
Chapter 69 Death's Thief

Chapter 69 Death“s Thief

Even for simple wounds, removing already created scar tissue before magical healing would be a long-term benefit. On top of any sort of infecting agents.

He wondered if he could even reform DNA or the Soul, given time, but left such notions for a far later date. Along with the hope, that the Fae's disease wasn't completely hereditary. He hoped it was closer to where certain Fae were simply more predisposed to catching it, but a disease nonetheless.

However, it quickly represented another problem to his spell; race. At least the race, as defined by this world.

Manipulating Mana into someone's body was different for every single system recognized race, even if [Mana Manipulation] assisted. Which meant likely the same for Arcane Power. This was his first time developing, or more telling, hearing of a spell with so many factors to take into account. He was already pondering how to incorporate his anatomical knowledge into a magical [Will of the Arcane] infused word or phrase representing a race.

Fae would obviously be the first choice. Demons, or rather a specific Half-Demon, competing for that spot. Not that he was able to acquire a Half-Demon Anatomy skill as of yet. It's not like he could open Kara up and see if that would do it. And studying her body at night hadn't given any anatomy related progress.

Though, he could admit to not trying for it in that case.

But there was a problem with Fae; their corpses disappeared too quickly. He could study a Demon corpse as long as he wanted and could create one that died just moments ago in [Sleep Learning], meaning the results wouldn't be too different from a living sample even if it lacked a Soul.

But any Fae corpse recreated in [Sleep Learning] started decaying into loose magic the moment it was made.

Test Subjects…

Rainer frowned. Fae certainly had to have criminals deserving of such a fate, despite his own knowledge of why laws existed against certain types of human research in his world. Having chosen Biology as a major for his first year of college he understood the laws behind such a thing. He knew the sordid history and lack of real success behind such trials.

It wasn't just that you could be using innocent people, that was only on the surface. But for any real research, the amount of people needed to even find out smaller things would be astronomical. Biological creatures were quite complex.

Which inevitably would lead to trumped up charges or other approaches to meet such a massive amount needed.

But with Maya's mind magic he could verify they were truly guilty of heinous crimes and the general ease of which Fae could be superficially healed with Mana meant he wouldn't actually need that many subjects.

But he wasn't sure if he was ready to take that step against people who hadn't done anything personally to him. And it was a fact that many criminals often lived a life subjected to crime. It was sometimes hard to say who was the actual guilty party in any committed crime.

Of course, as hypocritical as Rainer knew it to be, if they committed a crime against him personally then he blamed them fully for their actions.

Demons attempting to capture and subject Kara to a fate of breeding heirs for whatever Prince they worked for were far easier for Rainer to justify experimenting on.

But he needed to pay Quera back. Which meant healing her mother, alongside the deal he had with Maya. So, it came time to talk to Laneth's father about acquiring some of these prisoners and getting the worst ones he could find with Maya's help. Someone who lived a good life but still committed evil for whatever reason.

Whether or not he'd actually go through with what promised to be unpleasant testing, given that until he got it right, the Arcane Power would likely end any form of sleeping or stasis magic, was left to be seen.

His system-created hilt had after all proven the only type of enchanting ever to resist it. And even that was up in the air. Rainer was all but sure if he tried to destroy it, there would be nothing left.

So, for now, he went back to the frustrating formula in front of him before two hands grabbing his own brought him out of it.

"You shouldn't pull so much on your hair, especially after how nice it looks now," Kara spoke from behind him.

He agreed with her on the topic of his new hair color, though her breath in his ear brought about another complication from his transformation.

Waking up with Luna currently away and pestering Laneth over what activities she could do in the Fae Realm, had led to morning activities between Rainer and Kara, breaking in the discovery of his ears not being entirely the same. They weren't sensitive like Kara's by any stretch, but it was enough to be far different than they once were capitalized by a bite from a Wolfkin.

He wondered just what else his near transformation to an Abyssal Elf had left behind apart from the otherwise harmless or positive changes. Rainer chuckled as he thought to learn some Elf stereotypes. Perhaps he'd gain a penchant for trees? Or whatever else Elves were supposed to like in this world.

"How's the spell coming along?"

