
Chapter 94 - 94: Breakfast on the rooftop

Chapter 94 - 94: Breakfast on the rooftop

He opened his eyes and the cold dim room greeted him while a slight pain slowly consumed his head.

"Daniella?" He sat up , one hand lifted to his temple to massaged it a little.

"Yes babe?" The soft voice came from the bathroom, he got up and walked towards it barefoot only to find that his polo has been taken off.

"How did we get back here?" he opened the door of the bathroom as he asked , the last thing he remembered was her sweet vanilla scent that had caused his eyes to surrender to sleep.

He pushed the door opened and the fog covered bathroom made his sight a bit blurry .

"I had the casino's owner's guard help to carry you back here " after the sound of her voice resonated in his ears Evan saw her figure in the midst of the fog putting a robe over her body.

He sighed and walked closer to her, a slight sense of pain remained in his head almost as if something was poking him "do you know him?"

Daniella turned the shower off and stepped out of the bathtub , she halted in front of him and tiptoed to kiss him.

In just a second Evan saw what happened last night he pushed her away slowly using her shoulder and messed with her hair "Little wolf?" the tone he used was filled with confusion "that's a cute nickname " he grinned for a moment "Ready yourself little wolf. We will have breakfast after my shower."

Daniella responded with a smile and as she walked past him, his hand suddenly gripped her behind.

With surprise brightening her face she blurted "Do you have an ass fetish?" and Evan replied with a shrug.


Evan blinked as he watched Daniella walking closer to the couch he was sitting on. Slowly his brow rose as his eyes scanned her body.

Her oversize turtle neck rainbow colored sweater matched the gray wool skirt she had on , although it looked like something from the '50s it still made his jaw drop in shock. His eyes rose to her face and found her with big round glasses and hair in a messy bun that made her look like granny while her face was full of fake freckles and pimples.

As he blinked his eyes , his hand put the newspaper he was reading on the table at his side and got up casually "You ready?"

Daniella nodded "I need to disguise or else the people I played poker with last night might recognize me and kill me" she explained.

"I am not asking Daniella, you can wear whatever you want to wear" saying that he reached out for her hand and intertwined their fingers together.


The restaurant in the hotel located at the rooftop only had a few customers , it was passed the breakfast time and too early for lunch , most people who were at the restaurant had just finished their breakfast while the hotel employees were busy rushing back and forth to clean the rooftop.

The glass wall and roof made the rooftop looked like a glasshouse in the cold country, there were few palm trees in the big vases on each corner of the rooftop while flowers of different types produced a sweet scent for the benefit of the customers.

But even the scent of the flowers could not exceed the vanilla scent lingering on Daniella who was sitting next to Evan, it seemed like Daniella was right her sweat really did smell like vanilla.

They were seated at a round table opposite each other, he smiled when he felt her foot teasingly rubbing his leg.

The waiter came and handed them the menu while Daniella was busy looking at it, she heard a voice behind her and it was followed by the strong scent of a woman's perfume.

"Evan Su?".

Daniella slightly turned and looked up only to see a woman with burgundy curly hair giving Evan a smile brighter than the sun in the sky.

"Yvette " the surprised attached to Evan's tone has made Daniella's eyebrow to raise.

'Calm down Daniella! Murder would cost 30 years of your life so just concentrate on the food! , they don't serve shrimp in prison.'

She nodded at the thought in her mind, but her ears were eavesdropping like an innocent little girl.

In the corner of her eyes through the thickness of her round glasses, Daniella saw the woman bend a little and plant a small kiss on Evan's cheek.

'It's fine Daniella , the woman has a French accent so she's French , kissing is normal to them ' she consoled herself even though she was about to explode.

"What are you doing here Evan?" the woman sounded so seductive as she uttered his name.

'What are doing here Evan?' she imitated her voice in her mind.

'Stupid human! What else could have we been doing on the rooftop? Fishing?' her eyes rolled while a scoff left her lips.

"I am with my girlfriend."

