
Chapter 18 Love and Hate 5.1

"I do what I'm good at and I needed more money for my family so when I decided to do it obviously, I'd be the most successful at it."

Conceited ass. Hmmm on another note though I obviously can't talk about Feng clan or from the point of view of our personal relationship though even I don't know the answer to that one. Just thinking about it makes me blush, and dread I don't understand what I am to him, why he must be a forceful jerk but when I see the way I catch him looking at me I can't help wishing those eyes where only mine. What am I thinking, Gah! Sound of only my keyboard buttons echoed in the dark office as I type away when my phone vibrates. A Text from Ren.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at the time on my phone its nearly midnight. Kind of an odd question for this time of night, even if I'm still at work. My tummy starts grumbling, Realizing I have been so focused I forgot to eat.

"What's with that kind of a question at this hour? But honestly I'm just leaving the office." I reply.

'Hurry up and come outside than I'm sick of waiting!" appears on my screen.

Waiting what the heck does he mean. I pack my computer and head down the elevator. Hey wait! Why the hell am I doing as I am told again? Grr I feel like whenever he says jump I instantly do it, what the hell forget doll, I act like his dog obeying every command. Suddenly I feel irritated thinking about how I just rush out to meet him. The elevator door opens and I step out expecting to see my puppet master waiting out there but when I lock up behind me and look around he's not there. My phone vibrates again, digging I take it out of my purse.

"Did you come down already?"

"Yeah I'm outside waiting." I respond to Ren's text.

"What the heck are you waiting for go home already stupid." I can almost hear his smart-ass tone in that text.

"What the hell! Didn't you say you were outside waiting for me."

"Heh! Did I?" I can almost see that smug look on his face that ass was screwing with me.

"Oh well too bad, and here I was excited that you wanted me tonight as much as I wanted you. I was eager to have fun with you. Seems I'll have to satisfy myself or find a replacement tonight." I reply trying to sound seductive, this should teach him to screw with me. I'll throw it right back at you buddy.

"Hey wait! What the fuck, are you serious at this hour, I'll come get you."

"To bad you killed my excitement, I don't think I could enjoy it now that you teased me and let me down." I respond back.

"Don't kid around with me Angel, you know you will always want me." Conceited much Gah!

"Nope, sorry, too bad you missed out, pay backs a bitch buddy." I'm trying so hard not to laugh as I imagine him getting angry and frustrated.

"Why you! Trying to screw with me I'll come over and **** you if you pull that shit."

Ren and his threats, I'm too tired to care at this point he started the damn game.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I reply while rolling my eyes and put my phone away to ignore any more messages. I'm not really in the mood for games, my stomach hurts I need to get home and get something to eat. As I walk home I can't help wishing that taxis where still running at this hour. I sigh again. If he'd have really been there I could have been home already but since it's the late end of the night, instead of the hustle and bustle of busy people and loud cars passing by its peaceful and deserted. Feels kind of nice, the quiet cool night sinks in.

"Hey doll face." Startled from the sudden voice I try to look hard through the darkness. I can see three figures in front on me as I walk up my barley lit street to my apartment. I don't know why but my bodies telling me to run, quickly pivoting on my toes I run back the way I came passing the rail road tracks, the houses, back to the business section. Looking around, I notice the park I normally stroll in lately, maybe I can hide there. It's big with lots of trees. Running from shadow to shadow I breath heavily. Looking behind to see if I'm being followed, but whoever they were didn't seem to follow from what I can see. Sighing I lean my back up against a tree.

"Done running?" I hear a familiar voice laugh disgustedly in the shadows near the bridge of the park. It can't be? My body is shaking.

"What's wrong are you so afraid of your ex-boyfriend. If it where me I'd fear your current lover more." The man gets closer and I can see the nasty sneer and piercing eyes as he looks at me.

"David." My fear is coursing with heated anger mixed together. Part of me wants to flee, the other part of me wishes I could wipe that look off his face that's reflecting in the moon light. As I glare back at him he laughs again.

"Good, good, now where was this passion when you were mine," he's so close our bodies could touch. His hand reaches out grabbing a strand of hair and smelling it.

I turn looking away I don't want to be reminded of the past.

"You know I do still love you Anna." Shocked enough that my eyes could pop out I look back at him.

"What the hell nonsense are you spouting, still love me, more like never loved me." I say repulsive to his declaration. Just then on each side of me a man appears grabbing my arms holding me firm against the tree.

"Let's see." David's lips curl up staring at me as if he was looking at his next target to devour and destroy.

"No! Let Me Go!" His hands begin sliding across my body and I kick and struggle to keep him from touching me.

"Go ahead; cry, scream, even call for your lover Feng it will be all that more thrilling." He leans in, thinking he was going to kiss me I turn my head, but I feel something slimy sliding against my neck and down. His breath on me as his disgusting tongue slide up from my upper chest to my cheek. I want to puke with disgust. This is the man I once loved and wanted to give my first time too. Why the hell is this happening.

"Wh… Why are you doing this." The tears begin to drop as I continue to struggle I can feel my arms being scrapped up against the trunk of the tree as the men hold my arms back around it.

"Heh you don't get it," He looks down at me mischievously his hand tracing my collar bone and slide down between my breasts.

"No, I struggle." Thinking he was going to touch me. His hand now removed and in his hand, he held up the necklace around my neck that claims that I am Feng clan.

"Because you are the lover to the fucker who took everything from the Golden Dragon Clan and we will make him pay for it. I will use you to bring him out so go ahead and call him and tell your lover to save you like last time and then I'll kill him while he's distraught when he sees what I have done to you before he gets here. David laughs crazily at his own plan. I wonder what he will do when he sees that his woman is touched by another man." He's laughing as if he lost his mind.

I shake my head. "I won't call him, I won't do it. I would rather die than call him here I will not be bait in your trap." I shout.

"Doesn't matter I'll just call him for you if he came for you once he will come again. Oh, how I want to see the anger on his face, the disgust when he sees you dangling there limp after I have had my way with you, just like I witnes….."

David suddenly thrown so hard he was sent rolling across the ground. Shocked from the sudden impact my face turns toward the direction it came from. Ren stood consumed by the darkness. His eyes filled with rage. His body spins elegantly as his long leg returns to his side. Hands still tucked into his pockets. It's the first time I'm seeing him in jeans and a tee-shirt with a collared shirt over it unbuttoned sleeves rolled up to his elbows and wearing sneakers of all things. He looked so different like he had just jumped out of bed and threw on whatever, yet he still looked so damn sexy. This ominous feeling said this was Ren as from his posture and eyes glared with a superior ferociousness toward David, but still Ren looked so different it was hard to believe I couldn't take my eyes off him. Why, why was he here? I didn't call him.

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