"Not much more I can do without testing at this point," Rainer knew that wasn't entirely true. He had after all fully created [Void-walking] after a year of tireless and constant work and likely more luck than any one person deserved to have. But he didn't want to stay in what was now partially enemy territory longer than needed.

Which meant experimentation.

Kara hummed before bringing up part of the reason she interrupted him.

"Luna would never ask you this, but there's a huge festival three days from now. Compared to anything else she wanted to do she wanted that the most."

Luna not wanting to put him in a position where he either disappoints her or accepts the danger in revealing her before they planned to leave was just like the Fairy.

"Tell her to pick out what she wants to wear then, or rather play around and create what she wants to wear." Rainer answered, "Wait, do you mind if I suggest the idea to her?"

"It would make her happy."

Kara let go of his hands and put her own on his shoulders. Rainer was just about to ask her what was wrong when, after a long breath, she answered herself.

"Rainer…if we weren't together anymore, could I still stay with everyone?" She spoke quietly.

Rainer froze for a moment, before instantly coming to an understanding. If she wasn't with them, Kara's life was all but certain to be far worse or non-existent.

It wouldn't be easy, Rainer thought, but she was his friend before anything else. She had saved him as often as he saved her. He wouldn't abandon her. Nor would he force her to remain with him, not even counting Luna as well.

Rainer's heart sank, but he pushed forward nonetheless. To him, forcing Kara to accept his relationship with Luna because the alternative was death or worse, wasn't acceptable.

"You could; you are always welcome with us Kara."

"And you do not mind if afterward I took up with another?"

Rainer gave a self-depreciating smile, feeling even more so from Kara's tone that this was it for them, but answered anyways. He felt for a while something was off, and Kara's insistence to take the Trial far too early entered his mind.

At least he wouldn't have to deal with being alone with Luna still here. Deciding that being fully honest would help Kara believe him, he chose that route.

"If you left me for another man, yeah I would mind. The world being your enemy and all that is his and your problem then. But if you left me and then fell for another man. I can't fault you for that, nor would I. You are my friend first Kara. Ever since you rudely woke me up in a strange giddy form of excitement to teach me."

Kara let out a deep and relaxing breath, her head now leaning against his back before she got up and started heading out of the room.

For a brief moment, he felt lonely. Elru and Theodore were going to stay in the Fae Realm and then head to the Forbidden North for scouting. Furtak would switch between his home and the realm. The Fire-Touched and magically powerful Goblin having formed the starting of a relationship with Laneth's niece. Her grandfather had actually already given the Goblin his approval so long as he was serious. The display of the Fae Queen's strength as a wind-touched was still fresh in his mind, and so he had no qualms of a powerful addition as the goblin.

Fae, after all, saw powerful Mana and Magic as attractive. Even Amer received looks from several of the servant girls in the mansion, confusing him greatly. He knew from Rainer how important it was to hide his appearance when he left the Fae Realm, and he was familiar with how hideous the other denizens of the Abyssal Planes found them.

Rainer would miss the surly Devil, having enjoyed their discussions on Magic during their month together.

And now Kara would be leaving, perhaps for better or worse, without physically departing the group.

Rainer turned around, seeing her more relaxed than he had in ages, now feeling guilty he never brought this up to her. It was for the best he told himself. He didn't blame her.

Kara spoke without turning around, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"You know with the festival we'll be going to, the drinking of wine and your conjured water for Luna might make it the perfect time for all three of us to get together finally." Now assured that their relationship was her choice, she lost most of her reservations. That and the Fae's Mana-transferring at night left her curious.

Rainer stared at her retreating figure in shock, before realizing, or perhaps more hoping about, why she had been so relieved. It hadn't been that she could now leave Rainer and stay in his protection. It was that there was no longer an invisible pressure that forced her to stay with him.

Whether or not, out of joy or seeking confirmation, he Void-walked in front of her in an instant and wrapped her up in a kiss, one she returned once she got over her bemusement at the sudden show of affection. She hadn't thought him to be this happy of a night with both his loves, seeing as he never mentioned it.

But as they separated and she saw the look of relief that still adorned his face, she knew she made the wrong assumption. Not wanting to embarrass him, she decided to affirm her intent to stay with him. And Luna. She, however, was still a bit embarrassed when she had the previous day grabbed him as he awoke.

