
Chapter 718 - Youre So Clever

Chapter 718 - You\'re So Clever

Sayuri waddled into the living room.

Yes, that\'s right.


She felt as big and fat as a penguin.


Okay, so a penguin was not fat but that\'s how she felt like. As she walked out of her room, she mentally cursing Kyle.

Kyle was in the living room, Kitty snuggled and purring on his lap. The moment Kyle saw her come out from her room, he got up immediately and went to her. Kitty, who had been flung off, blinked for a while and went to sulk.

"I\'m not an invalid!" she hissed at him, waving him away as he came by.

She had one hand behind her back, relieving her backache that the twins were causing. Kyle didn\'t say anything but instead, propped up the cushion on the sofa and hovered nearby until she sat down.

Sayuri was now 28 weeks pregnant, and so, she had another 8 more weeks to go. At their last visit, the babies were fine. Sayuri didn\'t want to know the gender of her babies and so, told Dr. He to keep it to himself.

Without a word, Kyle took her legs and placed them on his lap. He then started massaging her legs while she leaned back on the cushions that Kyle set up for her. Never before has she felt this unfit and this huge, and it was all Kyle\'s fault.

Of course, deep down she knew it wasn\'t, but she still couldn\'t help but scold him for it all the time. Luckily, Kyle never complained and took it all in his stride.

"Was it this bad for you?" Sayuri asked after a while.

Kyle shook his head, "I can\'t really say, because I was never pregnant with twins. I was rather small, I suppose, so the two months were really difficult for me. Couldn\'t wait to give birth by then."

"It\'s about the same then," Sayuri mused, "I mean, since our babies are due in two months time as well. They\'re so big and heavy. I can\'t imagine what it\'s like in there."

"They have each other," Kyle said, "So being able to feel each other inside really helps."

Sayuri stared at him.

"Are you telling me," Sayuri began, "That you remember everything that happened while you were in your mother\'s womb?!"

"I was conscious and aware," Kyle revealed slowly, "From the 12th week, I think. Having Kay with me kept me grounded and sane."

Sayuri just looked at Kyle, who was busy massaging her legs without looking at her.

Just thinking of how he had been in a completely dark environment, unable to see and move properly, for 6 months … no wonder his bond with Kay was at a level that no one could truly break through.

She wondered if it was the same for all twins.

"Does Kay remember all of that?" Sayuri asked.

"Kay was conscious as well," Kyle explained, "But she doesn\'t really remember much from then. She remembered what I taught her though."

"You … were teaching Kay stuff while in the womb?" Sayuri asked, still not being able to wrap her head around it.

Kyle shrugged, "What else am I supposed to do to pass the time?"

"No wonder the two of you are geniuses," Sayuri answered.

"Yeah, I had gone through the entire primary and secondary school syllabus in 6 months. She absorbed everything like a sponge and stored it somewhere, I suppose. After all, we were still growing. I still don\'t understand how the brain works though." Kyle said, "And it\'s not like people could do research of fetuses while still in the womb."

"Technically, the brain develops during the third week of pregnancy," Kyle said, "So it is my theory that as I was teaching her, the knowledge got ingrained and developed with the brain as it developed further."

"I know it doesn\'t make sense, but then again, being reborn, aware and completely able to think while in the womb doesn\'t make sense either."

"True," Sayuri said then changed the subject, "So have you dealt with Sarah?"

"The rumour she started has been quashed and now, she\'s the one who\'s being looked down upon," Kyle said.

"That isn\'t dealing with her," Sayuri said, frowning.

"I\'ve already gotten rid of all the stuff in her apartment and bugged it," Kyle went on, "And Kay\'s bots are monitoring her movements online. So far, Sarah has not made any new moves."

"Why the hell are you waiting for her to make a move?" Sayuri replied, hitting Kyle on the head with the cushion.

"She\'s a normal person, Sayuri," Kyle explained, "If she was a member of the underworld or something, I\'d kill her in a second."

"She\'s dangerous," Sayuri warned, "The level of her delusions and fantasies are off-the-charts. You can\'t measure her with the same yardstick as a normal person."

"You think she\'s capable of doing actual, physical harm?" Kyle asked her seriously.

"Yes," Sayuri answered without hesitation, "You need to resolve her quickly. She\'s not like Samantha at all."

"She looks so normal, though," Kyle said, "Other than this, she\'s good at work and efficient. Even Uma can\'t find fault with her work."

Sayuri harumphed, crossing her arms across her chest, "She\'s that great, huh? Then why don\'t you just hurry along and …"

Kyle smiled, put his fingers on her lips and shushed her, "She\'s nothing to me, and you know that."

"I know that," Sayuri hissed, but still pouting and not appeased, "So what is your next step with her? How are you dealing with her?"

"The greatest thing that she wants, is to be with me," Kyle said, "And the one thing she fears is to be seen in a negative light."

"So you are going to make it clear to her that there\'s absolutely no chance with you, and at the same time, create rumours to make her look even worse?"

"Yup," Kyle said.

"So you\'re hoping by doing this, she quits, huh?"

"You\'re so clever," Kyle said, grinning.

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