The hot lava burning Daniella's brain cooled down at the proud tone that Evan used to introduce her.

"She's Daniella Chen."

As Daniella met Evan's eyes she saw the teasing look sparkling in them 'you are enjoying this aren't you Evan?' Her nose slightly wrinkled in irritation.

"Oh! I thought she was your employee or " Yvette paused as she quickly dropped a glance at her clothes "maid " she murmured like a fly but Daniella heard it.

"Well " Daniella gave Yvette a smile while her hand slowly lay the menu on the table "technically you are not wrong " she paused and pick up her water.

"I am his niece's babysitter," and as those words left her lips Daniella beamed a smile.

"Oh!" The woman faked a gasp, turning her face to Evan , she continued "I didn't know that your taste had changed " and a laugh full of bitterness filled the restaurant.

"What can I say?" Daniella spoke before Evan could part his lips "he loves rare fishes and speaking of fishes" her eyes burning with indescribable irritation turned to the waiter who had been standing at their table "I would like a grilled salmon."

Evan blinked when he saw how red Daniella's cheeks were , just a minute ago he was certain that she was jealous and it looked charming in his eyes but staring deeper into her eyes , he realized that the fire burning in her eyes was anger and not jealousy.

"Salmon for breakfast?" Yvette suddenly blurted with a hint of sarcasm, as if Daniella was someone who didn't know the difference between lunch and breakfast.

Daniella giggled, it sounded sweet but Evan knew the kind of venom that was behind the cute giggle .

"No it's my dinner and you are kind of interrupting it so could you please leave? , I am having a moment with my boyfriend."

Daniella could see the quick spark of fear and intimidation in Yvette's eyes, she secretly scoffed and picked up the knife that the waiter had put on the table.

"Calm down Evan's girlfriend. There are more of me coming " as Yvette said that she bent towards Evan to give him a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye but the distance between them was swiftly blocked by the knife that flew between them.

Her eyelashes flickered in shock when she turned her face, she found the knife firmly stamped on the chair which only a few centimeters away from Evan's shoulder.

Her eyes balled in shock and fear as she turned to Daniella, the woman was looking at her with a big smile that showed the round dimples on her cheeks.

"Oops, that was meant to land on your face " her blunt words made a shiver run through Yvette's body, she took a step back and blinked repeatedly as if she was trying to make sure that everything that just happened was real .

"Excuse me " before Yvette could excuse herself Daniella had spoken and left the table.

Evan watched Daniella as she ran away, he did not bother to go after her as he knew that she needed time to reflect on what she had done.

"Your girlfriend is crazy!" his face turned to the source of the voice and found Yvette burning in anger.

"Well next time don't tease her. She has a temper" he stated and turned to the waiter "I will pay for damages including that broken spoon " his eyes looked down at the spoon next to Daniella which she had destroyed and he was certain that she was not even aware of it.

"Get a new set of cutleries before she comes back."

The waiter hastened to leave the table while Yvette stayed behind in shocked staring at Evan.

"Where did you get your girlfriend?, A Jungle?" She exclaimed.

Evan shrugged "well, she used to live in the middle of the forest in Perth, she grew up there."

Yvette rolled her eyes, took a card from her purse and put it on the table.

"Could you tell Glen to take my calls? He can't just f*ck and leave whenever he wants."

Evan sighed as he grabbed the card and shove it in his wallet but as he did so he suddenly thought of Daniella.

He got up and grabbed Yvette's wrist before she disappeared.

"I can't take your card but I will tell Glen that I met you here."

Yvette rolled her eyes once again by Evan's attitude "I have never seen you tremble like this because of a woman" she took the card and put it back into her purse.

Evan gave her a half shrug "you saw the knife right? , Like I've said she has a temper."

"Why are you with her then?"

"What can I do?" Evan smiled when Daniella's face popped into his head "I love her."

Yvette shook her head "love certainly makes you blind " she uttered and left him alone before his murderous girlfriend came back.

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