So, Kara decided, what was one more thing to be embarrassed about?

"Rainer, can you use [Mana Reading] on me, now that I have Mana?"

"Kara I would nev-"

"I know," She assured him. She knew he would never use it on her, which made the next part a source of shame, "But I used something similar on you. I listened to your heartbeat as close as my nature afforded me to. I want you to use it now."

Seeing the [Archon] only furrow his brows for a brief moment before nodding, she continued, though looking down.

"I needed to know. I had to know that it was my decision to stay with you, to love you, to accept Luna. That I wasn't just afraid…"


Her gold and crimson eyes gleamed with Aura for a moment as she looked into his.

"It was completely my decision."

"I'm glad to hear."

"You…aren't mad?" She asked, remembering her admittance just a moment ago.

Rainer knew he probably should be, but he wasn't. He was rather happy that Kara didn't have this weighing over her anymore, a part of him hoping this was why she wanted to rush towards the Trial. And with her knowing he told the truth, then all the better. And that he might be able slow her down a bit now from taking her advancement quest.

"I'm furious," He answered, "So you'll have to make it up to me."

Kara returned his grin the moment she realized he wasn't serious. Rainer let out a laugh as he wrapped the Wolfkin in a Void-walk and landed back on their bed.

Magic could wait till later.

Rainer sat across the orange-eyed and haired older Prince as the Fairy thought over the [Archon]'s request. Prince Laneth's father didn't seem bothered by the request itself but rather how to answer it.

"I can get you the access and choice of life interned prisoners you desire, but the difficulty of the request would differ greatly depending on why."

"Curing Akhor's Sickness,"

He drew a sharp breath. Unlike others, he knew Rainer wasn't from an actual Arcane Order, which made the claim that he had a chance at doing such a thing even more astounding. That, the sudden levels and raw power the now [Harbinger] gained over the course of a day did nothing to calm him.


"I have a good chance. The only issue is the first stage of testing will be painful. The magic I will be using counteracts any form of sleeping magic or enchantment. Something that first needs to be solved." He explained, knowing the Fae in front of him might ask why he didn't just put his subject to sleep.

"Criminal activities among those diseased is not uncommon so…"

Rainer interrupted him.

"Perhaps later. For now, I only need a Fae that I can test on with no guilt, as this should be the only stage that causes pain. A Fae pushed to crime from what is essentially castration, if I understand your race correctly, is not the best choice for me even if it's not a valid excuse for any to cause innocent suffering."

Rainer partially gave way his feelings on the matter, hoping he'd be seen more favorably. It wouldn't do for any possible ally to be too scared of him. And Laneth's father, despite his political background, utterly failed at hiding the mixture of shock and fear when he first appraised him after his return.

Laneth's father sat in thought. Rainer's previous self-healing from poison had been incredible. He only called a healer out of panic, for once he knew the actual poison, he believed the [Archon] would die for certain.

A poison so illegal any involvement in its making and use, apart from teaching nobles how to discern it, brought up one of the strictest punishments of their society; The permanent removal of Mana on top of life imprisonment. Fae viewed execution as a mercy, rather than a more severe punishment to life in prison.

It was the most lethal magical poison they knew of.

So, he was apt to believe the [Archon] had at least a chance of dealing with Akhor's sickness, despite other reservations of that being impossible. He was not the first in the long history of the Fae to try and cure this disease. After all, with their Fairy Dust, Gold, and [Fruit of the World Tree], Fae were one of the most valuable race to have in your debt.

And there was little some parents wouldn't give to see their children healthy and safe.

"I'll make the preparations. You do not mind if I tell this to necessary parties?" He then asked.

"Whatever you need to," Rainer said as both he and Laneth's father stood up, the Fairy giving him a short bow.

Rainer returned the Prince's gesture before leaving. A part of him wondered when the debts gained would finally be collected.

He didn't mind helping with the silly trial that decided their leader, but he wouldn't offer. No need to step on the entirety of the Fae Courts toes until he needed to. Or until he was powerful enough it was at most a minor inconvenience.

Which could be now, he mused. After all, some of the strongest Fae were quite happy with him. And if he shared some of the body enchantments he planned to advance with them? He may very well be welcome to join their Ruler's Trial no matter what politician tries to complain otherwise.

