
Chapter 98: Religion, God, and Me

Chapter 98: Religion, God, and Me

Translated by X-tremeEdited by X-treme

Chem is confused by the sudden offer and is unable to reply. Chief Priest Niles ignores her and continues to talk. The other believers just look at her enraptured, and no one tries to stop them.

“Sometimes you have to accept your destiny, sometimes you have to resist it. Sometimes you accept fate, sometimes you resist fate…You have followed the teachings of fate and have done well. I’m sure God is pleased with your work.”

It’s okay to be emotional and talk passionately, but he’s been talking so fast that I wonder if he’s even catching his breath. Chem wanted to say something, but there was no room for her to interrupt.

I knew some of the doctrines of Fate, as Chem had mentioned them several times. As the chief priest had said earlier, “Sometimes you have to accept your destiny, sometimes you have to resist your destiny” are the main words of this doctrine, and there are several other teachings as well.

There are no strict precepts, and the content of the teachings is similar to the religions of our world. So, I didn’t think it was that dangerous.

“This is going to get nasty if I let it go on like this, this.”

I once asked the real God of Fate about the teachings of Fate.

“Did you come up with these doctrines?”

The answer was simple.

“God doesn’t bother to interfere with such things. It seems like the higher-ups of the church made it up as they went along.”

So it seems that there is no problem for God if I go against the doctrine they say.

“How is it that the God-player is troubled by his own followers……”

I know that complaining won’t help, but I still can’t help myself. On the other side of the screen, the one-sided conversation was still going on. Chem is too overwhelmed to say anything.

To summarize, Chem and the people of this village worked hard and they were impressed. Chem will move to the capital and give away the rights of this village to the other priests.

He is talking about……in a calm and roundabout way. He is not forcing us to do anything, but he is preventing us from escaping so that we have no room to argue. I guess it’s the art of storytelling and experience. If I were there, I’m confident that I would be overpowered. But now that I’m looking through the screen, I can think calmly.

“I think it’s time.”

The way to reverse the current situation is simple and straightforward. All I have to do is deliver God’s words directly to the devout believers. The question is, can I come up with an oracle that will convince them?

I don’t have time to worry about it. It’s a good thing that I’m not the only one who has a problem with this…….If I sit on my hands any longer, Gams is going to be in trouble.

He’s been keeping his mouth shut behind Chem for a while now, but I can tell he’s very irritated. It doesn’t show in his expression or attitude, but I’ve been watching him for more than half a year now. I know that much. If I leave it like this, he’s going to come between Chem and the chief priest.

“The problem is that I have to be careful to not discourage the followers.”

The gods that have descended to Hokkaido are powered by faith. Therefore, the more believers they have, the more power they will regain. As a person who plays the role of the God of Fate, it is forbidden to make any degrading remarks. I have to think of a way to say something that will get people to leave this place while respecting the believers.

……I’m still not very good at oracle writing, but I can’t say that.

I don’t have a lot of time, so I’m going to think of some sentences and then correct them.

“Finished, I guess. I know you’re a believer, so I’m sure you’ll take anything as a positive, but it’s okay, right?”

It’s God’s word, so it should be okay if it’s a little rough. “I don’t think there are any believers who would say, “God, isn’t that a strange word?”

I was still worried, but I pressed the “Enter” key.

“Don’t worry about the Bible, the Order will take good care of it.”

“Thank you very much, Mr. Niles, but I’m afraid you’re going to have to listen to me……!”

Chem forced herself into the never-ending muddle of words, but when she saw the light flooding from the Bible in her hands, she hurriedly opened its pages. The chief priest, Niles, also saw the light from the Bible and opened his eyes wide and held his tongue.

“An oracle from the God of Fate has come down. It is written that this text should be read by Master Niles.”

“The gods have spoken to me!”

A teary-eyed, emotional face stretched out over the open Bible. I hope the tears don’t make the Bible soggy.

[Listen carefully, my pious children. This Bible has been entrusted to the five people who founded the village. I will not allow anyone else to have it. This village is blessed by me and protected by my oracle, the saint Chem.]

Reacting to the word “saint,” Priestess Niles’ gaze left the Bible for a moment and turned to……Chem. His face was ashen and he looked as if he was enduring something.

[Therefore, I do not want anyone else to possess the Bible. Remember that the oracle is absolute in this village, and that the saint who speaks for me is more precious than anyone else. Children of my teachings, your loyalty has been well received. I’m glad you feel that way but I do not wish to interfere too much in this village, for it may distort the fate they have been given. Do not forget that, my wise children.]

Chief Priest Niles, who had finished reading the Bible, collapsed to his knees. He put his forehead to the earth and began to cry.

“What a stupid mistake I made! I am ashamed that I disobeyed God’s will and acted as if I were speaking for Him………….How, how foolish! Oh, my God!”

The other believers are trying their best to stop the Chief Priest Niles, who is banging his head on the ground over and over again and reflecting furiously.

“Well, what can I say? That was awesome.”

That’s the only way I can describe it. If I leave it like this, he’s going to make a crater in the ground. I’ll give it one more push.

“I…I…! Please don’t stop me! This fool must be punished…….”

The chief priest grabbed the arm of the person who had stopped him with his hand on his forehead, and looked up and pleaded with him. But then he looked directly at the reflection in his eyes and made a dumbfounded face. The one who was down on one knee and holding out his hand was a statue of God.

“I’ll make a big deal out of it.”

Furthermore, by a miracle, the weather is manipulated so that only the location of the statue of the God and the Chief Priest Niles are illuminated by the “clear sky”. This is a scene comparable to a religious painting displayed in a museum.

I’ve done this kind of scene several times, and I’m proud to say that I’m getting pretty good at directing. Recently, I even paused a scene from a movie and took a picture of it with my phone to study it. The effect seems to have been immediate, and not only the believers but even the villagers are kneeling in prayer.

The chief priest, Niles, was so disturbed by the waterfall of tears that he could not judge their expressions. But well, I guess I’ve got it under control now.

“Please go back to the capital and tell everyone that there is no need to interfere in this village. As I said before, I will repent for what I have done and start over in this village as a monk.”

“I’m not sure what to say.”

The chief priest……the former chief priest and his followers are hugging each other and shedding tears. I’m not sure how many liters of tears these people are going to squeeze out today alone.

This is a serious matter; he’s going to give up his position as chief priest and devote the rest of his life to the village.

“Are you sure about this, Master Niles?”

“Yes, and you don’t have to address me as sir, you can call me Niles.”

Chem is scowling at Niles, who gives her a carefree smile. I guess this bearded cleric isn’t a bad person just because he’s pure. It looks like we’re going to have one more cleric in the village. Also, since a while ago, I’ve been hearing a lot of “What should I do? What should I do?” I’ll reply, “Calm down.”

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