
Chapter 98 Start A New 37.2

"One more step and I kill you where you stand." I snarl, he stops in his tracks giving me the second I need to move my body around the bed, putting myself between this man and my father. I didn't know him and I didn't like the way he was looking at me or my father. His eyes narrow at me his glare as if he was threatening to burn me alive. That might have scared me a while back, but not now. I glare back not moving. Neither of us spoke, it was like a bubble od darkness and tension bursts when Sean and Jack return.

"Dad?" Sean, say almost startle looking between our stair down. I frown, looking over at my cousin. This man who looked like he was a brute and rude as fuck was his father. I cross my arms.

"Guess that makes you my uncle?" I grumble not feeling happy knowing this fact. I had learned that my father had a brother, but after being reunited with the family, I had never met him, or my grandparents on my mothers' side, or my fathers. The look in his eyes said chances are the feeling of was mutual with his evaluation of me.

"It's all right Anna," My father soft voice came from behind me. My shoulders drop feeling tension leaving, I turn to look at him. He was sitting up, he was looking much better lately, and there was talk of him coming home. I smile for him and sit on the edge of his bed.

"You sleep well daddy?" I can tell he is happy when I call him that, his face lightens up so much. I try to do it more often. He pets my head.

"Always when my beloved daughters here." He looks around "Ren?" He asks, it's like we are only ones in the room. I can see his worry. I smile.

"Working, I got him on a mission," I stick out my tongue. "He's hunting down whoever did this, and will make them pay a million times over." I flash him a confident smile.

"Hear I thought he hated me." My father pouts. I laugh a little.

"Good thing for you, your related to the person I love." His voice pops over our conversation. A chuckle behind it though. I turn to look past everyone and smile. He was hidden in the back by the door frame. He walks forward stopping next to my uncle. Greg see you finally made it to check on your brother. He turned away not looking at Ren or at my and my father.

"Seems he didn't need me here anyway." He grumbles like a sour puss.

I smile suddenly feeling like I understand his feelings. "I don't know about that. If he has to be tied down one more time, because he can't go home you might be useful." I watch him eye me. I can't tell if he was feeling amusement or disappointment in my joke. I have the feeling though he wanted to be alone with his brother.

"All right, let the two girls have a heart to heart in privacy. They don't want us men witnessing it." I push the group toward the door I laugh hearing Ren grumble he's not fucking gay to take what I said back.

I don't know when my uncle left exactly. Me and Ren had settled into a waiting room next thing I knew I was waking up on the loveseat with Ren's dark blue suit coat on me. My head on his lap. I sit up wiping my mouth praying I hadn't drooled. He doesn't miss the action and chuckles.

"Dream about something good." A mischievous smirk on his face.

I smile back "Don't you wish." I mouth the words slowly.

"Not exactly what I wish angel face." His hot gaze traces down. Starting from my eyes, down my chest, to the curves of my waist, and back up. My body instantly feels hot and my lips dry. I lick them desperate for moister as I stare deep into his eyes. His phone rings breaking the spell thank god. We where in a hospital for crying out loud talk about needing to learn place and time. I swear I get excited more easily then I ever had before. I sit up properly I my hand lands on something that crinkles under it. I look down. An envelope? I grip it picking it up. It wasn't addressed. I turn it suspiciously and hold it up, Ren who was on the phone glance at me when I poke him. He smiles pointing at me when I hold up the unmarked envelope.

I carefully pull at the seal ripping open the top. I stand, walking away for some privacy as I unfold the letter. It was handwritten ledger that I didn't recognize.

"Angila, I mean Anna,

Though I'm sure this letter might come as a surprise seeing as I'm not a very forward or upfront person. I honestly despise you and your mother, she tore our family apart when my brother met her. He was going to be the head of the family. Take over Love U2 cosmetics."

My stomach tightens, that was the company that I had helped Ren with when producing that commercial and dealing with that troublesome actress. Ren had mentioned it had a new President. I even met him. Still did Ren know this. Did he know this was once my fathers' family company? I look back over my shoulder. His face was serious as he was still talking. I continue

"He abandoned us when your mother fell pregnant, changing his name he married into the Silverman clan. We hadn't spoken for years. Then Sean Got into trouble and disappeared. Everything was crumbling the business my family. I was happy he had suffered to loosing a child and his wife to feel the pain of what hi had caused us. I was bitter."

My fingers where trembling and sweaty. I wanted to cry.

"Second, I saw you I judged you, I heard the rumors, that like a ghost you where back from the dead. I hated the fact that he had regained his happiness. I had refused to visit out of spite, and jealousy till a Ren Feng phoned, telling me to grown up and see my brother in case it was the last time I ever did."

I look up over at Ren who is now watching me, I can feel his eyes filled with worry searching mine. I try to smile but I feel the tears starting to shed. He was seriously trying to fix all the pieces of my family because of me. Warmth wraps around me I cling to his shirt hiding the fact that my eyeliner is probably now running down my cheeks making me look ugly as hell. I never got to finish reading the letter. A part that I would later learn was the most important part.

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