Rainer left to find Kara and Luna, quite excited to not only see the Fairy happy with the outing but to see the Fae's reactions to her class. If there were any.

He was hopeful for some entertainment beyond just the three of them enjoying their time together. Though, if a literary buff like Elru didn't see anything important about Luna's class he wondered if anyone else would.

Either way, he looked forward to the festivities.

Given the title, he imagined them to be quite grand.

The Celebration of the First Queen.

Luna had jumped at him the moment he told her the news. Rainer himself made sure to specify how much he wanted to go, though he was sure Luna caught on after the Fairy gave a glance towards Kara.

Soon after Rainer went to give the item he created for Gunthar along with a second gift that item allowed.

Gunthar sat in the hallway of their rooms as always, reminding Rainer of perhaps yet another thing he took for granted. The fact that Gunthar's dagger had been the most expensive item to make, tempered that a bit. It also gave an understanding as to why weapon based Aura users almost never received weapons as rewards when they desperately needed them.

Of his roughly 3,600 points, Kara's ring had cost 700, his own 900, Luna's 500, Jor's a surprising 100 given the Serpents unique…everything, and Gunthar's 1,400. He would have added more to Jor's item but it didn't allow him to, leaving plenty for Gunthar's.

The dagger itself was far too expensive, even if the durability and sharpness was at best equal to Gunthar's current sword. But with [Aura Blade] available to him that wasn't the important part. It was the true feature of it that mattered.

[Death's Thief: A sharp yet durable dagger. Allows direct Soul Absorption for a Reaper-Type Class. Can only be used by Undead.]

Essentially, it by-passed the class that only allowed one to absorb what he killed, and instead opened it up to any soul.

Such as the [Devil King] Agmar in Rainer's ring.

Rainer sat silently beside the meditating Gunthar and handed over the dagger. Gunthar paused for a moment before the system created item's status was revealed to him, a unique trait of the system given items.

"Sorcerer this…"

"Is what you deserve," Rainer interrupted. Jor and his girls weren't the only people he realized he overlooked during his period of alone time. Half the reason he was even sane, or rather mostly sane he mused knowing a man who died over ten thousand deaths and suffered endless pain just to learn magic had limited sanity, was Gunthar's nightly presence. Not just his own safety but everyone else's. Even during the day, they knew they could relax far more than their situation normally allowed.

The undead's constant vigilance was comforting. And above all Rainer considered him his closest friend, having lost most of his during his year-long seclusion back home in any case. So, spending such an amount on what he knew the former paladin would love produced little hesitation in Rainer.

Gunthar was quite proud of not only his Aura abilities but his newly acquired ones. Frequently he sparred and practiced with the [Devil Lord] soul he consumed, adding on the flight ability from the recent Fae acquisition. Though his ethereal wings of black flames tinged with just a hint of the Arcane that flowed through his undead form were not exactly Fae looking.

"You ready for its first trial run then?"

Having been at a loss for words otherwise, Gunthar merely nodded. He didn't even bother to prepare himself as he knew whatever Soul the Sorcerer had him consume would surprise him.

Might as well embrace it.

"Alright, stand back a bit," Rainer said as the two faced each other. With his arm outstretched he released the powerful Devil's Soul.

But Rainer knew it wouldn't be that simple. And as Gunthar stabbed the loose Soul, only visible to those with [Soul Detection], the [Devil King] was not to be taken lightly.

The [Devil's Soul Language] escaped Rainer's mouth as he assaulted the loose Soul, he wrapped the words in Arcane further strengthening their power.

And with a pitiful screech that resounded through the entire mansion, Devil King Agmar was finally and truly no more, absorbed into Gunthar through [Death's Thief].

Gunthar's body cracked and contorted as his frame turned a pitch black and rose to a height of eight feet. Four curved horns grew out of his skull, and his eyes flashed in violet and black flames.

Black threads akin to muscle wrapped across the entirety of his body in an instant, giving him a small layer around his skeletal form.

Amer had rushed out of his room at the all too familiar presence, only to stop in shock as he looked at the transformed Skeleton.

