but now, after Poseidon’s tutelage, he was like a feline assassin - sharp, graceful and deadly. It might be a rather weird thing to describe a doctor but Zero’s ability far exceeded Poseidon’s expectations even if he hasn’t been able to win a single game yet with his Parallel Mind clone. If Athena was like a spear, Zero was like a needle.

\\"Tell me then what it is that you want and I’ll consider if the offer you present appeals to me.\\"

Zero didn’t back down. He straightened up with a confident grin. \\"It’s nothing you’re unfamiliar with. I just want you to help Sedna out with her duties and join the House of Great Gods once more. I cannot resolve Athena’s regrets if you continue to hide here and refuse to accept the consequences of your actions. Athena cursed Medusa not out of simple jealousy, you of all people should know that.\\"

The silence only gave Zero more courage to continue. \\"That’s not all I require, teacher. Athena’s regret cannot be resolved by just you. I will also have to talk to the gorgon sisters and get permission from Freya for them to leave Valhalla. Hyacinth will serve as their new home but before they can leave, the Great Gods must want some form of assurance that they wouldn’t kill anyone else. Therefore, you have to become a Great God to prove that history would not repeat itself for both your sake and theirs.\\"

\\"What do you mean by that? Athena’s regret cannot be resolved by me alone? Did she not want us to die with her?\\"

Zero’s jaw fell. Athena was such a kind goddess even if her actions were misleading. After hearing so many stories about her when she was alive, Zero was very certain that the Greek goddess of war had no intentions to separate Medusa from Poseidon. In fact, she blessed their feelings and secretly buried her own for their happiness.

\\"Do you ask this really not knowing what Athena thought about both of you?\\" Zero wanted to slap this blind titan.

Poseidon didn’t answer and Zero felt his heartbreaking for the fallen goddess. No wonder Athena was so devastated that her spirit shattered upon her death. She understood that it was impossible for her to escape the cycle of rebirth so she decided to tear up her memories and feelings that she had for Poseidon. As cliche and foolish as it sounded, Zero felt angry on her behalf that these two dense fools couldn’t understand her intentions. However, Zero couldn’t blame them. Many unexpected and horrible things did happen after that. Medusa got hunted with her sisters and suffered tremendously, unable to live a life of peace. Poseidon spent a long time in isolation and drowning in his pain. Neither parties lived happily or easily even after Athena’s death. They could only bid time and wait for the day to come when they could finally be set free by someone stronger than themselves.

That someone just turned out to be Zero but the young doctor refused to do it. Death was a coward’s solution and for these two foolish people, he wouldn’t permit it. He was a doctor and he would nurse them back to health so that they had the strength to face the music. If they fell, he would patch them up and send them out again to battle with the ghost of their past and confront Athena fairly.

The titan didn’t say anything for a long time. However, when he did, he told Zero to give him a few days to think about the proposal. Zero didn’t refuse and left silently. If things didn’t work, Zero would bet it all on a game of chess. Currently, he was able to play with both Wii and Mii at the same time with the winning rate of sixty percent. If he dragged time out a little more and practised fervently, he would be able to have a chance of holding his own against Poseidon.

Of course, playing chess was just one trick that Zero had prepared up his sleeve. If the push comes to shove, Zero would resort to unscrupulous means in order to secure this much-needed victory. He was not against using anything in his disposal including magic and emotional blackmailing for this match. All was fair in love and war, Zero finally understood why one had to be shameless at times. Upholding morals and beliefs will not give him the results he needs.

\\"As long as my conscience is clear, I have nothing to fear. Don’t even try to change my mind about it,\\" he told Mii who sighed.

\\"Don’t you think this is going a little too far? He could be swayed even if you didn’t torture him so much. Why didn’t you tell him about collecting the remains of Athena’s soul?\\"

Wii agreed with her sister. Despite her level of intelligence, she still could not understand her master’s heart.

Lily bit her lip. \\"Master... are you perhaps angry at them on behalf of Athena?\\"

Zero didn’t answer them but his silence spoke volumes.

\\"Once I settle her regrets, I want to talk to her one last time before she reincarnates. She should not have to suffer alone. It’s not fair.\\"

Lily materialised in a small bubble and placed her hand on Zero’s head. \\"It usually is never fair. However, this is life. There are happy times and sad times. Sometimes it is difficult but sometimes it is easy. Often we cannot get the things we want but we will always be given the things we need. I believe that as long as everyone works hard and doesn’t lose hope, things will be better. Good and evil are two sides of the same coin after all. Don’t lose faith!\\"

Hearing Lily’s encouragement, Zero sighed deeper. \\"It’s very difficult, Lily. How wonderful if everyone can be happy.\\"

The flower fairy nodded. \\"It would be lovely. However, those who have not struggled before wouldn’t know how to appreciate what they have. It’s very difficult to know what happiness is without understanding sadness. Also, it would be very boring if you asked me. The monks back in Nirvana give me the creeps even if Nirvana is the most trouble-free place in this world.\\"

Zero thought back about it and made a face. \\"You’re right. However, I still wish that they wouldn’t have to be in so much pain. As a doctor, I feel hurt when I see them in such a state.\\"

The flower fairy nodded in understanding. \\"Me too, master. But we have to do what we have to do. How long do you think it will take Poseidon to come back to us with an answer? Should we prepare sleeping tea?\\"

Zero laughed. Sometimes he thought that he might be a bad influence to his mindscape assistants but sometimes, he was impressed by how much worse they were when compared to him.

\\"No, let’s just wait for him to get back to me. If he doesn’t make a move within a week, I will pay him another visit.\\"

And so the waiting began.

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