
Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

When the Warlord’s Sword shattered into pieces like broken glass, the fiery storm came at Ho Sung. As his face became pale and his pupils dilated, Ji Yoo pulled him toward her and swung her aura-enchanted rapier, keeping the fire from touching him. Pieces of debris scattered all over, and the fire spread in all directions as if the place was filled with gasoline. Thankfully, the flames soon scattered in the air.

Burned to a crisp, Tae Gyum fell backward weakly.

“Healer!” Ji Yoo cried out, looking back, and the healers on standby ran toward the director.

Confirming that the explosion had died down completely, Ho Sung, looking at least fifty-years older, fell on his butt and sprawled across the ground, staring at the ceiling and chuckling.

‘Central Institute my ass. Useless. They could’ve prevented this from ever happening.’

Teary-eyed, Ho Sung breathed a long sigh of relief.

“Nice work, Mr. Lee,” Ji Yoo said, looking down at Ho Sung and smiling wearily.

‘How is she still pretty at a time like this?’ Ho Sung thought. Although her smile seemed forced, her face glowed with angelic innocence.

“Seoul is safe now, and that’s all because of you. Thank you, Mr. Lee. From the bottom of my heart,” Ji Yoo said, looking at Ho Sung with sincere gratitude.

‘If only they knew... The entirety of Korea as we know it would’ve been wiped off the face of the Earth if it hadn’t been for Min Sung Kang. Though... I guess it’s pretty meaningful that I’ve kept Seoul from its fiery end, so maybe, I can give myself some credit?’ he thought. A strange sense of accomplishment washed over him.

‘... Well, here I am. Still in one piece.’

“I did it,” Ho Sung let out, staring at the ceiling of the prison while chuckling. At that moment, Ho Sung heard a voice call for Ji Yoo.


“How’s he looking?” Ji Yoo asked.

“It was... too late by the time we got to him.”

At the heartbreaking news, Ji Yoo looked toward the Director of Investigations with eyes filled with tears. Sitting up, Ho Sung stared intently at Tae Gyum’s charred corpse. As noble as the director had been, his death had been far from a dignified one.

After the conclusion of the bomb case, Ji Yoo called for a conference. Standing behind a podium in front of countless people, Ji Yoo started off, “Should Mr. Lee not have had the Warlord’s Sword, this city would’ve faced a terrible fate.”

At that moment, the conference hall sank into a heavy silence.

“As you all may remember, two years ago, we had an extensive meeting about preparing for potential terrorist attacks. However, our plans never came to fruition as many of the high-ranking officers and officials believed that our budget wouldn’t allow for them. As a result, here we are,” Ji Yoo said, looking down with sad eyes and sighing deeply.

“Originally, hunters were meant to protect this world of monsters. Saviors, if you will. For that reason, they were given wealth, honor and treated with proper respect,” Ji Yoo said, and the atmosphere grew tense.

“However, I, too, have been blind to what’s really important.”

Looking at the high-ranking officers, who were unable to look up from shame, Ji Yoo smiled subtly and kept on, “I am just as responsible for the recent incidents. In fact, we’re all responsible for what happened.”

Then, with eyes gleaming sharply with determination, she added, “I’m aware that the damage has already been done, but we are planning on taking severe actions against those who are neglecting their duties as hunters. Our vision as the Central Institute is to become an organization willing to sacrifice anything for the sake and future of humanity. Now, as the Great Lord of the Central Institute, I order you to set aside all personal wealth, fame, and honor, and move toward the redemption of humanity.”

At that moment, the officers in the conference hall rose from their seats simultaneously and saluted the leader of the Central Institute, their determined voices filling the room.

“Mr. Lee! Could you give us more details on the situation at the time?”

“The Institute seems to give you the most credit for dismantling the bomb! How do you feel?”

“The Central Institute stated that you, a level-300 hunter, were the only person capable of solving this case! How did you come to taking up such an important task?”

Ho Sung looked around anxiously at the endless sea of reporters surrounding him and shoving microphones at his face, their cameras flashing.

“Ah... So... ”

‘Where do I even start? How do I explain?’ Ho Sung thought, confused and flabbergasted. At that point, he felt it would be best to avoid starting any controversies by keeping his answer simple.

“I was lucky enough to have the Warlord’s Sword in my possession. It was a wonderful weapon that came with the special ability to disperse magic explosions.”