Gunthar gave a hearty laugh as he swung his dagger and sword in concert, both covered in an [Aura Blade]. And despite his massive size moved faster than before. A brief flash passed through his mind as he realized he could utilize Miasma, but opted against it. After all, a Fae mansion wasn't the best place for such a test.

It was truly a powerful form. But Rainer felt Gunthar's Aura being drained. Its cost matched its power.

Gunthar returned to normal form, his sword sheathed and his dagger attached to his belt. No longer wearing any armor, but Fae constructed clothes set to change with his size; the skeleton covered in a faux black leather armor suffered no issue in his transformation.

"That was incredible…" Gunthar said, still remembering the power that flowed through him. But behind that, it was what he felt. The strange layer of muscle that covered him during the transformation felt almost alive. A reminder from a time so long ago, he couldn't not give it an exact year, nor century.

The skeleton was now left thinking that perhaps never reaching the second tier would not be the worst fate.

With Amer out here, Rainer thought it best to discuss the theory they came up with for Gunthar's Class advancement, an opposite to Gunthar's current thoughts.

They sat once more, Amer tentatively looking at the undead that seemed to break every rule involving their non-living kind.

"Undead, are any of your classes unaffected by your non-living state?" The Devil asked.

Gunthar's skeletal face was as unreadable as always as he thought over the classes he saw when he changed to [Arcane Reaper]. Even the simple [Warrior] class, had Skeletal in front of it. All had some modifier or variation that denoted its undead form. His current one was in fact the least obvious, as there existed a type of Demons with similar powers.

"I do not believe so,"

The Devil nodded, before speaking.

"Then perhaps you do not need a Trial at all. If your classes are now a product of your race, you may need to find a different path. But I do not doubt it is possible. Perhaps merely consuming more Souls will allow you to advance in power?"

Rainer agreed before adding in his own theory, "We might just need to figure out how a [Lich] becomes an [Arch-Lich], and find a way to work that for you. It would be hard to find, but if a 'Dark' magic existed for advancing a [Lich], there are plenty of those who practice 'Dark' magic in this world. And frankly, the Dragon Isles wouldn't be a bad start. The main power of the southern continent hates magic, and the Northern Continent is under the purview of the Mage Guilds. With rare exceptions like Raspard, the Dragon Isles, would be the best bet."

"My father mentioned a similar thing, though neither of us have any idea how a [Lich] advances."

"Then we'll figure it out," Rainer added with a smile. The [Archon] left the pair, as Amer asked questions on Gunthar's class ability. The Soul Mage was quite interested in how similar Gunthar felt to a [Devil King]. In the previous moment, he wasn't sure if he was to be running away or towards the source of power.

Walking back to his room, Rainer sank into thought. His talk of the world reminded him of a conversation with Laneth. The Prince being one who had traveled in the past. Particularly about information on the Southern Continent's largest power, the Tararein Empire. It was easy enough for a Fae skilled in Glamour to hide so long as he steered away from any truly powerful Aura users. And Laneth was never the cautious sort, in any case.

Rainer had been nearly brought to an ironic laughter as he learned of an empire that was far more progressive than his own modern country was at the same time far more racist than anything that had ever existed.

Women and men were entirely equal in the Empire. Not just under the law, but socially. Something his home world had not accomplished in any of the so-called modern or liberal countries, for either gender. Even in his 21st-century country, men watching their own children were seen as nothing more than babysitters by some and women still were not fully accepted in the workforce in even the most progressive countries. There were no such boundaries in the Empire.

In fact, their current Heir to the crown was a woman. Someone well beloved and held high as an unequal Aura user and apparently, a wielder of divine given power.

Black, white, or otherwise, skin color too mattered not what so ever for the diverse and massive empire.

Non-magical human was in the end human. It was an all but perfect empire for the time with its governmental structure as well, apart from one flaw; hatred. Yet both their tolerance and intolerance stemmed from the same source: Divinity.

There was no misinterpreting nor additions even needed to their holy texts. No flowery language or metaphors that could be read into as loving, hating or oppressing any specific thing. Nor was there any contradictory statements or stories. It was pure in intent, and there was no question what their Divine wanted of its believers.

And yet the same purity that has them as such a progressive society served another darker purpose. They hated all forms of magic. And given what Rainer knew of most non-humans he's thus met; their very existence was magical.

