
Chapter 26

The banquet at Mount of the Gods lasted three months. Even Mnemosyne had set aside the displeasure in her heart to enjoy the long-missed freedom, apart from Cronus.

They had cast everything to the back of their minds; this was the first time in their immortal lives that they were not subject to anyone’s control. Regrettably, ‘nectar’ did not yet exist in the world at that time, so the gods could not drink themselves into oblivion.

After three months, the banquet was about to end. As early as the first month had passed, Mother Earth had withdrawn into the depths of the Mount of the Gods, resting her battered origin, so at this moment only the Titan brothers were still feasting on the mountain. But as time went on, the atmosphere subtly shifted.

It was undisputed that Cronus would become the Divine King. But the former Divine King treated the gods like servants, and this was something the gods could not accept.

Just because Uranus could do it did not mean that Cronus could too. He did not possess the formidable power of the Heavenly Father, which led the Titans to entertain their own cautious thoughts.

Especially Oceanus and Hyperion—one was the original eldest son, the other had command over the powerful Godhood of Sun—though they might not become Divine King, they certainly wanted to be the “kings” within their own domains.

And so, amidst the delicate atmosphere, Oceanus was the first to rise. He looked at his once-younger brother, now his ‘elder brother.’ Due to his sudden action, the Titans all cast their eyes toward him.

Seeing this, Cronus’s face remained expressionless, but his gloomy mood acquired a few more shades of panic. It was no longer the time of battle, the power Rhea had helped him borrow from the ‘past’ was lost, and the power of the Divine King had just begun to gather. At this moment, his strength was at an all-time low.

If he were to come to blows with anyone now, he would have no choice but to seek Rhea’s help. But doing so would only further expose the issues he was grappling with.

“My brother, do you have something to say to me?”

“On such a day worthy of celebration, I shall give serious consideration to your requests.”

Cronus tried to appear as gentle and majestic as possible, even refraining from addressing his former elder brother as ‘younger brother.’

“You worry too much, Cronus, I am not here to oppose you,” the God of the Ocean shook his head.

He could sense that something was off with Cronus’s emotions, but he did not think it was fear of himself.

In his view, Cronus simply did not want to face open confrontation with him. After all, as the lord of the outer seas, the Circumterrestrial River, even if Cronus were stronger than him, he would be helpless if he just hid in the ocean.

However, he also had no intention of challenging Cronus’s kingship. Even if the latter could do nothing against him, the other Titans would certainly not submit to him.

In fact, apart from Rhea, who knew the inside story, the Titans had already recognized Cronus’s power. But recognition aside, they were unwilling to kneel before the new Divine King as they did before the Heavenly Father.

“You have proven your strength, Cronus, and I am no match for you,” he said. “I merely want to bid you farewell, for afterwards, I may seldom come here again. I must return to the ocean; that is the place where I belong.”

With that, Oceanus gestured to his sister. Thaesis hesitated for a moment, but looking at her brother, she stepped forward alongside him.

“I’ll leave Mount Othrys to you. I am going to be neighbors with our uncle. I wish for your swift recovery, Mother Goddess. And for your kingship to be everlasting, Cronus.”

After bidding farewell, Oceanus did not wait for a response but left Mount of the Gods, taking his sister with him.

He was not afraid of Cronus turning ruthless. Without the power to face many, if Cronus dared to act against him, Oceanus believed his brothers would not stand idly by.

Watching the God of the Ocean and the original Goddess of Water leave, Cronus’s expression stiffened briefly but soon returned to normal.

At least it was not the worst outcome; even without the loss of his origin, he had never really expected his brothers to bow to him.

Trying to calm his agitation, Cronus was about to say something to lighten the mood, but the rising figures of Themis and Hyperion made it even more difficult for him to maintain his composure.

After the Ocean Deity Sovereign had left, he realized that he could not make these brothers submit to him. So, he prepared to make concessions proactively, instead of being coerced by the collective will of the gods.

But clearly, the God of Sun was not going to give him that chance.

“Ha ha, to my newly crowned sovereign, just like our eldest brother and sister, we are also preparing to leave,” Hyperion declared.

“The Mountain of the Gods is never as warm as the sun, so I still prefer it there a little bit more.”

Hyperion looked at his ‘former brother’ whose complexion seemed rather unsightly, feeling a bit of satisfaction in his heart.

You plotted and schemed, deceiving Father from the very beginning, but what of it?

Even if you’ve assumed the position of the Divine King, no one will truly submit to you!

“I suppose you wouldn’t, like our father once did, forcibly keep us by your side, would you?” Hyperion said with a smile that seemed to carry genuine respect for the Divine King before him:

“Such brutal acts are not befitting of a Divine King.”

“…Of course, you’re right,” Cronus said coldly. Among all the brothers, Hyperion had always been the one with the greatest ambition.

Perhaps it was the influence of his godhood, but being the Sun God, he naturally craved power.

“Then go back, back to your sun. Since you like it there so much, stay there for good.”

“Hehe, of course. As the center of the starry sky, it is only right that I remain there.”

With a light chuckle, Hyperion didn’t take the Divine King’s words to heart.

The earth belonged to the Mother Goddess and the Mountain God, the great ocean to the two Sea Gods, and the starry sky was his domain. He was curious, what was left for Cronus, the Divine King?

“Let’s go, Theia. I wish for your swift recovery, Mother. And to you, my dear brother, may your reign be eternal.”

The God of Sun left with the God of Eyesight, and Mount Othrys suddenly felt much emptier.

Seeing this, the remaining Titans exchanged glances. Eventually, each of them stood up and bid their farewells to Cronus.

Phoebe and Coeus went together to the heavens; as gods of celestial bodies and light, they would be neighbors to Hyperion. Themis did not explicitly say she was leaving, but she mentioned wanting to walk the earth since she’d been confined to the Mountain of the Gods for too long; Mnemosyne was still resentful towards Laine and wanted to try visiting the Lady of Night to find out what had become of Laine.

She did not dare to go directly to the Underworld to confirm it for herself, well aware of how weak her own power was.

In the end, only Rhea, Crius, and Iapetus remained.

Meteorology is fickle, so Crius stayed, using Mount Othrys as his foothold. Influenced by authority, Rhea had always been close to Cronus, so she had no intention of leaving.

As for Iapetus, he simply felt too weak and preferred to stay on the Mountain of the Gods.

“You’re welcome to stay. I am not our father, here you may do as you please,” Cronus said.

Forcing a smile, Cronus didn’t care whether his dejection was noticed or not. Everything that had happened today had humiliated him, the new king, but he was powerless to change it.

“You just need time, Cronus,” Rhea consoled her brother:

“When you have fully seized control of the Divine King’s throne, things will be different.”

“I will be with you. Even if we can’t compare to Father and Mother, you can gradually establish your own reign.”

“Yes, you’re right, Rhea. At least you have always been by my side.”

Feeling somewhat consoled, Cronus arranged accommodations for Crius and Iapetus. When he was alone, he stood atop Mount Othrys, looking down upon the earth.

Under the night sky, stars twinkled, and the vast earth lay silent.

Regardless, the old era had passed, and a new era had arrived. At least, he was now the Divine King.

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