“Does that mean the Central Institute didn’t have the means to dismantle the bomb?”

“I can’t take all the credit for myself. If it weren’t for all the officers on site, the damage would have been far more catastrophic,” Ho Sung said with a short sigh.

“There’s been a report that a four-star officer was killed in the explosion. What are your thoughts on that?”

At the reporter’s question, Ho Sung’s face fell.


“Mr. Lee?”

“I think it was a sad, unfortunate incident. I would like to express my deepest respect to the officer who sacrificed himself, carrying out his duty as a hunter to protect his country.”

‘Click! Click! Click!’

As if unaware of the look of displeasure washing over Ho Sung’s face, the cameras around him flashed unceasingly.

After the news was spread, the funeral for Tae Gyum took place. The death of the four-star Director of Investigations of the Central Institute was of national importance, and the funeral was big enough to be aired on national TV. Meanwhile, the Central Institute was under severe criticism for their poor response to the terrorist attacks. Nevertheless, the Institute remained undeterred and focused on their responsibilities.

Upon arriving at the champion’s house, Ho Sung rolled the window down and lit a cigarette.

‘Here, I am. Still in one piece. Casually smoking my cigarette.’

The fact that he was still alive dawned on him repeatedly. Smoking his cigarette, Ho Sung took his phone out and checked the news, which was obviously overtaken by articles on the recent terrorist attacks. Among them, were also articles on the Central Institute, Tae Gyum’s funeral and Ho Sung’s interview. After appearing on national TV, Ho Sung’s phone was burning with countless calls and messages from all over, including those from childhood friends he couldn’t even remember.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Ho Sung turned the ignition off, got out of the car, looked at the champion’s house and sighed.

“What does one do after becoming a national hero? The director’s dead; I’m still a slave to Min Sung; and most importantly, my sword’s been destroyed.’

“Sigh... I could use a drink.”

“Sir, how does soju and pork belly sound?” Ho Sung asked.

‘Soju and pork belly, huh...’ Min Sung thought. It was a combo that had stood the test of time, perfect for satisfying late night hunger.

“I’m sure you have a place in mind?” Min Sung asked.

“Of course,” Ho Sung said with a confident smile.

“Let’s go.”

The car came to a stop in front of a Korean barbecue restaurant. As soon as Min Sung got out of the car, the champion was met by the aroma of grilled pork in the air. Furrowing his brow, Min Sung looked at the sign.

[Dot Chu Ryum]

Underneath it, was a brief definition of the phrase in small letters: to pitch in money for a pig.

‘So, that’s what it means,’ Min Sung thought, nodding. The name of the restaurant alone was enough to put a smile on the champion’s face.

“Well, enjoy your dinner, sir.”



“The meat won’t cook itself.”

Clearing his throat, Ho Sung followed the champion into the restaurant, which was much bigger than it seemed from the outside. It was bustling with people and filled with the aroma of grilled pork. At that moment, recognizing Ho Sung’ face, the restaurant grew silent all of a sudden.

“Isn’t that him?”

“That’s him! The one who dismantled the bomb!”

“Oh! It is him! Ho Sung Lee!”

“Wow! Isn’t that the guy who saved Seoul?”

Soon, the silence turned into waves of muttering that turned into an explosive applause.

“Great job!”

“This is what a REAL hunter does! What did the Institute even do to help, anyway?”

“Thank you for all that you’ve done!”

“Tell you what, dinner’s on me!”

“No! It’s on me!”

“Then drinks are on us!”

Ho Sung stood bewildered as the people applauded him from all directions. Looking at him, the champion smiled subtly and said, “Let’s sit.”

With that, the two sat at a table by the window.

“I’m terribly sorry, sir. Seems like I’m stealing your thunder...”

“Ho Sung Lee.”


“I can’t stand that kind of attention. From now on, you’re gonna have to be in front of the cameras on my behalf.”

“Of course,” Ho Sung replied, smiling bitterly. Hearing that, Min Sung glared piercingly at Ho Sung and asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It just... It sounds like something you would do. You know, like you’re meant to do great things. I didn’t mean anything bad by it.”

Then, Min Sung looked down at the menu in his hands and said, “Well, I could use some suggestions. Seems like there are two different kinds of pork belly, and one is slightly more expensive than the other. Would you say this is a you-get-what-you-paid-for situation?”

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