The empire's hate for their southern non-human neighbors was deeply ingrained. Anything non-human was seen as lesser and abominations of the highest order. They were not even worthy of being slaves to them. Their entire existence was an insult.

Mages were a sore subject. They hated them, as per their beliefs. Though, human mages were not on the same level as non-humans. It was helpful that while their scriptures decried magic as an existence, it didn't actually say anything about its users.

So, they tempered themselves with logic in this one case.

And Magic wielders were simply too strong to oppose, even if they treated them as pariahs openly. Their enchanted items too tempting as well to the Aura practicing nation. Not that they used any openly.

That and Mage Guilds paid beyond reason for any strong magically talented children the empire was happy to sell to them. The guilds themselves loved this fact. Taking a child away from parents, that hated them after viewing their status screens upon birth, to an environment where they were equivalent to nobles meant free and easy loyalty.

Gold had a long and universal history of triumphing over one's convictions.

The event that was Rainer's escape from the Abyssal Plane was far different for his pursuer, Void Lord Aurora.

Issuing insults and demands at the figures across from her, Void Lord Aurora's actual attention was on how to escape the prison placed on her. She had a slight hope to scare away the Cultist from this course of action or at the very least distract them, but she doubted it.

If he hadn't escaped when he had the chance, she found it unlikely to happen now.

Being nowhere near as angry as she appeared her mind raced as she thought a solution for escape.

She pushed her senses in every direction, seeking a way out of the hazy white dome that encompassed her and blocked her Void-traveling.

A movement in her left hand reminded her of the ice that covered part of her body, held back only by the Void within her. She couldn't remember when she last was afflicted, if ever, by elemental magic.

Suddenly, she was brought back to the escaping pair as she felt a massive surge of energy. She had only a moment to throw the entirety of her power in front of her as a beam of unleashed Arcane energy assailed her.

It was only pure luck the beam destroyed the dome trapping her, and only with skill she noticed in time to vanish.

Several trips through the Void later she collapsed into a safe house of her family's. It was the first thing on her mind when retreating as was trained into her. Her body was covered in burns despite her effort to stop the torrent of magic. Immediately recognizing the power as of their lord's, tall, thin figures rushed to her aid.

With the Void a part of their very bodies, Abyssal Elves lacked an ability to heal themselves. And the lithe figures that seemed to be made of bark and wood were not the only slaves they had at their disposal. The Abyssal Planes were a varied place.

Left as all but a burnt body, the tree-like figures set to work immediately, a healing ray of green going against her body.

In a twist of fate, only the earlier frost that covered her saved the Void Lord from death.

An invisible force lifted her up and onto a bed as the healing commenced. Eyes lacking anything other than black stared sadly as one of their members withered and aged before their eyes. Leaves from the aging individual's head and arms fell to the ground. They were the chosen of their people to be sacrificed to the Void Lords for such tasks. They themselves volunteered not wishing death on their people like so many before.

Even if there was nothing they could do, Void Lord Aurora's death would mean the suffering of their people now that she reached here.

It took only a few hours for the Void Lord to recover. The same time for another of their kind to die.

For Rainer and his party, two days passed with little issue. Laneth's father still worked on getting Rainer access to the prisoner while everyone else alternated on their own tasks. Luna was a constant presence near Rainer, working on consuming the armed [Arcane Bolt]s he set up for her whenever she had the chance.

Kara enjoyed spars with the now far stronger transformed Gunthar, even needing to use her own werewolf form at times.

And during the night before the entire day-long festival honoring the First Queen was to start, Rainer sat in [Sleep Learning] working on his rebirth spell once more. Yet with the Fae's unique way of dying, he had only a recently fallen and recreated Demon's corpse. They were magicial, the Demons, but nothing compared to the Fae.

No matter his success here, he'd still need a real Fae.

There would be differences to the spell when he tried to cure Akhor's. Differences he could only hammer out in reality.

He did not spend the entirety of his nights working it. As Rainer often found himself stuck and making no progress, he switched to creating new enchantments for Kara.

But now, it was time to attempt an Absolute Rebirth once more. He had gotten a basic, but still powerful version of the formula completed. One which mimicked his [Arcane Invigoration], and ignored the initial destruction part.

However, it came with a huge problem, the freezing effect of its prior form. The one that stilled Rainer's own heart if he used it for too long. And a much stronger effect at that, if his self-tests were any measure of it. No matter what he did, he couldn't get the energy to cycle along with his body as [Arcane Invigoration] did. So, it healed, but to heal any more than a regular healing spell would have a negative effect.

So, Rainer went in another direction. To use the flowing energies of destruction to avoid the freezing effect. To cycle it quickly enough that any Arcane healing energies would come without the huge negative.

Acting as if the demon's body was still alive, Rainer to its left inscribed a circle of blood. A smaller ritual circle he took from Amer's Avatar spell. This was meant to hold the Soul within the created Avatar. Rainer repurposed it so the Soul could not leave during the destruction part of the healing process.

Its purpose here was solely to practice not destroying it as he flooded his target's body with Arcane.

He rolled the Demon's corpse over onto the completed circle. Inscribing a more familiar one, a sleeping ritual circle, onto the body's forehead, he overpowered it as much as he could. He found it far more resistant to Arcane Energies than the Fae body enchantment for sleeping.

Positioning himself at the head of the corpse, Rainer begun once more, [Arcane Awakening] activated to its maximum as power flowed to his hands around the body's head.

An ethereal Arcane Voice left his lips.

"Race: Demon, Gender: Male"

Anatomical knowledge flowed to the forefront of his mind and magic.

"Ailment: Poison, Type: Unknown"

Magic shifted once more, Rainer's own memories of surviving the poisoned wine were brought forth. It did not matter the Demon in front of him suffered from no such thing.


The Arcane energies poured forth as he cast with the formula in his mind. The body of the Demon was flooded with power. The Arcane energy flowed throughout its body as Rainer focused on unleashing the energy within, same as when he used [Arcane Rage].

The dead Demon's veins seemed to alight with Arcane as the magic pulsed through him, generating a similar visual effect to Rainer's own [Arcane Rage].

As if reminding himself of it, he switched his own [Arcane Awakening] back to its original form, [Arcane Rage] for a brief moment.

The deceased demon continued to glow with Arcane Power as it attacked him. Were he not dead already, this would have done it.

Now Rainer pulled with the second part of the formula, to change the energy into the ordered [Arcane Invigoration] that he now used on himself as well. But as it always had in the past when he tried to merge with the destructive energy, it fought him. Any energy he brought in, merely merged with the destruction.

Slowly, it improved, but it was still nowhere near enough to offset any damage, nor heal it.

Looking down at his right arm, Rainer thought of [Arcane Awakening: Final Arcanum] and suddenly gained a new idea.

Runes flared up and down his left arms going up to shoulders and his shoulder blades. And with the intention not to use his own energy but the Arcane Energy rampaging through the Demon's body, he used the hastily made runes.

Rainer grimaced as he held in a gasp of pain. The Arcane Energy ripped through his body as it then discharged in a flame-like manner from behind him. The incomplete series of Runes did not add up to a skill, even with the presence of the [Archon] class.

And taking the flowing energy he created, he cycled the healing in. And the moments between his two words were not even a few seconds.


The spell flared as two flames of Arcane Energy erupted out to the left and right of Rainer from his back. The streams were weak, as Rainer used only a small amount of Arcane Power on the demon, but the white void was still fiercely lit with violet.

The Demon's body erupted in a powerful violet, as if on the cusp of explosion even with the smaller amount of energy actually going through him.

The healing energies of nature similar to [Arcane Invigoration] followed the flow set by the retreating destructive energy. No longer did the freezing effect linger but instead revived the destroyed flesh. The energies surged throughout the entire body before following its opposite into Rainer's arms.

And with one final pull, a radiate energy pulsed out from behind Rainer as the spell ended. His Manipulation skills, as it did in the past, filled in the missing portions of the formula. It left him with a still haphazard and stifled but completed success.

Letting out a ragged breath, he checked the Demon's body with [Arcane Sight]. Not all of the damage was healed in the slightest, and the two ritual circles were all entirely destroyed.

But the presence of the system message and the sight of a new temporarily tier 5 spell, let him know how far he went.

[Spell Gained: Absolute Rebirth lvl 1/13]

And the maximum level, how far he needed to go.

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